Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!



  • 3_wounds_33_wounds_3 Member Posts: 11
    IGN ₩ounds
    Time around 10am 19/2/21
    Nick fury 5* awakened started off in jos second life when it was my first fight with him. This happened during allaicne war against a spider gwen then a modok.
    I restarted my game and had the persistent charge back. Too late now he's under 30% massive joke. Costing resources. Please fix this
  • mdsubmdsub Member Posts: 180
    I just went into Uncollected monthly event using my 6 star awakened Fury. 2/19/21 10:50 AM EST No life model decoy fight 1 against Killmonger. Using an Android Galaxy S20 ultra
  • mdsubmdsub Member Posts: 180
    I think this may be exclusive to Android. I just jumped on using my IPad & did not have the issue
  • Pirate_JennyPirate_Jenny Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2021
    I’m on iOS exploring Book 2 and it happened to me just now for the first time ever. I only used Fury one fight and he went to his second life immediately. On a different path in a different quest, I used Mephisto multiple fights with no persistent charges each fight. I didn’t think to restart the game to see if that fixed it.

    I should add that, in general, the game was acting pretty nutty during this session. Lots of ‘wat da heck’ moments. For instance, holding block but my Venom just takes off running towards opponent and eats a special.
  • CometEarthCometEarth Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2021
    IGN CometEarth
    Champion: Nick fury 5* dup sig 21
    Today when i joined AW before the fight i saw that my fury didnt have the charges .
    After i restarted the game the charges appeared
    Also the same happened on a quest i got into a quest and the charges didnt appeared and fury started loosing health like he has on the second life. After the fight i restarted the app an my fury had his charge and after he died got into his second one .
  • AndrarioAndrario Member Posts: 17

    Username : andrario
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue : right now
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus) : 5 star awk corvus & nick fury
    Opponent Champion : war machine
    Game Mode : cav event quest chapter 3.2
    Quest Node (if applicable) : global mystic enhanced special 2
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game) yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance) yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? I dunno, not try it
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.

  • RockDocRockDoc Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit any updates yet on this bug? It's been affecting every mode of game play and it's very frustrating!
  • SonicSubhoSonicSubho Member Posts: 8
    Name Sonicsubho
    Date 23rd feb
    Champion Nick Fury sig36
    AW Tier 9. Path 7
    Opponent morning star
  • NeXt3nNeXt3n Member Posts: 21
    Username: NeXt3n
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 23/02/2021 around 11h50 (GMT+8)
    Champion Involved 5* sig 60
    Opponent Champion Hulk (classic)
    Game Mode ?
    Quest Node AQ map 7 path distrac ( first fight in section 2)

    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? i don't know
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Only NF was supposed to have 1 in my team !
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? it's the first time, I also used him yesterday in AQ, IT DIDN'T HAPPEND
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? can't test it, he is in AQ for now...
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share. NO

    It's really a shame to let that kind of bug going for so long. You are screwing with AQ, AW and nothing is done...
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  • Anmol2000Anmol2000 Member Posts: 3
    I recently got 5 star Nick Fury.
    And i straightaway ranked him to r5.
    But when i played him.. He straightaway went to Life model decoy mode and started degenerating.
    Also his Persistent charge is missing.
    Please look into this.
    This is happening in all the fight modes and against all the champions.
  • jwrigleyjwrigley Member Posts: 6
    Ign- Jwrigley
    Date of occurance 23.2.21
    Captain marvel movie first fight gained her charges but following fight match up no charges
    Corvus glaive no charges displayed or gained both fights in aq
    Human torch no persitant charge displayed this was in war.
    Device is a Huawei P30 (android)

  • Ryan_Reinforced1Ryan_Reinforced1 Member Posts: 8
    Username : Ryan Reinforced
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue : 23-Feb-21
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus) : 5star Nick Fury
    Opponent Champion : Thing
    Game Mode : Alliance war
    Quest Node (if applicable): node 53

    And some further questions as well:

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game) : Yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? : Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): Yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?: Rarely Works
  • Dyper7Dyper7 Member Posts: 3
    Username: Dyper7
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 23/2/21 1st case 04:00 and 2nd case 20:00
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability: 1st 5* Nick Fury awakened, 2nd 5* Corvus awakened
    Opponent Champion: 1st started on void and continued on Corvus ( i had no more fights afterwards) 2nd Boss on map 6 AQ Apocalypse
    Game Mode 1st AW and 2nd AQ
    Quest Node (if applicable)1st nodes 10 and 19 in war, 2nd Boss node on AQ

  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★★
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Tues 23rd Feb 2021 19:25 GMT
    Champion Involved: NF 5/65 130
    Opponent: (on character swap)
    Game mode: Quest 7.1.3 to RH from Spectre
    Node: Character swap
    Happen multiple Times: NA
    Fixed after restart: Yes
  • Dwayne55Dwayne55 Member Posts: 125

