I thought She-Hulk had a thing on Mephisto. Maybe not. Move along...

Forget it, looks like I was wrong. Must have just been a lucky fight, on the right side of the triggering percentages...
[So I was doing my last run of heroic 3.2 tonight, brought in Elektra, Psylocke, Kamala, Jane Foster and She-Hulk.
Took Elektra in, wondering if she could get around triggering Mephisto's aura, that bombed.
Took She-Hulk next, counting on her class advantage. To my surprise, Aura of Incineration didn't trigger once. My She-Hulk is duped, sig 20, so I guess her Citing precedent sig (reduces a specific stat by 14.77%) played a role in that (aura has a 5-14.98% chance of activation, going from the champion spotlight).
Can anyone else confirm if this happens to them too? Or can someone provide a Mephisto sparring partner so I can try this intentionally? Thanks!
She-Hulk, Mephisto Slayer? Who knows, maybe Kamala or Gwen will be the key to the final boss of act 5!]
[So I was doing my last run of heroic 3.2 tonight, brought in Elektra, Psylocke, Kamala, Jane Foster and She-Hulk.
Took Elektra in, wondering if she could get around triggering Mephisto's aura, that bombed.
Took She-Hulk next, counting on her class advantage. To my surprise, Aura of Incineration didn't trigger once. My She-Hulk is duped, sig 20, so I guess her Citing precedent sig (reduces a specific stat by 14.77%) played a role in that (aura has a 5-14.98% chance of activation, going from the champion spotlight).
Can anyone else confirm if this happens to them too? Or can someone provide a Mephisto sparring partner so I can try this intentionally? Thanks!
She-Hulk, Mephisto Slayer? Who knows, maybe Kamala or Gwen will be the key to the final boss of act 5!]
Her Citing Precedence depends on the class of the opponent. Against mystic I think she reduces power gain. I know for a fact ability accuracy reduction is tech.