Heavy, medium and light attack

Hi seniors,
I know what is a heavy attack, bit can someone advise me what or how to do medium and light attack.
Thanks in advance
I know what is a heavy attack, bit can someone advise me what or how to do medium and light attack.
Thanks in advance
Some combo advise:
The most common combo in the game is a Medium-light-light-light-medium attack combo. This means swipe, tap, tap, tap then swipe.
The other most common combo in the game is Medium-light-light-light-execute special. This means swipe, tap, tap, tap then immediately tap your special attack button after the final tap. You must have at least 1 bar of power to do this.
I think the reason why it's slightly less common to see someone do MLLLL than MLLLM is because the last hit is a light attack instead of a medium attack. Most people want to maximise damage in one combo, so they would choose the latter rather than the former.
I am not too sure on why people do MLLLL. Some say that it makes it easier to parry, others say it's just the way they fight and it gives them more time to dash back or something. But at the end of the day, what matters is which combo makes you more comfortable when fighting.
I don't get this? Flipping back and forth? Don't have to back up after the las light attack to swipe for the medium. Just swipe right. It even does not matter if you swipe on the left or the right side of the screen.
I always do M-L-L-L-L, or M-L-L-L, or M-L-L-L-SP1, or M-L-L-L-SP2 or M-L-L-L-SP3
To be frank, I actually do more 4-attack combo only, i.e. M-L-L-L without maximizing it, bcos this give me more time to react especially dealing with champs that can evade
Personally, which I'm sure it is my own problem, that I find doing M-L-L-L-M very awkward, and in many cases after the last Medium, the chance of me getting countered is much higher than M-L-L-L-L, but once again I'm very sure it is only due to my poor skill in executing it right.
Recently, I noticed that executing a SP* after a 5-hit combo has higher chances of getting intercepted, I noticed this after one of the maintenance update, but I couldn't be sure if it is a real issue or just bcos of me. Therefore I'm trying to stick with executing a SP* after only a 4-hit combo, which I can execute it with almost 100% success rate.
On the other hand, I find the success rate of doing a Heavy (H) after various N-hit combo may diff, again, for me. My success rate of doing a M-L-L-L-H is 50-50 at best, but it becomes better if I do a M-L-L-H or M-L-H, which probably doesn't make much sense, unless I'm doing it for the sake of earning extra valor points in the solo mission, or if I'm having an intended H not for damage but to trigger a buff or effect, say GR's regen, Dormammu's soul bond, etc.
I have seen some of the recorded plays of some famous MCoC end-game experts, and I'm sure they don't have any of these problems, so I believe it is upto me to practise more and to up-level my skills (or live with it if my fingers are failing me) ...
If you do need to do a Heavy, don't do M-L-L-L-H. Instead parry and then do the heavy. That's the only secure way to do it. If they are stun immune one way is to wait after the opponent did a heavy or a SP1 or SP2. But that depends on the style of anmation.