New Arena Structure Feedback



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  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    You really call this QOL ? this is the exact meaning of " 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards " . This is the 1st game i have ever seen who plays politics agst players so they should simply leave the game .

    Remember it's the community be it f2p or whale community who makes up the game popular . And when you do stuff like this do you genuinely think people would not rant and be happy with the changes ?

    Looks like even after making c**p ton of money the game people spend more money on their Christmas and Thanksgiving parties rather than sitting together and giving ideas to improve the game . You guys have simply put up your hands and launch "whatever" you want without testing and discussing with community.

    Looks like the definition of "fun" and "updates" when it comes to you has a different meaning than rest of the world. So in Dwayne Johnson's voice " THESE CHANGES ABSOLUTELY SUCKS ".
  • MannyB30MannyB30 Member Posts: 1
    For someone who uses this arena for milestones (UNITS!), this is not working out well for me. I have to grind more for less rewards. Only have 5 6*'s so considering giving up arena grinding all together...
  • RvbensilvaRvbensilva Member Posts: 7
    Right now I want to quit the game after this arena changes, and I explain why!
    I build for the last 2 years my roster to be a sustainable account on the arena grinding, so thanks to that I can earn for free (no spending €) about 1200/1500 units week.
    Just for the normal grinding, playing around 2hours in the morning and 1h30 in the end of the day when is possible.
    So with this changes I have to increased a bit more time to grind a arena every day to grab all the milestones.
    This is a very bad move for you Kabam, your Making this game a game of whales, I am a occasional spender only on July 4 and cyber weekend, and sincerely right now I am a Step back to spend much less, because I'm feeling robbed for this company o doesn't think on their clients lol.
    Anything else to say, I hope do you Reade this msg and please consider to reduce at least the 6 basic arena to 8 or 10 million mark as minimum.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 881 ★★★★
    The majority of the player base have been screwed by these changes.
    Really disappointing.
  • DH_forum_1DH_forum_1 Member Posts: 81
    Thank you for allowing us to vent our frustrations regarding these changes in this forum
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 562 ★★★
    More time spent in arena + less units = needless aggravation...

    Condensed rewards and more "people" rank for champs, but death matches add to even more aggravation...

    Overall I'll pass until they revamp it. My time is more valuable elsewhere...

    Add more units, swap in Cav shards for Grandmaster shards, and eliminate death matches to make it worth grinding...
  • WEAPON_X100WEAPON_X100 Member Posts: 1
    I am a frequent arena grinder. Every week I would fully grind the four star, four star featured, and five star primarily for units and battlechips. I am free to play thronebreaker with 60 six star champs. Now it will be near impossible for me to gain the units that I was previously able to. Before, putting up 17.5 across all these arenas was enough to get unit and battleship milestones. Now the grind is over 34 million. This change is not positive for my account. The four star arena should be dropped back to 1.5. The six star basic should be dropped back to 4 mil and allow only 5 stars. The six star feature can be kept the same. This would solve most of the problems.
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  • Robbo9Robbo9 Member Posts: 51
    Terra said:

    Robbo9 said:

    There’s a lot of posts in here so this might have been mentioned already but are the 3 and 4* champs in the featured milestones supposed to be basic champs? I know Falcon is, but my 3* Shang Chi only went up by 1 sig after hitting the milestone. I’ve picked up the 4* as well but I didn’t have him so not sure about that one.

    Everything else I need to say has been covered already by others but if the 4* in the featured isn’t a full dupe then I’m losing out on a big iso source every week.

    It's been 1 sig in arena for a while now.
    Only when they first started those arenas was a full 20 dupe the price.

    While that’s true for the basic the featured champ is always a full dupe. I know that because I was short of skill iso last week and used that to top up. I’ve been getting 48 iso bricks most weeks from that for as long as I can remember. If I get 1 sig, no iso and no shards after hitting the 9mil milestone when this arena runs again on Monday then it’s another a big nerf.
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 562 ★★★

    I am a frequent arena grinder. Every week I would fully grind the four star, four star featured, and five star primarily for units and battlechips. I am free to play thronebreaker with 60 six star champs. Now it will be near impossible for me to gain the units that I was previously able to. Before, putting up 17.5 across all these arenas was enough to get unit and battleship milestones. Now the grind is over 34 million. This change is not positive for my account. The four star arena should be dropped back to 1.5. The six star basic should be dropped back to 4 mil and allow only 5 stars. The six star feature can be kept the same. This would solve most of the problems.

    If you're not happy, imagine how bad this is for everyone less equipped and with less experience than you...
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  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★
    I’m a low effort grinder who inches toward 5000 units for major holidays. I used to get 45 units for 12 rounds in 4-star basic, plus 10 more units for a single 3x boosted round of 3-stars. The same effort now gets 42 units instead of 55, a 23.6% reduction. With roughly 9 arenas per month, that’s 117 units less, or 1400 per year.

