Thoughts about the Arena Changes [Merged Threads]



  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Your first solution is the best one.

    With your second solution, you are going to get less units than before for still more grinding.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,180 ★★★★★

    chill with the caps my guy

    I’d be happy if they just brought back the old arena system as it was

    6* arena seems necessary but, not like this
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  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
    So what it seems to me is that the milestone rewards themself, such as gmc shards and 4* and 3* featured/basic version of champs in the milestones are better than the old arenas... will give you champs you may have missed or need awakened for future iso, plus gmc give almost guaranteed 4* shards for yet more ISO. Also more opportuniy to get new champs as 5* or even 6* which is great!

    Though the milestones also have less units for the amount of points you used to put in and the arenas are available for uncollected. Its better for me but worse for others. Please make it cavalier and up only and also increase the unit amount for lower milestones and give more units overall. The contest is lacking units for the average player
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  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 348 ★★★
    With the huge time/difficulty increase in attaining (equivalent) unit milestone rewards in new arenas, makes it even more costly to make mastery changes. A good number of arena grinders run suicides in arena but switch them off when tackling content, AW, etc.

    Under the old system you could at least offset a lot of the mastery change unit cost through milestones. But now? Have fun trying to justify the 70-80 units to redo your offense masteries each time

    Doesn't matter if Kabam does implement the promised pre-set mastery builds if it's too expensive to utilize...

  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    edited May 2021
    Random thought: In order to offset the unit loss of the new arena system... they could buff the drop rates of the arena crystals for units... This would offset the loss from all players and encourage ppl to do more rounds of the arena seeing the crystals as a better more reliable source for units.

    I posted this in another thread, but thought it worth mentioning here as well.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★

    suvmcoc said:

    new arena system screws a player time management, reducing the 6* refresh time to 7 hours can sort the time management issues.

    Yes, I'm all for this. Let's make it even easier for me to put up 100M in an arena with zero units used
    Me too - the solution mentioned is really for FTP who need the units (majority of players) and not the champs, not monster roster owners who want the champs.

    I can probably do both 6* arena milestones if I give up family and work (I have 78 6* and 168 %8 ) but I'd prefer they just reduce the cooldown times so that more ppl can get milestones.

    It will increase the cutoff for ranks but then that is only important to whalers and those veterans who have large rosters and are aiming for those champs and rank shards.
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  • firemoon712firemoon712 Member Posts: 549 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    The very least they could've done is buff up the point rewarded massively, at least for the 4 stars.
    It's still like 1k-9k points per win...
    Senret said:

    I like getting the 3 star feature from milestone rewards. It’s a small thing, but fun, and it was easy in previous arena. But for 6.25M in new arena? Hahaha. That’s basically causing me not to even try. Not even going to waste my time.

    9 million for 4 star is about right if my 4 star new champ hunts have taught me anything. However, you can get the 3 star version of champs VERY easily so this is a bit of a downgrade.
    If anything, 9 million should be the last milestone, if its supposed to be an upgrade.
  • El_CapoEl_Capo Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2021
    Will you guys consider fixing this? because a lot of people dont agree with the new arena format
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  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    I am upset of these new arenas and I am not uncollected, I am interested in playing of new summoner trials arena, I'm sure but this arena AI want to updated because for summoners,
    They want to become uncollected and they are eagerly waiting for atleast 3* or 4* featured hero or shang chi, If they get the featured hero, they will be happy.

    So I requesting that the 3* or 4* featured hero want to be update or add as milestone reward in new summoner trials arena.
  • togurotoguro Member Posts: 2
    I have two tips for improving the arenas.
    1st tip, place the Grandmaster's crystal on the arena landmarks Recruiter's ordeals.

    2nd tip, decrease the total milestones of the two 6-star arenas to 12kk points, keeping the 20 existing milestones.

    I believe that these changes will please the 3 publics, beginner, intermediate and advanced.
  • edited May 2021
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  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,248 ★★★★★
    Ok, here's my latest thought. It's a hybrid between dividing by story progression and tweaking the basic arena.

    Pre-UC: have access the trials arena only

    I think this is fine as is. Pre-UC players wouldn't have a useable roster for 6* arenas anyway. Also, pre-UC progression has been markedly accelerated and it's been said this will increase even more moving forward. As for re-tuning the milestones, that needs to balanced with the ideas in the next paragraph.

    UC/Cav: have access to basic arena and as well as the trials , but not the featured.

    Access to different arenas has to be limited to only a maximum of two arenas in this plan. Here's why... The total number of farmable units cannot exceed the amount that's been set. Giving access to more than two arenas at any given time would possibly allow for "extra" units if the milestones are changed. Especially for veteran players. We could just swoop in and grab "extra" units if we have access to all 3. If the milestones have been increased even by a slight amount. I would suggest that the trials and basic milestones be re-worked in a way that gives an equal amount of units for an equal amount of fights (when combined) when compared to the previous system.

