New Arena Structure Feedback



  • LorddrewLorddrew Member Posts: 297 ★★
    edited May 2021
    Arena should not feel as a grind for units, I like the idea of having 3 arena in total. But not the 16m milestone gap.

    For me it would be insane if you could casually do the arena for your unit grinds. Let’s say 4m for all and set a hard limit on how much points you need to guarantee a 5* or 6*

    Oh well we can have dreams, but this is the nightmare.. somewhere in between? Perfect xd.

    Seriously if this is the new standard. I’m not planning to play competitive and will only play as long as my current alliance exist. Then I’m out.

    Ps currently 67* 6* and 36 MAX r5. Im not top tier but if you do some research even the top 1% are telling us that they are doubling their efforts for the same unit rewards, also they don’t care because they are happy and confident they are getting the 6* featured annyway. They don’t bother with the units. Normal casual folks like us are getting lower end of the stick. There must be a way you can please both ends?! (The whole bracket not just top 5%)

    While we’re complaining wouldnt it be fair to slip in some QOL changes instead of these strains since the game has been running bad for months with each update.
  • khicks1973khicks1973 Member Posts: 4
    New arenas are absolute trash. I’m an avid grinder but to have to earn 16.5 million to get all the goods now is trash. Way to make me not want to bother with arenas anymore. Feels like it’s an attack on free to play members. Shame on you
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  • RoyalRose1510RoyalRose1510 Member Posts: 54
    The best solution for this kabam is just double the points we getting from using 5* and 6* this way players will have to grind less and it will neither affect the arena ranking.
    Other solution is to reduce milestone of both featured and basic 6* arena to 10m each.
  • blackcrowe12345blackcrowe12345 Member Posts: 9
    Uncollected player with job and kids here.
    I play arena a fair bit and mostly stuck to the 4* basic where I have a decent maxed out roster. 5* is getting better and have a handful of 6*s.
    The changes mean that you have to choose between grinding for a champ or your units and bcs. You can't get both.
    Unless you have a stacked roster the new Basic and Featured arenas lock you out of rewards due to the very high initial milestones. In the past if I wanted the 4* basic champ I could grind for that and potentially get that, but I could rely on it giving me a decent amount of bcs and units. I can't do that now. I'd have to go to Summoner trials, because I just can't get the level of points needed elsewhere. So it splits the effort.

    I get it that if you put too many units in low level milestones, they could be farmed too easily by end game players.

    Units fundamentally have different levels of value depending on your progression. Conqueror's can't get GMC, UC can't get Cavalier but end up spending "similar" levels of units give or take. The units and bc rewards should depend on ...
    a) effort level (how many matches you run) with a bit of a dependence on
    b) progression level (the amount of gold you need goes up at UC / Cav / TB to do rank ups).

    .. not the points you can get because you are now competing against players with insane rosters and there's a 10x difference in the rate at which they can get points which can't be directly compared to the effort of just UC or conqueror level players. Yet they need similar levels of units. Or at least you don't use 10x less units at the lower progression levels.

    We already have events for Arena combat and Perfect series which frankly don't reward a lot at the moment. Couldn't these be adapted to progression level and be used to give you the unit and bc rewards? Each event would last the duration of an arena cycle (3 days). You earn your units though milestones in these events. The could be more tightly coupled into the arena interface for claiming of rewards.

    The other drawback is the potential death matches. I run 4* to get my multiplier up and then go for top champs and work down the roster. Once I was down at 5r3 4r5 level I was still getting drawn against 16k 6*s with players who were running suicide masteries (because of their progression level). It was a joke. But not a funny one. Loss of streak is much, much more likely in this setup, making it even harder to get those milestones.

    On the plus side I'm sure End-gamers will love the ability to grind for a 6*. GMC shards are a welcome addition. Less arenas are a good thing to not split effort, but that's exactly what has happened for the UC players because they now have to run both to get the same rewards, doubling the effort.
  • LorddrewLorddrew Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Oh ps let the guy who came up with auto play take a look at this change that has been or dorky Dave who has been a contender for years @DorkLessons
  • AlaBillAlaBill Member Posts: 15
    MAC83 said:

    I think lowering the unit milestones to 9m on both the basic and featured arena would solve most of the issues. 16m is what the grind was to get milestones in the 4* feature, and 5* feature arena. Most concerns about the unit grind are the points needed to reach it. if you lower that number, I think solves most of the concerns. There is no perfect system that would satisfy everyone. only way to do so would be to tier arena like it's done for incursions, but I don't think that its possible for arena and it would cause a change in the rewards structure.