    If I had too busy a week, I could do 3 rounds of 4-stars and one of boosted 3-stars for 25 units total (only 14 units now) or 7 rounds of 4-stars and one of 3-stars for 40 units (28 now).
  • Doomoholic1726Doomoholic1726 Member Posts: 11
    At first I was excited for the new arenas but after release I am really really sad I am a uncollected player with 20 five stars and 1 six star. In the old arenas I used to get a total of around 80 units all arenas combined. Now I will be able to get around 31 units because I don't have a expanded five star or six star roster and mainly six stars are required and I have only one. The main problem is that if I can grind 750 k in six star basic or featured arena I am gonna get only 10 units and if I want a good amount of units I need to grind 10 mil which I cannot do as I have only one six star.i want to get around 70 units in 1 mil points. And even the summoner trials milestones should be buffed a little. Arenas are the main way for me to progress in game and if I get 30 units I would not be able to complete content and I will need to leave the game. I hope Kabam take some action fast on this issue so that players who don't have developed rosters can grind less and get units same as they used to get in the old arenas. I appreciate Kabam for creating a feedback page. Thank you
  • ashbfc121ashbfc121 Member Posts: 8
    I currently own 10 6* champs and I have finished act 7.1 the highest story content available. I am cavalier and trying to get t5cc for thron breaker. Previously Even tho there were 5 arena to grind for, with little bit of effort we could claim all milestone rewards. After the change with my limited 6* roster it is impossible.
    In conclusion the new arena change will require be to work 5 times harder just to claim my Previously accessible rewards. This change is a nightmare and doesn't make sense.
    Let's be honest. Most people grind arena for units. Not the featured champs. These changes make arena exclusive content for arena grinders and endgame summoners, With developed 6* roster. People still cultivating their 5* roster are getting scammed. Lol
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    Just one small thought, i understand that the arenas are not up to mark for most of us. But in our feedback we can mention that with some kindness.

    There are so many posts saying the arenas ****, or are ****, etc etc.

    In the very least we can be kind in our feedback. No need to lash out on the developers. I understand that they did not consider all the elements, but bashing up someone's work is not the best way to go. It may be a game for the players, but it is a project that someone is working on. No need to be so rude on the feedback.

    They have not said that they won't do anything about it. At least have some kindness.
  • MrddrMrddr Member Posts: 108
    5 stars and 3 stars became totally irrelevant! This is just made for players who have lots of 6 stars in their roster! Not fair, not fair.
  • GogataGogata Member Posts: 71
    I havent farmed arena for over 2 years just because it is badly made - i needed 5* champs, but with my roaster no matter how much i grinded couldn't qualify for it, now I have 140 5* champs and I am missing like 55 or so, I have 42 6*champs some of which i dont have as 5* so basicly i have 80* of the total pool. From arena I expect to get 6*''s of course but the system will be the same BS for me - the people from the powerfull alliances that open about 10 6* crystals a month and i open 3, and we are both supposed to grind for arena champs, which makes it matematically impossible for me to beat, so to sum up- if you are VERY ahead in the game you will stay there if you are avarege- you can get some really desired champ as 5* but you will stay there with no chance of getting the good things, and if you are new - you are just screwed.
    What I am suggesting for what i consider fair is a system where there are arenas for before uncollected, before cavallier, after cavallier and after thronebraker, and since thronebraker is not that easy to get all champs from 1*-6* to give like 5 000 points per fight and that way the grinding will be competitive, otherwise ppl like me can get a 6* champ after giving 5k units or so, which is redicilous
  • Bigmoney1025Bigmoney1025 Member Posts: 131
    In order to make this right for the arenas they need to adjust the refresh time on champs some people can only run 6* once a day with it having such a long timer on if they adjust the timers even make 5* 5 hrs and 6* 8 hrs it would definitely make it easier to hit milestones.
    Not only that but the units value is overall spoiled with this your making it so hard for ftp players to get units it’s **** honestly.

    I used to grind all the time to get units now it will take me all 3 days just to hit both arenas without being able to touch the summoner trials. Big let down honestly. I like the grandmaster shards that is good but the featured arena should have more incentive to go for the features put some cav shards in there somewhere or even in both arenas.

    Given loss of units and battle chips from the those grandmaster shards in no way make up for that. So in conclusion timers are too long for said champs 5 and 6*. Units are lacking as well as battlechips pump up the numbers lower refresh timers and you will find more people happy with it. Just my opinion
  • CyberOneMillionCyberOneMillion Member Posts: 20
    I want to inform everyone on the distinction between a basic arena and a featured arena. Basic arenas have a silver colored "3 vs 3" label and featured arenas have a gold colored "3 vs 3" label.
  • HilgendwarfHilgendwarf Member Posts: 2
    Before these new arenas I was regularly grinding three arenas, the Featured 5 and 4-star, and the 4-star Basic. From all of those I could earn 405 units per Arena period. I’m approaching Thronebreaker and have 25 6-stars, and 45 5-stars above Rank 3 at the moment. With these new arenas I could maybe do the Featured or Basic, and the Summoner Advancement Arena. That is significantly less Units than I was able to get previously with even more work than I had to do before because of the increased milestone threshold of the Summoner Advancement arena.

