These are the top cosmic champs in the game, so naturally you have to pick the best, (in your opinion). If your choice isn't on the list please comment it down below!
Confused as to how there’s Aarkus but no Venom as well…
Hyperion is the best but venom is the most fun and therefore gets my vote
Hyperion could really benefit from being released as a 6*. Those added stats would really help him, especially his block damage since he's a parry-heavy champ with only 60% block prof.
Seriously tho, imo he's better than Aarkus
1. Corvus
2. Cgr
3. Hyperion
4. Cmm
5. Venom
6. Angela
7. Medusa
And then the rest range from good but not great, to absolute rubbish (sorry groot).
If unduped, then it's CGR and it's not even close.
That said, he's not available as a 6* and if it's only 6* cosmics, then my vote goes CGR. He's just fun.
If we are talking 6* only then corvus with suicides and CGR without suicides.
Hype as a 6* please
Hype is 3rd if they ever release him as a 6* tho he goes to the top
He himself is a beast doesn't need any synergy team and yeah big yellow numbers, power gain, furies and what not