Abyss 100% rewards...

Just got done with my last abyss path

Went for AA from the Nexus crystal cause I don't have suicide masteries unlocked.
My best cosmic is hela so can't use that right now. I can use the science on ibom or cap IW, also have an awakening gem to give them.
Overall quite an average set of rewards

Went for AA from the Nexus crystal cause I don't have suicide masteries unlocked.
My best cosmic is hela so can't use that right now. I can use the science on ibom or cap IW, also have an awakening gem to give them.
Overall quite an average set of rewards
Looks like AA was the best choice for your roster, so that's awesome! Sabretooth is solid as well.
If you get an Odin, Hela is a viable r3 option.
If you can sig up CapIW to 200, I'd say awaken him and take him to r3, if not, I would r3 iBom. I don't know if he needs to be awakened or if he needs high sig though.
It's a window into when it was added to the game. Which is why most of the fights in there don't have updated abilities, RoL in particular