Hey! I pulled Double Mr. Negetive on yesterday's offer, i was wondering what tierclass is he in your opinion? God tier? Beyond god tier? Demi? Other thing, Rotation ( how to maximize him ) and if the Signature level is important, game changing? Thanks?
I don’t really subscribe too heavily to the tier list, but I think he’s worth a rank up if you enjoy his playstyle. It’s not for everyone, but if you enjoy it go for it! He’s got a lot of power control utility, mystic ability countering and tons of other things.
I’m just finishing off a write up I’m hoping to post tomorrow, I can tag you when it’s done! It covers rotation, strength, weaknesses, masteries etc. Let me know if you’re interested!
First off we have a showcase of Mr Negative and his degen resistance capabilities with Mr Fantastic on the team. It's absolutely not necessary to take fantastic with you, but does help.
This video isn’t to show the perfect way to use Negative, if I was doing that the fight would be over in one Sp2..
Mr fantastic debuffs from pre fight also count towards the 40% per unique debuff, so they are a really great duo to bring along. With the playstyle of heavy attacks Negative has, you can keep the debuffs up the whole fight easily.
You’ll notice that Negative is regenerating a lot too, it’s very easy to stay at or near 100% health. When awakened, you regenerate while under the affects of a degeneration. And with 347 per tick, that’s a pretty sizeable regen. Especially since negative is sig 20 in this video.
Mr negative is one of the best Mojo counters, especially if you can bring Mr fantastic on the team.
I genuinely think Negative is (one of) the top mojo counter in the game. That degen barely tickles you once you have a couple debuffs up. And the regen from Negative’s sig easily heals more.
Unfortunately missed the window of the first sp2 for the degen, but the second was enough to KO.
I wouldn't be super careless about completing prompts, but if it happens, it happens, and with Negative it is definitely not the end of the world
So Mr Negative is actually an ok ish Nova counter. There are a few things to watch out for however: -throwing his sp1 at 75+ charges gives him true strike so you can't evade for that duration -getting to 100 charges makes him unblockable so watch out for that -hitting him while stunned will autoblock so if you do stun him, absolutely use a heavy attack. There are a couple times when I use a medium attack instead by accident and he autoblocks me while I charge my heavy, so to save myself I have to throw off an sp1. If you have light energy, just keep charging heavy to evade. However, in a war situation this would parry you, so ideally just stick to heavies.
With that said, the petrifies do really nice work to keep his power under control, the degen does really nice damage as usual, and parrying and reparrying is really nice to build up light energy really quickly. Mastering Mr Negative's evade can help you avoid a lot of block damage in this fight.
All in all, I wouldnt suggest Negative as your go to nova counter, but in a pinch, he's definitely an option.
Videos are great. Just seems to me thr jidt is not worth squeeze. They say he can never take a block but I can’t seem to get the light charges without well timed block
Time for another addition to my Mr Negative thread! Soloing X23 in labyrinth!
I was pretty pleased by Mr Negative's performance here. I was worried going in, Mr Negative is a very parry reliant champ, and Limber really hurts him, stun immune doesn't hurt as much and I'd actually prefer to take him against stun immune than limber. At least with Stun immune you can parry and reparry to build light energy. Here, limber makes it very tough to build to 10 light energy and convert. You'll notice I parry her sp1 a lot just to build light energy.
My game plan is to get to at least 10 light energy convert to get 10 dark energy and throw Sp2, which when you have 10 or more dark energy places two petrifies on the opponent reversing healing by 160%, plus the benefit from the degen stacks and rank 2 despair, reversing even further. After this, build to an sp2 quickly and throw it for one petrify to keep healing in check, then repeat.
I think I got average luck with regen procs while reversed, could have been better but could have been worse. This is a fight that can be over in 2 minutes with the right regen procs, or 10 mins with bad luck.
Overall, I think he's a very good heal reversal champ. He suffers from limber, so I'd avoid situations where you have to deal with that. But stun immune, or no nodes that affect stun, are ideal for him to build light energy.
