My (Unpopular) Opinion on AW Season

1ts thing 1st, forgive my english...
I hate AWs since the beginning. I consider myself a good player and I played some master season in the past. But it was during the cretaceus era when tyrannosaurus rex dominated the world and the biggest AW problem was to have something immune to bleed and poison... I always considered AW pretty stupid: there is no skill if you don't have the right champions to place and no one can convince me I'm wrong about this.
Then, after reading zillion of internal fights because, "F*** you, why you die against him" - "HEY, use ton of items" - "We lost because of you" and people relaxing there when only few do the hard work spending resources, I said to myself it was time to stop. And it was around the time kabam decided to NERF mystic dispersion.
So I found an ally where everyone thought the same and we only focused on AQ and solo contents. Unfortunately, good things come to an end, and now that ally is no more.
Now I'm ready to start a new chapter with some new guys and they do AW season (Platinum 3). I said ok, let me try it again. So we did a couple of test wars and... Damn, it's crazy! I had to spend "hours" to read all the stupid nodes, global nodes, tactics, at the point that I said "F*** I'm going without reading" and I'm already thinking about quitting the ally before the new season start.
Meanwhile, the "arrogance" of some players is not changed. Do this, do that! An officer told me I must use items because that's what they do to secure the victory! (didn't die a single time).
Conclusion is: is this still a game? Is spending time reading some bad descripted (and translated) nodes funny? Do we get paid for spending an enormous amount of time?
I hate AWs since the beginning. I consider myself a good player and I played some master season in the past. But it was during the cretaceus era when tyrannosaurus rex dominated the world and the biggest AW problem was to have something immune to bleed and poison... I always considered AW pretty stupid: there is no skill if you don't have the right champions to place and no one can convince me I'm wrong about this.
Then, after reading zillion of internal fights because, "F*** you, why you die against him" - "HEY, use ton of items" - "We lost because of you" and people relaxing there when only few do the hard work spending resources, I said to myself it was time to stop. And it was around the time kabam decided to NERF mystic dispersion.
So I found an ally where everyone thought the same and we only focused on AQ and solo contents. Unfortunately, good things come to an end, and now that ally is no more.
Now I'm ready to start a new chapter with some new guys and they do AW season (Platinum 3). I said ok, let me try it again. So we did a couple of test wars and... Damn, it's crazy! I had to spend "hours" to read all the stupid nodes, global nodes, tactics, at the point that I said "F*** I'm going without reading" and I'm already thinking about quitting the ally before the new season start.
Meanwhile, the "arrogance" of some players is not changed. Do this, do that! An officer told me I must use items because that's what they do to secure the victory! (didn't die a single time).
Conclusion is: is this still a game? Is spending time reading some bad descripted (and translated) nodes funny? Do we get paid for spending an enormous amount of time?
On the issue of having your alliance mates screaming at you and telling you what to do.... I agree with @Worknprogress on this. Also, you noticed that it’s not Kabam’s fault but your alliance mates’.
To put it simply, if you can’t take the heat, you shouldn’t be there. There are alliances that rank P3 easily without spending a ton of items (usually 20/20 prior to Season is enough to last the whole Season). But those guys are really skilled and if you want that kind of rewards with that kind of expenditure, then you have to get up to speed.
Meanwhile there are quite a few normal alliance although perhaps not at your level . You should try looking for them
Some path are harder than others and you actuly only need to read all the fights you want to take or are told to take.
Also we have offseason so you can try and experiment as much as you want.
The point about using items is pretty crucial tho.
If you dont get hit you dont have to use items (for the most part).
So if you have to use items it is bc you lost some health before and prob bc of mistakes.
Also buying heals with glory can offset any items you have to use. And when you are good you dont even have to buy too much of them and have enough for other stuff.
And let me tell you something from the officer perspective:
If I see some1 entering a fight with 30% hp and giving a death (in season) he prob gets kicked except if he had a very good reason for that.
When you play T2 P2/1 it comes to single deaths that decide wars with sometimes 20 or less deaths total.
The rules that are in place for War usually have a reason behind them.
It is not about the ego of a single player but about the alliance.
If war isnt for you that is fine. I took a season off at some point as well. But at least follow the rules the alliance has in place or move on.
Each paths or defenders need to have some good counter in order to get through without dying. Boosting up is always what you want to do to get the KO done.
We just play and do our best. We end up in gold 2 or gold 3, doesn't matter to our alliances. We try to minimize mistakes and win the war.
2 things needed to revive war as a fun format;
1. Rewards buff, the keep up with AQ and monthly EQ.
2. Change the max item use limit to 3, or at most 5. Normalise not finishing the map and make it a test of skill rather than wallets.
There's plenty of AQ focused Ally's out there. It's also possible you just aren't very good at the game.
That’s nothing to do with arrogance on the part of officers - in general - it’s part of the game mode, it’s competitive. Officers spend hours each season planning paths and matchups so their alliance members have as smooth a run through AW as possible and give everyone the best chance of winning, sure they might not get it right every time but it’s not an easy job.
If you can’t be bothered to read the nodes properly or do your bit for the team then maybe this isn’t the game for you.
As an alliance leader, I find it helpful when recruiting to completely explain our alliances goals and rules, such as whether you are required to revive and boost in AW. This helps avoid cases like your in which you joined an alliance and learned later that they had rules you did not like.
There are tons of alliances out there in which AW is optional, or done more casually, so make sure to ask the right questions when someone is recruiting you, to make sure you and the alliance are a good fit.