Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!



  • STARKtechSTARKtech Member Posts: 128
    Username:- STARKtech.
    Approximate Date/Time :- 10:09 am indian time ,6th feb
    Champion Involved:- nick fury(awakened) 4 star and cull obsidian (unawakened) 6 star
    Opponent Champion:- for everyone not aparticular champion
    Game Mode:- nick fury in mixed emotions chapter 3 quest 2 and cull in alliance quest map 4

    When i just observed this i just restarted game and everything is normal, but why the hell is happned like that.
  • MarkovaMarkova Member Posts: 6
    Username: Agent Markova
    OS: Android
    Device: Redmi K20 pro
    Date and Time: Feb 6th 2021 @ 10:30 IST
    Champion: 5 stars Nick Fury Rank 5 Sig level 60
    Opponent: various
    Quest : Mixed emotions chapter 3 quest 2.
    Difficulty: Uncollected

    Persistent charge on nick fury was not there when i entered the fight .
    After few minutes my game crashed so i restarted it then i was able see the persistent charge on nick fury but lot of health was lost due to it. Please see to it and ensure it doesn't happen again
  • mani274mani274 Member Posts: 94
    edited February 2021
    - Username : M___V!HS
    - Time: 2/5/2021 12 IST
    - Champ : Nick Fury 5 * 100 sig
    - Opponent: Master Side Quest All Nodes
    - Game Mode: Monthly Side Quest
    - Happened with all nodes in the path

    - 4* Nick Fury
    - Time - 4/2/2021 don't remember time
    - Arena
    - Don't remember opponent but it has romance synergy.
    - I didnt play with Nick after that in arena

    Nick Started with LMD destroyed at the start of fight in both cases.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Map 6 aq all fights sect 1 all or nothing path sect 2 poison/mirror image path
    Awakened CMM 5/65 sig 100
    Shows carryover charges in fight, but preflight screen shows nothing.
    Restarting game has no effect on the problem.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Oh yeah android, updated system and game.
  • SpideyDNASpideyDNA Member Posts: 34
    Username: SpideyDNA
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Noticing it on gameplay throughout the day on Quests of all types. Corvus is not getting his charges between fights for completing Missions.
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): 6-Star Corvus (not awakened).
    Opponent Champion: Any.
    Game Mode: Any Quests and Side Quests.
    Quest Node (if applicable): N/A.
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): Multiple times throughout yesterday and today.
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Didn't notice.
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): Only noticed it in the past couple days after the most recent update.
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? No.
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share. I don't typically screenshot my games, but I do play throughout the day, restart it, etc.
  • Swartzy84Swartzy84 Member Posts: 81

    device:Huawei P20pro
    time:06/02/21,08.00 AM GMT+2
    gamemode:AQ & Master mode monthly event
    champs:5* sign69 NF-AQ(against Diablo- started without the decoy mode),5*sign 85 CG(in master mode-I did kill civil warrior & gulk but no missions completed).tks

  • Gardhar90Gardhar90 Member Posts: 1
    Name: RAGNAR90
    Time: 06.02.2021
    Campions: 5* awakened Nick Fury, 5* awakened Cmm, 5* awakened Corvus
    Opponents: AQ skill symbioid, Cmm, Medusa, Symbiote Supreme
    Game mode: AQ
    Quest node: path 1 section 1 map 5 AQ

    This happened multiple times during one session.
    Multiple champions were missing persistent charges, for example cmm and corvus won't show how many charges they got and Nick Fury started the fight already in his 2nd life.
    Yes, this happened after last update.
    Restarting the game didn't help.
  • Husain_b128Husain_b128 Member Posts: 79
    Username: LĚĞĚŇĎ
    Bug encountered: 5th February
    5* Nick Fury Awakened
    All game modes
    It was continuing in all game modes. Even after closing and restarting the game it continued to happen.
  • Glenn1605Glenn1605 Member Posts: 1
    6 February 2021/11am

    Lost persisten charges on Corvus and Nick Fury, both 5star rank 5 and 4,(Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened

    All aponents
    Happens every other time I log in. If I close the app and start ut again it sometimes comes back.
    All champions I have loses their persistent charge at the same time.
    Yes. This startet after the new update.

  • Hamza_hxHamza_hx Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2021

    Username: hamza HX
    Date and Time: Feb 6th 2021
    Champion: Nick Fury Sig level 30
    It happened in Monthly Quest all chapters so far
    Opponent: various

    Once the first fight for Nick Fury started, I noticed that Nick Fury was losing health without getting hit until he had 30 percent health. I also noticed that his persistent charge number was not being shown during the fight. His Life Model Decoy was destroyed when the fight began. I tried restarting the game and updated to latest version of the game but problem still persists. It happend soo many times now, we want compensation for this.
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  • mhgodmhgod Member Posts: 3
    4:50 am CST
    5* Nick Fury and 5* G 2099
    6* Wasp
    Alliance Quest Map 7
    Do You Bleed/Limber

    Issue fixed itself after closing and reopening the game.