When you get him duped a whole new world will open up to you
Time for another addition to my Mr Negative thread! Soloing X23 in labyrinth!
I was pretty pleased by Mr Negative's performance here. I was worried going in, Mr Negative is a very parry reliant champ, and Limber really hurts him, stun immune doesn't hurt as much and I'd actually prefer to take him against stun immune than limber. At least with Stun immune you can parry and reparry to build light energy. Here, limber makes it very tough to build to 10 light energy and convert. You'll notice I parry her sp1 a lot just to build light energy.
My game plan is to get to at least 10 light energy convert to get 10 dark energy and throw Sp2, which when you have 10 or more dark energy places two petrifies on the opponent reversing healing by 160%, plus the benefit from the degen stacks and rank 2 despair, reversing even further. After this, build to an sp2 quickly and throw it for one petrify to keep healing in check, then repeat.
I think I got average luck with regen procs while reversed, could have been better but could have been worse. This is a fight that can be over in 2 minutes with the right regen procs, or 10 mins with bad luck.
Overall, I think he's a very good heal reversal champ. He suffers from limber, so I'd avoid situations where you have to deal with that. But stun immune, or no nodes that affect stun, are ideal for him to build light energy.
When you get him duped a whole new world will open up to you
Time for another addition to my Mr Negative thread! Soloing X23 in labyrinth!
I was pretty pleased by Mr Negative's performance here. I was worried going in, Mr Negative is a very parry reliant champ, and Limber really hurts him, stun immune doesn't hurt as much and I'd actually prefer to take him against stun immune than limber. At least with Stun immune you can parry and reparry to build light energy. Here, limber makes it very tough to build to 10 light energy and convert. You'll notice I parry her sp1 a lot just to build light energy.
My game plan is to get to at least 10 light energy convert to get 10 dark energy and throw Sp2, which when you have 10 or more dark energy places two petrifies on the opponent reversing healing by 160%, plus the benefit from the degen stacks and rank 2 despair, reversing even further. After this, build to an sp2 quickly and throw it for one petrify to keep healing in check, then repeat.
I think I got average luck with regen procs while reversed, could have been better but could have been worse. This is a fight that can be over in 2 minutes with the right regen procs, or 10 mins with bad luck.
Overall, I think he's a very good heal reversal champ. He suffers from limber, so I'd avoid situations where you have to deal with that. But stun immune, or no nodes that affect stun, are ideal for him to build light energy.
When you get him duped a whole new world will open up to you
Great post
I see you comment on a lot of YouTube videos
I watch and comment. I am friends with a few youtubers. When I’m at work they provide nice breaks with their videos
Videos are great. Just seems to me thr jidt is not worth squeeze. They say he can never take a block but I can’t seem to get the light charges without well timed block
So I definitely understand where you’re coming from. But I kinda think that the no block method won’t be useful in the majority of the places you’d use him. No block method is just dexing, then dashing back to get light energy by removing the crit buff. Then you can get your opening. Heavy countering specials and their heavy is also very useful, since you get a buff from that for your light energy.
The only times you absolutely need that is playing on 1% health, things like destructive feedback, and when block damage is insanely high. Now, those situations aren’t too common, so really you can avoid the no block method for most of the times you’ll use negative. But when you need it, it’s very powerful.
It is also true that this playstyle is slower, and will yield less damage as you can’t build energy as quickly, but to say it’s not worth the squeeze may be underselling it a little. If you master the cycle of dex, dash back, evade, combo etc and throw in some heavy counters. It’s a very impressive skill for a champion to have in my opinion.
Lo and behold, another one of @TheManMythLegend 's twin brothers has appeared ... but this one is set on evangelizing everyone on Mr. Negative instead than Morningstar.
Not that I am complaining though. @BitterSteel , your Mr. Neg guide of a few weeks ago converted me and I have blown and will keep blowing shards on this featured hunting for him. Thanks again for your great work on letting us all know of Neg's greatness, I will closely follow this thread and join your Line too!
