Problem with the Skill Class

Skill class is one of the weakest classes in MCOC. Here's what I think is the problem: Kabam is too stingy with sticking to the classic skill characteristics and not branching out.
Skill characteristics: Shrug off/Purify, Bleed, AAR. DDHK is like the quintessential skill champ, he pretty much has all of these characteristics.
Brian made a really good point on a stream. If you look at the two best skill champs: Aegon and NF. They are two of the most extreme champions in the contest. Aegon might be the most extreme champ since he is meant for "Everest" content and NF is synergy god that is two champions jammed into one. Evidently, the only way for Kabam to make a meta skill champ is for them to make their kit extreme, otherwise they just seem mediocre like the ones we got in 2020.
Mystic Class used to be one of the weakest at a point but they turned it around. Part of the turnaround was Claire and Dragon Man. Two mystics who had traits outside the typical mystic. Dragon man being a robot with immunities and Claire being an versatile immunity queen. The mutant class is the best class, while they do have traits (healing, big special dmg, prowess) on average their champ kits are very diverse and unique to each mutant.
This is what I think Kabam needs to do basically: just don't stick so close to these skill characteristics and branch out a little. BWDO (shock dmg) and Stealthy (slow) are good, but we need more. Hercules could've been a skill champ with a lot of properties of a cosmic but alas he is cosmic and not skill. At the same time, the problem could also be perhaps, dare I say, a lack of creativity? Mystic class used to be a weak class, but additions like Claire, Doom, Longshot, Mojo, Tigra, Sorcerer Supreme, Dragon Man, Sasquatch, Man-Thing have all been not only good additions, but imo all those champs have quite creative kits in comparison to skill recents like BWDO, Hit-monkey, Squirrel Girl, Moleman. This is just my opinion tho.
What do you guys think is the problem with the skill class or do you think there is no problem at all? A lack of creativity, a lack of branching out, a lack of creativity due to not wanting to branch out? Something else?
Skill characteristics: Shrug off/Purify, Bleed, AAR. DDHK is like the quintessential skill champ, he pretty much has all of these characteristics.
Brian made a really good point on a stream. If you look at the two best skill champs: Aegon and NF. They are two of the most extreme champions in the contest. Aegon might be the most extreme champ since he is meant for "Everest" content and NF is synergy god that is two champions jammed into one. Evidently, the only way for Kabam to make a meta skill champ is for them to make their kit extreme, otherwise they just seem mediocre like the ones we got in 2020.
Mystic Class used to be one of the weakest at a point but they turned it around. Part of the turnaround was Claire and Dragon Man. Two mystics who had traits outside the typical mystic. Dragon man being a robot with immunities and Claire being an versatile immunity queen. The mutant class is the best class, while they do have traits (healing, big special dmg, prowess) on average their champ kits are very diverse and unique to each mutant.
This is what I think Kabam needs to do basically: just don't stick so close to these skill characteristics and branch out a little. BWDO (shock dmg) and Stealthy (slow) are good, but we need more. Hercules could've been a skill champ with a lot of properties of a cosmic but alas he is cosmic and not skill. At the same time, the problem could also be perhaps, dare I say, a lack of creativity? Mystic class used to be a weak class, but additions like Claire, Doom, Longshot, Mojo, Tigra, Sorcerer Supreme, Dragon Man, Sasquatch, Man-Thing have all been not only good additions, but imo all those champs have quite creative kits in comparison to skill recents like BWDO, Hit-monkey, Squirrel Girl, Moleman. This is just my opinion tho.
What do you guys think is the problem with the skill class or do you think there is no problem at all? A lack of creativity, a lack of branching out, a lack of creativity due to not wanting to branch out? Something else?
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
Also skill has Ronin so skill is best.
Whereas with skill I agree with the OP that there is a lack of good branching out (besides Ronin, he is op).
Tech has 3 (arguably) "meta" champs with several others being extremely useful. However I find that most tech champs aren't super fun to play.
I feel like there are 4/5 tech meta champs
Ghost (duh)
Warlock (Utility)
G99 (People use her alot in Aq and AW)
Sentinel (Like the second best champ for all of the variants combined (behind maybe Venom)
Guardian (debatable but I've seen him in war alot, and in AQ)
The thing is I think the should get more top meta champs
Ghost Warlock and G99 are the 3 meta. Again I personally don't like G99 (I don't like her ramp up and how easy it is to not keep that combo from fight to fight if things die before getting to an SP3), but she is extremely useful.