    I think MAC is onto a real solution. Lower the milestones to 9M and lower the clock reset to 6 hours on 6*. That way those mid level Cavalier players like myself can hit the milestones in both 6* arenas and grind harder for the 6* shards with the clock reset. The new arenas are really only for 6* characters and with a limited roster we have NO CHANCE for decent rewards.
  • The_One_Proits69The_One_Proits69 Member Posts: 8
    So, the new arena is not an improvement for me, as I could get about 150-200 units in the old arena with minimal effort, but now, with my roster, that same 150 units will take much more time to get.
    The other problem is that, I have a roster which has many 3* and 4*, and the fact that the arenas where they were the most important is gone, Is bad, as I can't use those Champs now, and now, I need to wait for cooldowns on my 6stars, and I can get a max of 9 mil in 1 arena, and that requires a lot of effort and time, which is not worth the time, as many of us have jobs, or have to live our normal lives, and don't have too much time to spend on arenas solely.
    I just am not a big fan of the new arena system, and it would be a great thing if the old arena came back.
    You can take some time to rethink the structure of the 6 star arenas and introduce it later.
  • Amir447Amir447 Member Posts: 324 ★★★
    Didn't like to do arena before this, definitely don't like to do arena prior to this.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    New arena is just plain bad whoever designed it hates players, n free grinded units, now u grund but dnt get units, 33m to get units is plain stupid arena grind n most players cant put 33M n i have 80+6*s n its impossible with even that. Make basic 6*arena grind closer to mix of featured 4* n 5* grind, no 6* use, closer milstones, enough units
  • AATTAATT Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    It's too soon to judge the new arena. One thing is clear enough tho. Arena boost crystals are even more useless now. I opened 800 crystals yesterday and I got 15 4* boost.

    With new arena system, 3*s aren't useful at all. An experienced grinder won't use this champion rarity.

    Most funny side? You're rewarding arena boost crystals in both 6* arenas! I prefer PHC shards, gold, battlechips or any other rewards before this crystal.

    The only use for this crystal is opening it of SA points or using the boosts without playing arenas por Item use event.

    Please change that reward, the old 5* feat arena rewarded only greater arena boost crystals.
  • Me3e82Me3e82 Member Posts: 14
    These arena changes are absolutely horrid unless you have a stacked endgame roster and f 5 and 6 stars. The milestones are so high to attain the 3 and 4 star champs they are a pipe dream for the players that can actually use them. Why not just add the 6* arena in the same or similar format as the other arenas. We get less units now for more work. I will hang up the game, as will many in my alliance if this stays the way that it is. It is a change aimed solely at the whales and top tier players. I am not one of them but I am a player that has been loyal for 5 years. The arenas were one of my favorite parts of the game now I have to spend an eternity in there to get 3 milestones in one arena. When I used to be able to get in the pool I. The 3*, 4*, featured 4* and hit the first milestone in the 5* easily on my first night. Now I will have to focus on one to get anywhere and throw my 4*s at the 4* nexus arena here and there for milestones. It’s not worth it for the decrease in units and battle chips.
  • sike038sike038 Member Posts: 4
    While the new system has a ton of potential, it has become near impossible to get a decent number of units for players with less developed rosters. The milestones should be lowered, or maybe the arenas should be divided the way incursion rewards are, by number of champions instead of story progression.
  • ScottThomasMillerScottThomasMiller Member Posts: 3
    I think the rewards should be separated similar to Incursion Artifacts.....Keep new Arenas but pull Units/Battle Chips into separate Reward you cross a Milestone in whatever Arena you are in you climb the Unit/Battle Chip Milestone separately up to 540 Units and whatever Battle Chips that used to be....that way you can fairly grind whatever arena you want with your roster.....pick up the specific Arena Rewards at the Milestones (Shards, Gold, Champs, Etc.) and separately you clear a Unit/Battle Chip Milestone, probably 40 of those or so each Arena Cycle. If you are grinding for a Champ, you could clear all 40 Unit Milestones in one arena or you could maybe do 10 Milestones in Basic, 10 in Feature, and 20 in Summoner Trials....but limit would still be 540 Units and x number of Battle Chips.
  • ParitParit Member Posts: 13
    Long Story Short
    Can we go back to the previous arena system?
    If not I would suggest lower the milestones and get a arena for using 4 stars and 5 stars. Something like a featured 4 star we had.
    Most people grind for the milestones
    Which should be achieved easily if not then it should definitely not consume more time then the previous ones.

