Cav Monthly is absurd and Thronebreaker should have a monthly



  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    I dont know, I'm fine with it, as long as they don't reintroduce the 4* challanges, I dont have the gold to rank up 4*s ! 😂 One champ works awesomely for each quest, and there's many other champs that work too. Not too worried
  • CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    Personally, I think that the current state of Cav is where it should be, I shouldn’t be able to just waltz on through each month just by swiping and tapping mindlessly. I find many of these new nodes actually make you pay attention to them and help keep you on your toes. Overall I find the EQ to be satisfying for me to do.

    I don’t believe that this actually hurts players since I think it actually helps prepare newer cav players for later content. As someone who hasn’t even completed 6.2 yet (I’ve been taking a break to build my roster up before moving forward with it) I find that Cav has actually helped me diversify my roster by showing me various holes in my roster that I can fill by ranking various champs. I feel this kind of roster check is important seeing as how completing and exploring later content such as Act 6 and Act 6 requires a fair bit of diversity in one’s roster.
  • Killswitch01Killswitch01 Member Posts: 687 ★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    DawsMan said:

    xNig said:

    DawsMan said:

    xNig said:

    Cav shouldn’t be easy to explore for early Cav players, even the “barely TB” players should have issues exploring it.

    You should need a deep roster with various rank ups to stroll past Cav EQ.

    I am barely TB. Tis not hard to explore itemless.
    Seems to be a problem for some, from the looks of it.
    Kk, I think the people having a hard time are cav, but haven't completed all of Act 6 yet.
    I'm not done with act six n honestly this eq seems easier than the last
  • XanderayneXanderayne Member Posts: 29
    Things stay the same difficulty and all

    I’ve seen several posts about how the skill nodes are “unfair” to players with suicides, and it makes me question if people even read or played the nodes. The other nodes let you shrug off debuffs.... which is like the whole point of the combination....

    Hey man - I couldn't blast through the whole quest with Nick Fury with suicides on - I actually had to use *checks notes* Hit-Monkey and Aegon for this quest! NeRf CaV eQ.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    Its been said already but keep working on your skills and roster. Simple fix.
  • Robbo9Robbo9 Member Posts: 51
    Things stay the same difficulty and all

    I’ve seen several posts about how the skill nodes are “unfair” to players with suicides, and it makes me question if people even read or played the nodes. The other nodes let you shrug off debuffs.... which is like the whole point of the combination....

    If you read the nodes it tells you it’s only non damaging debuffs that they let you shrug off.

    I did it with a combination of a ramped up aegon with fury/goldpool to get rid of the bleed a bit quicker. But that’s not really the point. Between the skill quest, the path in the tech quest and the overseer I make it 53 of the 210 fights in the whole eq have heal block on them. It’s over 25% of them which is a bit much.

    But that’s really the only issue I’ve had with cav difficulty the last 9 months. I think the difficulty is just fine.

  • AouxWouxAouxWoux Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    Cav difficulty should be lowered and TB should have there own
    Thanks guys, I will use my non existent ISO to level up and rank up the rest of my roster.
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 669 ★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    What do you mean with "developed rosters?
    I have explored cavalier difficulty since December and my roster it's not developed but it is balanced. I have not playing act 7 and if this is like this monthly quest, I'm very excited about.
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  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Cav difficulty should be lowered and TB should have there own
    I think we're running into the same problem before, when there was no Cavalier difficulty. To please the Cavalier players, the Uncollected EQ was considerably more difficult before than after. Now the same thing is happening with Cavalier. Is it fair? Not really. Is there an alternative? No, as making another difficulty will diverge resources to what is essentially making double content. Also, those quests should have rewards, which will widen the gap between the Thronebreakers aka whales and the rest.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    We needed the Cav difficulty because Uncollected was too easy. It's the hardest difficulty and it ought to be challenging. People need to stop thinking that the hardest difficulty should be set for whatever they can easily do.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    So far about the only difficult thing this month is the passive heal block in 3.3 right when I turn suicides on.

    The Cavalier title is a requirement to unlock access to the quest, not giving you divine access to free rewards. The MEQ has always been more difficult than the title required to unlock it. None of the nodes are particularly niche, they don’t rely on god tier champions to be able to get through, in fact the majority of them don’t favour the classic top tier champions which should allow those rosters not blessed by lady luck an easy ride.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    1) cav eq exploration isn't meant for early cav - early cav shoudl be able to do completion and as you get further through cav, you can explore the quest

    2) I am a late f2p cav, w 10k prestige and 800k PI and this quest is easy to not only complete but also explore.