Sentinel has fallen off a lot. Everything he can do, Warlock can do with the exception of unstoppable on heavy attacks, and incinerates on specials. Both are XL. Both can heal block. Both can shock. Both can armor break. Both are poison and bleed immune. Warlock can power drain which is his biggest benefit. Warlock is coldsnap/frostbite immune.
Guardian has a lot going for him, but nothing that I would take him over Warlock or Ghost for, with the only exception being Thorns or spiked armor (I can never remember which one it is) but in that case I would probably take G99 over him.
If you don't have Ghost/Warlock/G99 then Guardian is a fantastic choice that will help, but as soon as you start getting top tier champs (not just in tech, but in all other classes as well) his value starts diminishing quite a lot.
Several good examples of what I mean:
Taskmaster has the most inconsistent kit (not WORST, but INCONSISTENT, in that none of it works out like it could or should), so I'll start with him since it'll be the longest (and messiest, like his abilities page).
1. Taskmaster's Photographic Reflexes is terrible currently; I don't even know the upper limit of its AAR, since you can't even tell how much he reduces the opponent's AA currently.
Easy update to utility: Redefine "Unique Attacks" as every move you and/or your opponent can throw out; all light attacks, medium attacks, specials, everything. 100% DAAR once you throw every move and special you have, 90% Perfect Block chance once the opponent throws everything but an sp3.
Easy fix to user-friendliness: Place charges on yourself for every move your opponent throws out, and vice versa, so you can keep track of how far their AA has gone down.
Also, maybe make his Photographic Reflexes neither a passive nor a debuff? Not sure about this one, but it would be a useful niche utility against champs like Mephisto or Mysterio. (Not against Longshot's 300% AA though)
2. Easy change to improve Taskmaster's damage: double his Exploit Weakness damage (whose utility is scuffed in of themselves, but I don't know how to address that).
3. Learn the Foe (his 10 Debuff Immune parlor trick) is ineffective and ignorable at best; just make it work similar to Apoc's immunities/evade prevention, where the potency reduction/immunity persists throughout the quest, and you have an OP champ for that ability alone.
Don't worry, it gets a lot easier to read and follow from here.
Agent Venom's utility is okay-ish, but the damage is nonexistent. Easiest fix to his damage is to quadruple Klyntar Rage's current potency, and for AV to gain one each time he throws a special (up to 5 times); he'd still lose them the same way he does now. He also needs a bump up in Evasion chance reduction, and should have doubled potency vs. Spider-Verse champs (similar to Red Goblin).
Crossbones doesn't need too much, either. Just have each fury increase Crit Rating instead of Crit Damage (if I understood that part of his abilities, it's poorly worded), and halve the time to enter Overrun, its cooldown, and its downsides. Purifying debuffs could also refresh active furies, to maintain the stacks for longer in debuff-heavy fights.
Karnak needs either some way to increase his Critical Damage Rating, or should have his base Critical Damage Rating increased a bunch. Also, Daze is a sweet mechanic, maybe put it on all his specials at varying potencies (stacking, of course). As for his Class Disadvantage mechanic, just remove CD permanently the first time he's Focused.
I'm not saying this idea of magnifying their abilities applies to the entire skill class of course, as Moon Knight is a character that exists, but most of the class needs only some tweaks to their abilities for them to become relevant.
I still don't know how to explain what I meant by "redefine," sorry.
I do hope that champions like Black Panther (civil war) and Killmonger, given they're wearing vibranium suit, should be given abit of DOT protection. DD (classic), BW (classic), Moon Knight, Elektra and Ronin should be given a stealth-like ability where opponent has a chance to miss on-hit and the next hit after (opponent missing) is a guaranteed critical hit. Falcon is on flight mode, should have at least a chance to evade projectile hits. Even Bucky's signature could be more like HYDRA mind-control mechanism (ala civil war), where every x seconds, he goes berserk for x seconds and once berserk wears off, he gains a weakness for x seconds. Something like that will make these skill champions alot more fun to play with.
I enjoy the CAV EQ and I always utilize all of the class specific buffs per quest but if it's the Skill one, I ignore it. I don't have Nick, GP, or Hit Monkey and I only have Falcon ranked up past R3. He's kinda okay for that quest but champions of the other classes will still be better for clearing and exploration.
The problem with skill is it doesn't have a defining character that is currently needed in the game. Nick Fury and Aegon are outliers.
Falcon is a good step forward, DDHK was made to be an annoying defender, and if the buffs for Kingpin and Mole Man turns out to be really good, everyone might gave the Skill class another look.