    Or I see many guys leaving the game

    For many it's just arena which is keeping them hooked to the game.
    So please don't take away that.
  • McCloud33McCloud33 Member Posts: 46
    I want to say that I do like that you all are trying and appreciate that you have a space for comments immediately rather than just having everyone post how bad these new arenas are.

    My comments will probably mirror much of what you've already heard...the grind for all the milestones is longer than it was previously, it heavily favors those with extensive rosters, it makes 2*/3* and 5* champs largely irrelevant, etc...

    Here would be my solution(s):
    1. Summoner trials - change the point difference between 2/3/4* champs to be equal or nearly equal. We've had this in other special arenas and it eliminates the unbalance in the lowest arena for those that might not have a big 4* roster and still keeps 2/3* champs relevant. Rank rewards would then just become, who has done the most rounds and would keep the 3* arena boost crystals relevant.

    2. 6* basic - similarly change the value of 6* champs so that it's closer to 5* and then lower the overall top milestone from 16.5m down to 6-8m, and just redistributing the rewards over narrower milestones. This way people will still have incentive to use their 5* champs, but if they're actually competing for the 5*/6* from rank rewards their is still incentive to use the 6*. I would say 6* should be ~1.25x the value instead of 2x

    3. 6* featured - no change.
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    The thing is i think Kabam didn't take into consideration that most arena grinders only do milestones for units and battle chips i think only a selective few grind for the champion and that also goes to what champion and how good they are when the arena goes live, for example i have 134 6 star champs and last year only 2 champ i grind for which was Cosmic Ghost Rider and Abom, when a new content is released i grind arena for units and battle chips and with the new system putting up 16 million points in both arena is just ridiculous and i really hope you guys considering changing the milestone structure and make the top milestone for units and battle chips around 10 million points, this would be meeting us half way.
  • SpaceCowboy3000SpaceCowboy3000 Member Posts: 16
    Hey Kabam , first time posting anything on forums. Hope to give you feedback you need. New arena is good but only for high end players with 100+ 6 stars. Yeah you saved total amount of units gained from arena but you made the process of getting them impossible. Now putting 4-5 mill will get me 50 unites instread of 150 or even more like before . There is no way of getting 5 star basic or feature for people who are not able to get 6 star Champion because 200 people who were grinding for 6 star would receive 5 star and be disappointed. The saddest fact for me is that you probably knew it before making this change . With this change and relics is like your company is back to «how we can screw our fan base more to get their money» mentality.You need to know that people who play arena are f2p or spend little amount of money occasionally. You won’t ending up with more money you just made players like me leave the game.

    If you want suggestions I recommend you to either add more milestones in the start I dont Think it will end your economy giving up 60-80 extra units per days. Or if it’s big deal for you just make mile stones end with 2 mill on basic and 8 mill on featured people who want 6 star will still grind up insane amounts of points.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 879 ★★★★
    I was getting all milestones in:
    5* feature: ~60 matches - 2runs with my 90 6*s
    4* feature: ~45 matches - 2runs with my r5/r4 5*
    4* basic: ~ 40 matches - 2 runs with my r5 4*
    1st 2 milestones in 2* arena and 3* arena: 4 matches.
    425 units - 150matches, easily doable over 3 days, whenever i had time, never had to take into account refresh timers.

