Efficient Unit Farming in New arenas
Now with updated arenas, is unit Farming gone better or worse? Also, with arenas now what's most efficient best unit Farming among featured, basic and crystal arena? Share your opinions
Efficient Unit Farming in New arenas 72 votes
Featured is best / most efficient
10 votes
Basic Arena is most efficient
30 votes
Crystal Arena
32 votes
3x the effort for same amount of rewards.
As for the arenas, can't say since I haven't bothered to look, in hopes of Kabam actually taking feedback and changing them
6 star basic and 6 star featured cross over so pretty annoying. My goal is get both 4 star champs from milestone then do whatever I like.
In summoner trials, you need to put up 750k more points to get 5 more units than you would for 1.5 mil, with the same champs, multiplier, everything. That alone should tell you how inefficient these new arenas are
For the new 6* arenas, if we look at them as an amalgamation of the 4* featured and 5* featured, the old system was essentially equivalent to putting up 20 mil with only 6*s. That is now 33 mil. But now you can’t run them concurrently anymore so it takes even more time
None of them are remotely efficient compared to the old arenas.
It’s a by-product that we should be glad exists.
The main purpose is to get new champs/shards.. which have now been increased
the units are pretty much the same but the grinding takes 3x as long to get them all, that being said ITS ONLY ACHEIVABLE IF YOU HAVE A LARGE 6* AND 5* ROSTER. Lets face it, the majority of the community are players who don't have that!! so Kabam have shafted the midlevel and bulk of its community
but this is now only achievable IF YOU HAVE A LARGE 6* AND 5* ROSTER.
Focus on one arena to maximise shards and build account depth. I remember when I started playing I could not hit all arena milestones, but every week it gets easier as your acquire and rank champs.
Do you think all big accounts started big?
arena is meant to get resources needed to progress. Battlechips, gold, units. Shards and champs are the "ultimate" prize, but it is a farming tool for players.
1) For hardcore grinders to go for champs that they wanted and couldn't get from crystals.
2) For casual players to get battleships and units. Especially for F2P players to get units since you know, we don't buy them. Easy to say grow your account lol. One way to grow the account was to do arena, get units, then go through content. And that has been removed.
You couldn't hit the milestones, you grew your account with the old system and now are asking folks to run through the new one and grow theirs? Nice to hear the bs.
Also, if you see the main thread, there are people who have finished all content 100% in the game. Yet have only 50-60 6* due to RNG with dupes etc. It makes the grind rough for them as well. Not everyone has the luck to pull new champs constantly.
It's one thing to like the new arena for the shards and champs, but cut the bs that your spouting.
If arena stay like this then just chip away what you can and account will grow on its own. They are offering lots more 6* shards so much easier to get and again means more champs faster.
As I said in the main thread, the idea is good. But the milestone distribution is garbage. Plain and simple.
And units can’t be a by-product when they’re part of the milestone rewards. Terrible opinion.
are you sure you are on the right game’s forum?
Please check if the game you are playing is named “Marvel Contest of Champions”, cause from your comment it seems you are talking about an other application.
When the devs revamped the arenas post 12.0, they added a ton of units as milestones. I don't think they expected (many) players to actually go for all of them. They wanted those units to be a nice reward to get while grinding away as a past time while waiting for energy to refill or something. And in fact most people didn't grind those: I know because I've been on a three+ year mission to convince people to grind for those, because they add up. But I can tell you that when I first started doing that, I got piles and piles of disagrees from people saying those rewards were trivial and not worth going after. And extremely few willing to defend the idea publicly. The shift in attitude for arena milestones has been building over time.
The game mode itself is intended to be a past time. But as nothing serves only one purpose, the arenas also have a competitive element - the rank rewards including the featured and basic champs. And the past time rewards have increasingly become a major focus of the arenas. Far more, I think, than the devs anticipated or even wanted. If you're grinding away in the arena, you're not doing monthly EQ, you're not doing the Variants, you're not doing the side quest, and those are the places the devs focus their attention with regard to progress and progressional rewards. Some of us do all that stuff and then the arena besides, but I presume many focus on the arena first, which is fine by me but probably not terribly desired by the devs.
The arena changes are probably being driven by two things. First, the devs want to rethink what kind of rewards are in there, given how players are actually playing the game mode rather than how it was originally envisioned. That's why, for example, they've upped the shards in those arenas. They decided to add a 6* rank reward, because players have been asking for that for a while. But they didn't add a new arena for it, which is an indication that second, they also want to streamline the arenas. There's lots of potential reasons for that, but the logical one given everything else going on right now is that workload on the devs has risen subtantially since the first set of dev diaries came out, and they are doing a lot more content work than in the past. That is putting more time pressure on them, so anything that simplifies game modes will give them more time to spend on other things.
There's a lot of goofy ideas about the why and the motivation for the arena updates. I can say from first hand knowledge they're all wrong. The purpose for arenas was never to be a focal game mode, but the devs are aware that it has evolved to be treated like one by a substantial number of the players over time. These changes are a reflection of the fact that how the arenas were designed and how they are being used has diverged, and the devs want to redesign them to reflect a better compromise between the players usage and the game mode's purpose.
And sometimes, Kabam is genuinely not sure how passionate the players are about any one particular element of the game until they touch it. Two years ago if they had made these changes, I can guarantee the complaints would have been squibs compared to today. Today, arena grinders are a much more wide spread, and much more vocal, part of the community. And honestly, even I'm a little surprised by how much things have swung this way.