    First fight of AQ once again Nick fury starts second fight and defense to 30% health. Is this ever going to get fixed? A lot of players are having to spend ample resources for health and revives
  • DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Member Posts: 73
    This has been happening on and off for weeks now
    5 star captain marvel and Nick fury
    Multiple opponents
    Multiple game modes
  • KznKzn Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2021
    Username: KzN
    Time: between 1pm and 3pm +8gmt 23/02/2021
    Game mode: AQ map5 section 2 path d
    Opponent: ultron
    Champ: 5 star awakened cg
    Already had tech charge from bot fight. Fought ultron, got him to evade, hit him with a special, won the fight. Still only had one persistent charge next fight. Surely it shouldn't matter he's a tech champ, they are two separate missions.
  • EL145EL145 Member Posts: 46
    Happened today in aq. Also I used horseman on cable and he still had all the effects of 4 charges earlier.

  • SKARRSKARR Member Posts: 10

    Corvus without persistent charges..
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  • ubergamer11ubergamer11 Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2021
    I have Nick Fury, Human Torch and Cap. Marvel Movie and none of them are activating persistant charge in any game mode. I tried AW and quests.i tried restarting but didnt help.All are maxed out 5* . How long will it take you to solve this, i cannot clear content without them using persistant charges.
  • Old_Man_LimnosOld_Man_Limnos Member Posts: 60
    Username: Old Man Limnos
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 2/24/2021 12:45pm
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): 6* unawakened Corvus
    Opponent Champion: Punisher 99
    Game Mode: AQ
    Quest Node (if applicable): Infinity Blast
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? I noticed the bubble where the charges are usually reflected wasn’t appearing prior to entering the match. Nothing changed after the match. This was the first time I’ve noticed it.
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? I haven’t checked other champs.
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? It happened on the most recent version and was the first time I’ve noticed it.
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Yes. The charge appeared after I restarted the game.
    Screen shots before and after restart provided

  • KrayZStuntsKrayZStunts Member Posts: 4
    5* Nick Fury awakened with max sig. Took him into alliance quest yesterday and he started with no LMD. This is not the first time I have reported and this issue has cost me. I hope this gets fixed soon and we get compensated. I can't trust taking my best champions into any serious content.
  • Sbt3Sbt3 Member Posts: 35
    ign: sbt3
    Nick Fury 5* awakened went right away to degen and didn't have the LMD active.
    AQ map 4 opponent Hyperion 2nd section Node 38. This was the 1st fight that I used him in the quest

    He is the only champ I brought has persistent charges for AQ
    This was the first time I've ever had this happen to Nick.
  • Goji88Goji88 Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2021
    Username: Goji88

    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Around 5:10PM EST

    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): Duped 5 star Nick fury and sig ability is at 1.

    Opponent Champion: Mystic Doom bot who was linked with regeneration node.

    Game Mode: Map 5 AQ

    Quest Node (if applicable): The Doombot had a regeneration node linked to it and a 200% attack linked node to it.

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): It happened during one fight. I restarted app and the charge came back, so he lost more than 50% hp for no reason.

    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes corvus and my cmm had no persistent charges either.

    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): Ive never seen this happen.

    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?: Yes restarting corrected it. Nick still is missing his hp though.

    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share. not sure its useful, but heres a picture of my nick with lower hp. the charges are back at least.
  • MMFBMMFB Member Posts: 2
    Username: MMFB
    Date/Time: 2/24/2021 7:05pm EST
    Champions involved: 5 star Awakened Corvus Glaive (sig 20 ish), 5 star awakened Aegon (sig 197)

    Opponents: Rulk, multiple doombots, Quake
    AQ Map5
    Nodes didn’t affect it.
    I just noticed this starting to happen. It was not like this in AQ earlier today but did start when he started a new AQ.

  • VerminmanVerminman Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2021
    Happened on my iPhone 11 as well, had to spend units on a revive twice, I assumed shutting off the game and starting the game would work. It did not.

    Nick Fury always starts with Fury
  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 141 ★★
    edited February 2021
    Username: JJJMJJJ
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 24/02/2021
    Champion Involved: all champions with charges and cull obsidian also lost thanos’ favor buff
    Opponent Champion: all
    Game Mode: Arena

    It started today. it happens after your maintenance mode......
    How we can play with this bug!?!?
  • TimonandpumbaTimonandpumba Member Posts: 4
    My nick fury missing his persistent charge. My Nick is 5/65 and signature 21. I am sharing 2 screen shots of same fight on different day. Map7 void fight day 3 and 4.

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