That one champ who changed your account progression forever ??

Gotta be him , pulled him outta 1st romance cav. Event couple months ago and since then he has been a workhorse in 7.1 and 7.2 .
The DON of debuffs , the legendary ARCHANGEL. Top 3 Mutant and top 10 Champion in the game IMO (even without Horseman)
Oh yeah and 3* Medusa
Post 12.0 : 5* Hyperion and 5* Quake
Warlock for sure
Oh and the brilliant people in my alliance!
5* Quake carried me pretty much everywhere else
Whenever I'm in a variant he's not allowed in, every time I face a fight I'd usually use him for I realise how easy he makes things sometimes. *cough* v7 miles and Venom bosses *cough*
she carried me from cavalier to 7.2 completion