Now, do you two have other twin brothers besides @buddy_LEE ( Tigra evangelist) @Masterpuff ( Ronin evangelist), @Crcrcrc (iHulk evangelist)? We need an Elsa evangelist in this forum too you know. Wouldn't hurt to have a War Machine evangelist too me thinks. Any takers?
Hey! I pulled Double Mr. Negetive on yesterday's offer, i was wondering what tierclass is he in your opinion? God tier? Beyond god tier? Demi? Other thing, Rotation ( how to maximize him ) and if the Signature level is important, game changing? Thanks?
Lo and behold, another one of @TheManMythLegend 's twin brothers has appeared ... but this one is set on evangelizing everyone on Mr. Negative instead than Morningstar.
Not that I am complaining though. @BitterSteel , your Mr. Neg guide of a few weeks ago converted me and I have blown and will keep blowing shards on this featured hunting for him. Thanks again for your great work on letting us all know of Neg's greatness, I will closely follow this thread and join your Line too!
Now, do you two have other twin brothers besides @buddy_LEE ( Tigra evangelist) @Masterpuff ( Ronin evangelist), @Crcrcrc (iHulk evangelist)? We need an Elsa evangelist in this forum too you know. Wouldn't hurt to have a War Machine evangelist too me thinks. Any takers?
Haha is this my thing now? Am I the Mr Negative guy?
Lo and behold, another one of @TheManMythLegend 's twin brothers has appeared ... but this one is set on evangelizing everyone on Mr. Negative instead than Morningstar.
Not that I am complaining though. @BitterSteel , your Mr. Neg guide of a few weeks ago converted me and I have blown and will keep blowing shards on this featured hunting for him. Thanks again for your great work on letting us all know of Neg's greatness, I will closely follow this thread and join your Line too!
Now, do you two have other twin brothers besides @buddy_LEE ( Tigra evangelist) @Masterpuff ( Ronin evangelist), @Crcrcrc (iHulk evangelist)? We need an Elsa evangelist in this forum too you know. Wouldn't hurt to have a War Machine evangelist too me thinks. Any takers?
Haha is this my thing now? Am I the Mr Negative guy?
I figured out how to play him and damage is not game breaking. I wasn’t looking for this , but damn is it satisfying.
Upgrade my rating to a buy now.
I been playing him by converting the light into dark energy so I can get about 15 degen on him. Been using the furies as light energy fuel.
I’ll take him to R3 next.
Only question is , I can’t seem to see how significant his signature ability is.
nodes where there’s degen (ie bane timer is ending and DDHK pops his special 1) and mystic matchups or those with lots of nullifying just add in extra damage. The dark and light energy bonuses are neat as well
I figured out how to play him and damage is not game breaking. I wasn’t looking for this , but damn is it satisfying.
Upgrade my rating to a buy now.
I been playing him by converting the light into dark energy so I can get about 15 degen on him. Been using the furies as light energy fuel.
I’ll take him to R3 next.
Only question is , I can’t seem to see how significant his signature ability is.
Yeah his damage is really nice, but he isn't designed as a game breaking damage dealer - he's much more of a utility god.
How have you been converting the light to dark? The optimal way is to get to 9 dark energy so they don't run out, then try and get as high light energy as you can (up to 11), then convert so you get 20 dark. That way you get the most damage out of him. Obviously it may not happen every time, but that's what you wanna aim for.
RE: Sig ability, I actually really like it. It’s nice to have but not necessary, you can absolutely use him everywhere you want unawakend. Gives him a nice bit of damage when he has dark energy, a seriously beefy regen while he is degenerating (honestly almost every degen in the game will net heal you if you have a debuff or two on them), energy resistance while he has light energy and a nice bit of damage when someone tries to nullify him. All the cool stuff he can do is on his base, but his sig really shines for degen matchups.
For example, star burst does between about 1 and 150 damage I believe, and Mr Negative heals for 350 per tick as a 5/65 sig 20, so when awakened, Mr Negative will net heal the entire time. And if you have debuffs on the opponent the tick of starburst is reduced for how many unique debuffs are on at the time.