    Was forced to use revive/potion afterward to use NF

  • doubleslash404doubleslash404 Member Posts: 17

    Why does it say that unlock chapter 1 to play next chapter even I have 100% completed the previous one
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    This is getting frustrating, even for me. I login one day and persistent charges are working. I come back later and then they aren't. The science node on 1.1 of the Cav MEQ did the same. I tested it and saw it was working, I had to wait till.later and came back and it stopped working.

    I have noticed champs like CG and HT are hit and miss when it comes to whether they work without the icon. I've been able to use the Prefight for HT and it worked right away and then the other day it didn't in AW.

    NF and Apoc are affected the most as they lose all benefits related to their charges.
  • SuperFarzSuperFarz Member Posts: 166
    Username: Harrybpool

    Aegon has been messed up for a while. Not carrying over combos from fight to fight, and now just gone. Been happening for atleast a week.

    And it has happened in all game modes, most fights. So I'm not listing everything. Restarted, Uninstalled and reinstalled with no change.
  • RockDocRockDoc Member Posts: 13

    Username: PapasFritas~1
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 2/7/21 4pm PST
    Champion Involved: Nick Fury, Captain Marvel Movie, and Corvus
    Opponent Champion: Vision OG and Cap Marvel OG
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest map 6
    Quest Node (if applicable)

    This has been happening everywhere! In AQ, and AW and has cost me fights when my fury just immediately dies.
  • AhmedreamyAhmedreamy Member Posts: 12
    Username : Elliot Alderson
    Aproximate Time and Date : 09-02-21 5:50pm (Gmt+5)
    Champion involved : Human Torch 6* rank 3 undupe
    Opponent Character: 6* Doctor Doom
    Game Mode : Alliance War
    I used my Human Torch Prefight Ability Against AW Boss Doctor Doom, before the start i activated it and when i got into fight there was no Nove Flame On Human Torch ans he was just Applying Incenerate. I couldn’t make a video or Ss cuz i was in the boss fight and didn’t want to waste any time. The problem here is this is a very main Part of the whole Aw and just because of no nova flame i lost the attack bonus.
  • Player_SlasherPlayer_Slasher Member Posts: 157 ★★
    Username: Player Slasher
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 9 Feb 2021 (GMT+8)
    Champion Involved: 5* awakened Nick & Apocalypse
    Opponent Champion: AQ Symbioids
    Game Mode: AQ Map5

    I started AQ with both champs missing their persistent charges. Nick's one has happened a few times before but Apocalypse is new. Somehow he didn't have persistents but could still gain prowess between fights.
    They returned after I restarted the game.

  • ThethTheth Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2021
    Act6.3.6 CAIw boss also bugged. no destructive feedback and no surging vengeance

  • SoulcrisherSoulcrisher Member Posts: 44

    Greetings Summoners,

    Some of you have recently reported that you've had issues where your Champions seem to be missing their Persistant Charges. This is a strange bug that seems to affect each user differently. Most Summoners were completely unaffected, but some had lost charges on all of their Champions.

    We're looking to get to the bottom of this and could use your help. If you encountered these issues, can you please provide us with the following information:

    • Username
    • Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue
    • Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus)
    • Opponent Champion
    • Game Mode
    • Quest Node (if applicable)
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    • Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game)
    • Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
    • Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)
    • Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
    • Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
    Thank you all in advance for your help.
    9/2/2021 around 9.30am Ist
    5 star cull obsidian,5 star morningstar,4 star awakend nick fury,5 star awakened majo.
    Event quest:mixed emotions,chapter 2,quest 2
    It was before and after( I have encountered such bug 5 times in past 2 months)

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  • anbu7dhonianbu7dhoni Member Posts: 15

    Username: Anbu7Dhoni

    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue : Feb 5, 2021 5:55 AM IST
    Champion Involved: Nick Fury Awakened R5
    Opponent Champion: Void
    Game Mode: Alliance War

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes and I restart and tried again but still facing the same issue
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes, Captain Marvel Movie also missing persistent charges
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? Yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? No
    Did a later session function properly? No

    Happening again and again, no fix have been made
  • Dhatrik007Dhatrik007 Member Posts: 8
    Username:- Dhatrik007
    Approximate time:- 4:01am IST 12th Feb 2021
    Champions involved:- Awakened Nick Fury
    Game Mode:- Alliance war
    Opponent champ:- Thing
    I restarted the game issue persist in Alliance war it has to be taken care but I see bug from Product side @Kabam Miike please have a look at this
    PFA attached photo proofs

  • polverine15polverine15 Member Posts: 191
    5 star awakened Nick Fury sig 180
    Gold 1 AW vs CMM on node 20
    2/11/21 @ 1730 EST
  • polverine15polverine15 Member Posts: 191

    5 star awakened Nick Fury sig 180
    Gold 1 AW vs CMM on node 20
    2/11/21 @ 1730 EST

    And 5 star awakened Corvus Glaive sig 106
    Also in today's AW
  • muddy17muddy17 Member Posts: 232

  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,754 ★★★★★
    Currently happening
    Nick Fury 5* 5/65 Awakened
    Nick Fury 5*

    Mine, and every Nick Fury I encountered so far within the last hour, start with zero charges @ their second phase. One NF (mine) and three AI so far.
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★

    Side quest chapter 2 quest 2
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