How different would the Contest be if Thor was never nerfed?

This not asking for them to revert him because he was so broken before I just want to know how different the contest would be if he was still OP because he used to be able to take down ROL Winter Soldier in 9 hits.
How different would the Contest be if Thor was never nerfed? 123 votes
I miss OG moon night rip stun chains
His nerf was brutal
And you can't even really deal a -100% armor break as that is not possible in the flat stats system. Today, I believe a -2000 armor break roughly doubles damage. If you stack six of those, you end up at about 6x damage. Which is great, Cosmic Ghost Rider does very well with much less. But this is one tenth the damage output that comparable armor breaks would have done in 11.0, which is how OG Thor was able to reach the levels of damage he did prior to 12.0.
In a world where Thor's armor breaks still worked the same way, and by extension so did everyone else's, it is impossible to say how different the game would be today, except to say it would be totally different.
Armour never stopped being able to go negative. They planned to do that, at the same time they planned to give every champ critical resistance, block penetration and so on. Everything was rolled back; but for some reason everyone had the impression that the armour not being able to go negative had stuck.
My reparries are on point