Cat Murdock Appreciation

As a fan of infographics in general, I’d just like to send out a note of appreciation to @Cat_Murdock for crafting some of the clearest, most visually appealing and useful infographics for MCoC and making them available to the entire community. Within hours, a new one was available for Carina’s Challenges that quickly explained everything.
Truly a treasure and much appreciated!
Dr. Zola
Truly a treasure and much appreciated!
Dr. Zola
cheers to you @Cat_Murdock
I really like how he/she has been helping the community! I'd always be a well-wisher, and would love to aid you for anything at all!
As for the disagrees, they don't matter. There is a "disagree ghost" who just moves around and only disagrees w everything. No need to bother with such a worthless reaction. If you see 1 disagree on each comment, ignore them
Thanks, 🐱
I agree with this post 100%, Cat does so much for this community for free, and everything she makes is really helpful. She deserves a ton of appreciation for all of that
Can it be provided here for ppl. Thx @Cat_Murdock (previous months were great, ODIN’s and Contest of Realms).
Here it is @SummonerNR !
Dr. Zola