    Part of my suggestion for re-tuning the basic milestones is to simply move them closer towards the beginning. As the milestones in this arena should be tuned for UC-Cav rosters. However, the ability to use 6* champs needs to remain. After all, there will be veteran players who want to compete for the 6* basic champ. And UC-Cav players can still focus on units, shards or even a the 5* champ, until such time as they are ready to compete for a 6* champ.

    Net result for Cav-UC players: units and shards gained from the trials and basic combined require the same amount of effort as the previous system.

    TB players: will have access to the basic and featured arenas, but not the trials. So they are unable to grab "extra" units from the trials. The units from the basic and featured combined will provide the same amount they were able to grind in the old system for about the same effort. The featured milestones are fine as is in this plan. The extra effort TB players will have to extend to obtain the featured milestones is offset by the re-tuning of the basic milestones, which they still have access to.

    Any constructive feedback on this? Any viable ideas here, or part of one?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    UC and Cav don't have access to the Featured? No. That's problematic. The thing is, Arenas have never been restricted, apart from the Beginner and Intermediate Brackets. That's not a road I believe we should go down. Having the appropriate Arenas avaliable and allowing people to choose which ones to run is the most feasible.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    UC and Cav don't have access to the Featured? No. That's problematic. The thing is, Arenas have never been restricted, apart from the Beginner and Intermediate Brackets. That's not a road I believe we should go down. Having the appropriate Arenas avaliable and allowing people to choose which ones to run is the most feasible.

    Titles never required rank ups before. Story content was always difficult end game content before. We've had multiple things happen recently that hadn't happened before.

    Walling off arenas between progression levels would stop any one group from "getting too much" in the developer's eyes while not feeling the need to take away from the others. Whether they can even do that or how that would even work, I don't know but I think they should have done that ages ago anyway.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,248 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021

    UC and Cav don't have access to the Featured? No. That's problematic. The thing is, Arenas have never been restricted, apart from the Beginner and Intermediate Brackets. That's not a road I believe we should go down. Having the appropriate Arenas avaliable and allowing people to choose which ones to run is the most feasible.

    So, do you think that UC-Cav players will actually be able to compete for the 6* featured champ? Because that is literally the only thing they wouldn't have access to. Remember, in my plan, the milestones for the basic have all been retuned to be much more easily attainable with a UC-Cav roster. So, why on earth would they want to come over to the featured arena for milestones that are tuned for TB players? If they can reach the same milestones for far less effort in the trials and basic. Remember, in this plan the old idea of "I will farm everything" is gone now. You can only farm the same amount of units within your respective bracket.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★

    UC and Cav don't have access to the Featured? No. That's problematic. The thing is, Arenas have never been restricted, apart from the Beginner and Intermediate Brackets. That's not a road I believe we should go down. Having the appropriate Arenas avaliable and allowing people to choose which ones to run is the most feasible.

    So, do you think that UC-Cav players will actually be able to compete for the 6* featured champ? Because that is literally the only thing they wouldn't have access to. Remember, in my plan, the milestones for the basic have all been retuned to be much more easily attainable with a UC-Cav roster. So, why on earth would they want to come over to the featured arena for milestones that are tuned for TB players? If they can reach the same milestones for far less effort in the trials and basic. Remember, in this plan the old idea of "I will farm everything" is gone now. You can only farm the same amount of units within your respective bracket.
    Besides the fact that you're lowering the pool by doing that, you stop them from competing and growing. Part of Grinding is growing and doing more and more Points as your Roster progresses. As for farming everything, that's not a given. It never has been. There is always a choice-making aspect to what and how many Arenas you're running.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    An Arena is not, and should not, be limited to Titles. That's the one place people can compete alongside each other.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    I'm not pigeon-holing my thoughts. We're here to discuss our own opinions. Not every aspect of the game needs to be segregated.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I'm not pigeon-holing my thoughts. We're here to discuss our own opinions. Not every aspect of the game needs to be segregated.

    Competetive aspects of it absolutely should bc people at different levels are basically playing different games. There's zero point to having titles and not using them to separate players
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,248 ★★★★★

    An Arena is not, and should not, be limited to Titles. That's the one place people can compete alongside each other.

    I'm trying to find a realistic solution. I understand that from a theoretical perspective, you're saying it's only fair to allow any summoner to play any arena, but it's just not realistic. The reality is that it's physically impossible for them to compete "along side each other". I have 10 or 11 r3 and I'm not even considering going for a featured champ. There's no way anyone who is UC-Cav is getting a featured champ.

    I'm just looking for a reasonable solution. That doesn't involve completely ruining the arena system for one group of players or another. The current one ruins it for progressing players. However, a lot of the progressing players are offering suggestions that would ruin the arena for veteran players. We need ALL players to have a good experience, relative to thier progression.
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