    To put up 33mil now I have to run my 6*'s twice a day, every day!!. That means I have take into account 11h refresh timer, so have to do 1st run in the first few hours after I wake up. Then again before going to bed. And thats 170-180 matches.
    Then have to do 3 runs with my 4*s instead of 2, so 60 matches, for 140 units.
    240 matches instead of 150 and get 115 extra units.
    In old arenas, 50 extra matches and I got all the milestones in 2* and 3* arenss. So, 200 total matches for 535 units.
    Now at best is 230-240 matches for 5 extra units and I have to keep a tight schedule to run my 6*'s every day, no more freedom. If i start using 5*'s to put some points that way, the number of mstches increases, goes over 300.
    So at least a 50% increase in effort and a lot more time constraints due to refresh timers.
    For me, it will be an increase from 150 matches- 425 units, relaxed, 1 run/day with each rarity, chill on 3rd day, to 300 matches now, stress, keep a tight schedule on my 6* runs each day, all for 115 units more.
    6* Feature - keep same top milestone of 16.5m
    6* Basic - reduce top milestone to 6mil
    4* Arena - reduce top milestone to 1.6mil
    In old system i put up about 22m in 3 days, with this would be about 24mil.
  • A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    As someone who doesn’t have a lot of free time for arena anymore, so only played the one featured 5* arena to 12m for milestones when I had time and has 80-90 6* champs, I think that this arena doesn’t change very much in my grind time/rewards output. However, for people with the time who used the multiple arenas to grind out units/bc/gold, the new structure is quite damaging and cuts off the potential of units/bc/gold they could have earned before. I think that the milestones of this new arena needs to reflect that it is effectively a few of the old arenas merged, but to prevent it making it really easy for heavy 6* rosters to get loads of rewards too easily, the milestone rewards could be set up to be diminishing rather than increasing. For example, 135 units total up to 4m, a further 95 units between 4m and 8m, then a further 70 units between 8m and 12m. That means 300 units per arena - most people will only do one of the 2 6* champ arenas. The diminishing milestones is of course made up for by increasing ranked rewards. Just my thoughts
  • FieldmanFieldman Member Posts: 3

    Kavya30 said:

    16.5M for one is too much and I am a milestone grinder. I will not be able to grind for 33M. Just can’t. As an FTP, guess my hopes for July 4th are in the trash

    I'm Curious: Prior to these Changes, how many Milestones across all of the Arenas did you used to complete? If you don't remember that, do you remember how many Units approx you'd earn from Milestones per Arena run?

    Our goal is to keep the effort roughly the same, but of course, with reducing the number of Arenas, that's going to be difficult. With the change of the rarities allowed in each Arena, the points are definitely going to be different, but we want to keep the effort roughly the same.

    If that's not the case, we want to know! We won't know that on the first day or possibly even the first run, but please keep the feedback coming.
    Sure I’ll answer. As uncollected with 1 six star champ and maybe 20 5 stars I regularly would complete every single milestone in summonses trials, 3*, 4* basic every single round. I also would reach rank rewards in 4* and 5* feature every single round, and often would complete every milestone on 4* feature if I had time to grind hard enough. This change as it stands will effectively half my unit farming, and my rank rewards. I certainly hope some adjustments are made with progressing uncollected players in mind.

    Though I’m not sure if your goal was to keep effort “roughly the same,” why did you even make the change at all?
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  • SamdroxtaarSamdroxtaar Member Posts: 136
    New arenas r **** just pure **** taking so much more time than before for grind units i will move to any other game soon
  • NemeschyNemeschy Member Posts: 55
    This is not an improvement. I used to be able to get all of the milestones/units from each arena. This was right around 22-23 million points. Now I am expected to do almost 40 million for the same units. For someone like myself who doesn't have 100+ 6* this new system screws me out of units that I used to be able to get. Now what? I just have to wait months/years for my roster to expand enough to do this? I spend on the big sales each year, and supplement with arenas the rest of the time. Now you are cutting my unit gain basically in half?

    Sounds super fair!! /S
  • DH_forum_1DH_forum_1 Member Posts: 81
    Milestones are spread out farther between each other and less rewards in each one so if I want the same rewards as before I actually need to grind more. I'm disappointed by this change and I hope that you guys take our suggestions seriously. Suddenly my 5* are worth less as it simply makes more sense to use 6* only to grind all milestones. My 5* use to have their own arena while my 6* were used exclusively in the 5* featured. Also, if the 3* arena has been removed permanently it truly is time to remove 3* from the cavalier crystals. Getting them from hard earned units has always been insulting and that has been exponentially increased now.
  • WoowerinnWoowerinn Member Posts: 55
    Sorry just for more info not just the unit i think less almost 1200 5*shard too what I used to get out from the old arena, now you remove that too..The arena is not bad at all need to consider diferent milestone reward and finishing reward I dont wanna more than before I get but I dont wanna less either
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