    I really feel these milestones are too high.

    I do, however, love the addition of Grandmaster Shards to replace PHC shards, and for the 3 and 4-star champs as milestone rewards. That part is great!
  • Jojo_VengerbergJojo_Vengerberg Member Posts: 13
    I enjoy doing grinding in arena but the milestones are ludicrous, The addition of GMC is fine but the milestones and the reduction in units is awful, I don’t like the changes at all which is unfortunate because I really was looking forward to this update to arena but now they are here I’m not happy with it
  • SpaceCowboy3000SpaceCowboy3000 Member Posts: 16
    moon12 said:

    This is ridiculous because I'm level 60 I have no one high enough to complete act 5.2 an all I ever did an look forward to was the monthly featured champ arena an now just cause people spend ridiculous money on the game ur just gonna hand out featured Champs in milestones an basically ruin the game for free to play players I mean this is real bull atleast keep the one 3 star featured for us players who can not at all complete that bull **** 5.2 act

    Dude it is really not that hard to get to uncollected with team of any 5 4/40 4 stars And 300 units for collector, find some guides on YouTube

  • Still_LearningStill_Learning Member Posts: 6
    In addition to running my own account, I head an alliance with a number of lower tier members. A common concern I am hearing among them is that they have a small number of 5-star champs (10-20) and with the old arena structure they were seeing a fairly constant stream of 5-star shards (about 10K a week).
    They could use these 5-stars, along with their maxed 4-star champs in the old featured 4-star arena and see REAL benefit in these 5-stars. With the new arena structure and no way of attaining the infinite streak, how do these players see benefit with their 5-stars?
  • ashbfc121ashbfc121 Member Posts: 8
    We need compensation units. I'm not going to waste my time grinding those impossible milestone. Btw I'm cavalier at the verge of becoming throne breaker, So my expectation to claim at the very least 70% of the units are valid.
  • Bosshogg713Bosshogg713 Member Posts: 36
    A lot more work and time in arenas. It’s going to discourage people from doing arena
  • Still_LearningStill_Learning Member Posts: 6
    The class arena battle events have been impacted with the removal of 2 and 3 star arenas.
    How is this new arena strategy anything else but punishment for free-to-play players?
    I wasn’t around for the 12.0 update debacle, but the videos are still online.
    The ill will shown towards today’s player base makes that update look like a player appreciation reward.
    Who’s bright idea was this?
    I’m not offering any constructive criticism for this update ... smarter people than I are coming up empty.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★
    this change can definitely works if you reduce the amount of milestones mark cut to half and increase the rewards double or triple or revert back to old arena structure. the arena didn't needed an overhaul. we only wished the arena to be more faster. We wished to eradicate the deathmatches so we can freely use up our collections while facing the same star rarity and same rank which is the why the first arena update a few months back was totally the answer, but the problem was that we faced only End-game/ META champions over and over while their PI value was 2x or 3x too high and for that our suggestion wasn't take to the development team's heart when we gave suggestion to reduce the PI value to either be capped to 1x or be capped to 1,5x and increase more opponent's champions variable so we don't always face the same champions.

    this new arena update isn't what we wanted. you basically took our suggestion on how to improve the arena and derailed from the core idea. If you still want to have this new arena structure, then at least double or triple the milestones reward so we as an player base can feel that our time is being put as valuable and feel it's worth it.
  • Con_RebCon_Reb Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2021
    Going to keep it very simple.
    If the goal is to alienate and push F2P folks from the game then this change will definitely going to do that. While arena is already design as such where we have to grind it, it is easy to get burn out. Now with this change, it is not going to look any more appealing at all. The one of the main reason why I grind arena no matter how much I hate it, is for units.
    This is one way for F2P to keep being competitive, grow, and tackle harder content that requires lots of units.

    1. 4* Basic at 1.5 mil used to yield 135 units and with this change, for hitting 1.5 mil will now gets you 25 units.
    2. Feature 4* at 4 mil used to yield 135 units and with this change, for hitting 4 mil will now gets you 25 units
    ** This means now I have to do 6 basic 4* arena for 135 units.
    ** This means instead 3 days, now it requires 18 days to amass 135 units.
    ** Talk about taking a huge step backwards and making arena even less appealing.

    First, this is not only going to be tough for established F2P players, it will going to be tough for new and progressing players. Progressing with content that requires unit will going to take way much longer now as you cannot accumulate the units from arena as before
  • MastersKingMastersKing Member Posts: 4
    This arena really sucks. Milestones are very high and rewards for below uncollected players is not encouraging...
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