AQ compensation [Merged Threads]

Is it just me or is this compensation half hearted at best? Why would you not just send the previous week's rank rewards as compensation? Everyone would have been happy with that. I looked at the compensation and it was garbage. Everyone is missing out on a week's rank up materials and you think a few map 5-7 crystals makes up for it?
I could’ve got more than these resources by running full AQ week of map6x5
Lost rank rewards too
We usually receive more glory per week than this. Which sucks. But we also don't get map 7 crystals being a map 5 alliance only. Other items included are nice I guess but I never use them
May you get 100 free 2* crystals instead of AQ rewards every week.
I would’ve ran the AQ and got better rewards
It’s their mistake not our. At least grant rewards from previous week rankings
Besides, I spent 60 tickets and only received 30 ? Did you think about it before saying this would compensate the AQ that you've stolen from us ? Where is my weekly 10% t5c ?
Very bad kabam.
i prefer do AQ as usual and not getting this "compensation"
We were all waiting in our alliances and literally TELLING you to just give us last weeks rewards and you all made the collective decision that this half baked pile of garbage was better
Seriously guys come on