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Community Champion Update Poll 2021



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    TheTalentsTheTalents Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Kamala update for sure. That's my vote. She's already good so I'm expecting god tier status with an update.
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021

    Why can't they do 1 overhaul per month like they said they would and have all of them completed by October/November, instead of waiting 6 months to get started on the overhauls...?

    They are working on an overhaul every month..

    You do realize that overhauls take time. They announced BP back in Feb and he's coming out in May. Which means conservatively each overhaul from start to finish could take 3 months. That's why the timeline is to release the winner by Oct - Nov.

    Updates are easier by contrast which is why we're seeing those more than overhauls each month.
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    AdeelSVAdeelSV Posts: 6
    Vote : Agent Venom or Guillotine.
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    Homem Formiga & khamala-khan
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★
    Suggestion: Next time you do a poll like this, include only female champs. That's the only way gamer boys will ever vote for buff one.
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    You guys have to think about it. If Kamala Khan is already an above average champ imagine how good she'll be with an additional Buff. Vote Kamala!

    Doesn't hurt that I have her as a 6 star already as well haha.

    yeah i also think kamala needs it the most cause she will be a beyond. all these champs on the list will get buff eventually so i think kamala should be the first one guys.
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    KFHKFH Posts: 3
    Jane foster, guillotine
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    Hero_1606Hero_1606 Posts: 14
    I’m going agent venom such a cool character in comics and has some cool animations
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    LovekLovek Posts: 216 ★★★
    Thor (Jane Foster)
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    Agent venom
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    KennMcocKennMcoc Posts: 158
    Jane Thor
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    FlyGalaxyBombFlyGalaxyBomb Posts: 777 ★★★
    edited April 2021
    TBH i rather them add Anti Venom to the game and make him give Agent Venom an amazing synergy. But other than that #Buff Thor
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    superjoshi23superjoshi23 Posts: 2
    Agent Venom hands down.
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    UnobtainiumClawsUnobtainiumClaws Posts: 201 ★★
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    DonAwitaDonAwita Posts: 1
    I will vote for agent Venom
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    JDubsJDubs Posts: 152
    Team agent venom here
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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,124 ★★★★★
    Guillotine buff ftw
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    JMartin5437JMartin5437 Posts: 19
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    ErrangErrang Posts: 73
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    3. Joe Fixit because he isn't useful for anything. My six star is just sitting in my account.
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    olivgg00olivgg00 Posts: 1
    Ant Man
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    Seb12Seb12 Posts: 36
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    MelkanMelkan Posts: 84
    Easy choice, ANTMAN
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    h41d3r2007h41d3r2007 Posts: 4
    Thor [jane foster]
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    DhoomsayDhoomsay Posts: 5
    Thor (Jane Foster)
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    DeadManWadeDeadManWade Posts: 309
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    Agent Venom
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    005s005s Posts: 3
    Antman should be buffed. Please Kabam 🙂🙂🙂
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