Is Terrax the better option now? Mine is already R2. I'm eating my next R3 cosmic.
None of them, Cmm
I have a R5 CMM that i've had R5 for a year and in that time used her maybe twice. I don't understand her allure. I'd rank King Groot over CMM. That is a 100% personal choice/opinion.
Venom is better then both except maybe if you use suicides.
However if you're locked on to these 2 choices I would go cull, except if you are in desperate need of a shock immune champ, or care about aw defense
I have a R5 Venom already that does just fine for spidey defenders. My thoughts between Cull and Terrax for me is if Terrax is more useful as both attack and defender. He's on my current defense. I've always been a fan of Cull for his attack power.
Cull has more potencial damage and some nice utility while Terrax is more tanky, so basicly if you can't handle Cull block prof, Terrax will be better Btw nice 17000 corvus
Test out Cull's block proficiency, if you can handle it I would say he is better but if not then Terrax is. I would rank Terrax though, I hate Cull.
I know Cull very well. I have a R5 I use all the time. Yes is BP isn't great but couple fights it, it doesn't matter much.
Well if you only use Cull for a couple of fights then is he worth R3? 🤔
As in after a couple of fights he's ramped up and his damage is insane so fights don't last long.
Oh... I don't have Cull past a 4* in case it isn't obvious by now so I don't know him extremely well but I reckon if you can handle the block prof he is better. But I would say it's close.
If you are good at doing parry and reparry then you easily handle cull's low BP, my r2 cull obsidian can destroy rol og vision in 31 hits (without suicides, only hulkbuster synergy). I do have r5 max sig guardian and pair them most of the time for aq and other tough contents but I still believe that low BP is not an issue (if you are not facing huge attack rating) in day to day content (map6, act6 & caviler quest.. 6-8k attack rating) if you are good at parry & reparry
I have a R5 CMM that i've had R5 for a year and in that time used her maybe twice. I don't understand her allure. I'd rank King Groot over CMM. That is a 100% personal choice/opinion.
However if you're locked on to these 2 choices I would go cull, except if you are in desperate need of a shock immune champ, or care about aw defense
Btw nice 17000 corvus
I found Terrax to be a lot better than he was before but he’s still not making my top 5 Cosmics.
Some of the numbers you could pull with a max sig Cull make me a little bit excited