Time for another addition to my Mr Negative thread! Soloing X23 in labyrinth!
I was pretty pleased by Mr Negative's performance here. I was worried going in, Mr Negative is a very parry reliant champ, and Limber really hurts him, stun immune doesn't hurt as much and I'd actually prefer to take him against stun immune than limber. At least with Stun immune you can parry and reparry to build light energy. Here, limber makes it very tough to build to 10 light energy and convert. You'll notice I parry her sp1 a lot just to build light energy.
My game plan is to get to at least 10 light energy convert to get 10 dark energy and throw Sp2, which when you have 10 or more dark energy places two petrifies on the opponent reversing healing by 160%, plus the benefit from the degen stacks and rank 2 despair, reversing even further. After this, build to an sp2 quickly and throw it for one petrify to keep healing in check, then repeat.
I think I got average luck with regen procs while reversed, could have been better but could have been worse. This is a fight that can be over in 2 minutes with the right regen procs, or 10 mins with bad luck.
Overall, I think he's a very good heal reversal champ. He suffers from limber, so I'd avoid situations where you have to deal with that. But stun immune, or no nodes that affect stun, are ideal for him to build light energy.
When you get him duped a whole new world will open up to you
Great post
I see you comment on a lot of YouTube videos
I watch and comment. I am friends with a few youtubers. When I’m at work they provide nice breaks with their videos
Didi you try to use him with Venom synergy ? As i understand the trick is to never dashback to keep your regeneration. Not easy as you take damage but the 1% regen and SP3 regen help a lot
I figured out how to play him and damage is not game breaking. I wasn’t looking for this , but damn is it satisfying.
Upgrade my rating to a buy now.
I been playing him by converting the light into dark energy so I can get about 15 degen on him. Been using the furies as light energy fuel.
I’ll take him to R3 next.
Only question is , I can’t seem to see how significant his signature ability is.
Yeah his damage is really nice, but he isn't designed as a game breaking damage dealer - he's much more of a utility god.
How have you been converting the light to dark? The optimal way is to get to 9 dark energy so they don't run out, then try and get as high light energy as you can (up to 11), then convert so you get 20 dark. That way you get the most damage out of him. Obviously it may not happen every time, but that's what you wanna aim for.
RE: Sig ability, I actually really like it. It’s nice to have but not necessary, you can absolutely use him everywhere you want unawakend. Gives him a nice bit of damage when he has dark energy, a seriously beefy regen while he is degenerating (honestly almost every degen in the game will net heal you if you have a debuff or two on them), energy resistance while he has light energy and a nice bit of damage when someone tries to nullify him. All the cool stuff he can do is on his base, but his sig really shines for degen matchups.
For example, star burst does between about 1 and 150 damage I believe, and Mr Negative heals for 350 per tick as a 5/65 sig 20, so when awakened, Mr Negative will net heal the entire time. And if you have debuffs on the opponent the tick of starburst is reduced for how many unique debuffs are on at the time.
Lots of utility and playable in a few different styles
I’m just finishing off a write up I’m hoping to post tomorrow, I can tag you when it’s done! It covers rotation, strength, weaknesses, masteries etc. Let me know if you’re interested!
here's a link
First off we have a showcase of Mr Negative and his degen resistance capabilities with Mr Fantastic on the team. It's absolutely not necessary to take fantastic with you, but does help.
This video isn’t to show the perfect way to use Negative, if I was doing that the fight would be over in one Sp2..
Mr fantastic debuffs from pre fight also count towards the 40% per unique debuff, so they are a really great duo to bring along. With the playstyle of heavy attacks Negative has, you can keep the debuffs up the whole fight easily.
You’ll notice that Negative is regenerating a lot too, it’s very easy to stay at or near 100% health. When awakened, you regenerate while under the affects of a degeneration. And with 347 per tick, that’s a pretty sizeable regen. Especially since negative is sig 20 in this video.
Mr negative is one of the best Mojo counters, especially if you can bring Mr fantastic on the team.
I genuinely think Negative is (one of) the top mojo counter in the game. That degen barely tickles you once you have a couple debuffs up. And the regen from Negative’s sig easily heals more.
Unfortunately missed the window of the first sp2 for the degen, but the second was enough to KO.
I wouldn't be super careless about completing prompts, but if it happens, it happens, and with Negative it is definitely not the end of the world
The 7.2 Nova solo.
So Mr Negative is actually an ok ish Nova counter. There are a few things to watch out for however:
-throwing his sp1 at 75+ charges gives him true strike so you can't evade for that duration
-getting to 100 charges makes him unblockable so watch out for that
-hitting him while stunned will autoblock so if you do stun him, absolutely use a heavy attack. There are a couple times when I use a medium attack instead by accident and he autoblocks me while I charge my heavy, so to save myself I have to throw off an sp1. If you have light energy, just keep charging heavy to evade. However, in a war situation this would parry you, so ideally just stick to heavies.
With that said, the petrifies do really nice work to keep his power under control, the degen does really nice damage as usual, and parrying and reparrying is really nice to build up light energy really quickly. Mastering Mr Negative's evade can help you avoid a lot of block damage in this fight.
All in all, I wouldnt suggest Negative as your go to nova counter, but in a pinch, he's definitely an option.
Great post
The only times you absolutely need that is playing on 1% health, things like destructive feedback, and when block damage is insanely high. Now, those situations aren’t too common, so really you can avoid the no block method for most of the times you’ll use negative. But when you need it, it’s very powerful.
It is also true that this playstyle is slower, and will yield less damage as you can’t build energy as quickly, but to say it’s not worth the squeeze may be underselling it a little. If you master the cycle of dex, dash back, evade, combo etc and throw in some heavy counters. It’s a very impressive skill for a champion to have in my opinion.
Not that I am complaining though. @BitterSteel , your Mr. Neg guide of a few weeks ago converted me and I have blown and will keep blowing shards on this featured hunting for him. Thanks again for your great work on letting us all know of Neg's greatness, I will closely follow this thread and join your Line too!
Now, do you two have other twin brothers besides @buddy_LEE ( Tigra evangelist) @Masterpuff ( Ronin evangelist), @Crcrcrc (iHulk evangelist)? We need an Elsa evangelist in this forum too you know. Wouldn't hurt to have a War Machine evangelist too me thinks. Any takers?
Joking! Congrats man!
I'll take it! I'm glad you're a convert too!
I figured out how to play him and damage is not game breaking. I wasn’t looking for this , but damn is it satisfying.
Upgrade my rating to a buy now.
I been playing him by converting the light into dark energy so I can get about 15 degen on him. Been using the furies as light energy fuel.
I’ll take him to R3 next.
Only question is , I can’t seem to see how significant his signature ability is.
How have you been converting the light to dark? The optimal way is to get to 9 dark energy so they don't run out, then try and get as high light energy as you can (up to 11), then convert so you get 20 dark. That way you get the most damage out of him. Obviously it may not happen every time, but that's what you wanna aim for.
RE: Sig ability, I actually really like it. It’s nice to have but not necessary, you can absolutely use him everywhere you want unawakend. Gives him a nice bit of damage when he has dark energy, a seriously beefy regen while he is degenerating (honestly almost every degen in the game will net heal you if you have a debuff or two on them), energy resistance while he has light energy and a nice bit of damage when someone tries to nullify him. All the cool stuff he can do is on his base, but his sig really shines for degen matchups.
For example, star burst does between about 1 and 150 damage I believe, and Mr Negative heals for 350 per tick as a 5/65 sig 20, so when awakened, Mr Negative will net heal the entire time. And if you have debuffs on the opponent the tick of starburst is reduced for how many unique debuffs are on at the time.
Have a good day
Didi you try to use him with Venom synergy ?
As i understand the trick is to never dashback to keep your regeneration. Not easy as you take damage but the 1% regen and SP3 regen help a lot