    3) the fact that it hurts you doesn't mean that it hurts all players as you said
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all

    This monthly eq is disastrous to say the least, the difficulty spiked dramatically some of these node combinations are absurd especially the tech one its arguably the most tedious one and there's a path with heal block that feels like a f you to players that have suicides. To top it off to have Blade as the boss with such tricky node combinations, if I didn't play right blade would gain alot of health before I could launch another special.
    (This is uncollected but my point remains)

    I know this is hurting player who are progressing because your hurting me and I've been Cav for some time. The entire reason you guys made that change in shifting rewards from completion to 100 was so you can help players progressing, (this still hurts me but you claim it helps them) this new nodes and node combinations hurts both group of players and I know you guys care because of the changes made in new arenas, it shows that you care about the smaller accounts. I previously made a post criticising the way the skill node functions with mixer and that in comparison its much more demanding then the other nodes which for the most part just required players to have the class.

    I stand by that previous post and the solution to this problem wasn't making all the nodes harder it was making that node easier, honestly sad that I have to say that because kabam as a company is valued over a billion (findings that say otherwise are outdated) and this kinda move seems reminiscent of an amateur. Now like in that post I'm sure there's going to be people saying they like this change but for that I'd point to their roster. Someone in my alliance said they enjoyed the new found challenge, I was frustrated to hear this because he's Throne Breaker and I'm Cav. Now don't be mistaken when I say Throne Breaker, I don't mean in name alone, his prestige is 12.3 mine is 10.5 my hero rating is 1.7 million and his is 2.8, he has over 20 rank 3s and clearly I have none. That's cool that those players are getting to enjoy this again but if your trying to make content for both groups you really shouldn't. Cav eq is meant for newly Cav and Cav vets at the same time as is true for the other quest. I believe this eq falls apart when its presented to both Cav and Throne breaker and to properly address it I think the difficulty should be lowered in Cav and Throne Breaker should have there own monthly quest. Trying to appease both will cause a headache and pain for the players and kabam as a company and this is why there just isn't one massive quest with given to all players, and this is per kabam, you deemed it practical to do so and it still is, so please give Throne Breaker there own monthly. Chapter 2 dropped so its a good time and Cav won't have to deal with the push back when we say its too hard like in my skill node in the old eq especially when i found myself avoiding this one due to the difficulty which isn't good for me as a player ):

    When writing this last night I seen there is now a new post on this, I think the poll helps illuminate how this community feels and I again truly think giving Throne Breaker there own monthly.
    (Older 4 days ago)
    (New, yesterday I bet the disagrees are Thronebreaker)

    I think that was kind of the point of the cav difficulty was to give a monthly EQ for Cav's to grow into.... I could be remembering incorrectly though.
  • HarryBoschHarryBosch Member Posts: 78
    Cav difficulty should be lowered and TB should have there own
    I'll be honest. I've always breezed through (even without looking at the nodes) since cav difficulty came out until this month. I've never used a potion or revive but now I'm stuck on the science quest for this month (3.1). I'll likely need to play smarter and use potions :(
  • Wine_LoverWine_Lover Member Posts: 83
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    The big problem here is Cav difficulty dropped a year or more later than it should have and TB EQ should have been out months ago. Something should pose a bit of a challenge every month so I would side with keeping this difficulty or more, but the best solution would be a TB monthly EQ. When Kabam puts out a new summoner achievement tier or whatever you want to call it new engaging monthly content needs to come with it or shortly after.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    Wordunken said:

    and there's a path with heal block that feels like a f you to players that have suicides.

    my exact thoughts

    "oh you have spend credits on suicide, too bad now you cant do jack about it and to top it off lets start it with an electro with nodes which makes you want to crit often. there we go "

    it does not feel challenging, it just felt cheap :(
    and please dont constantly change nodes this drasticly.
    Use Aegon, he can do every single fight.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 891 ★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    I just finished 100% Cav after master and UC exploration. And although the reduced damage to defender nodes are annoying and make for long drawn out fights,..I believe the difficulty matches the rewards,..especially when considering the 10% t5cc nexus crystal. If you want the exploration rewards you need to work on a deep roster to do it,..and if not there is always the easy path completion rewards which are also still decent .
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian

    The big problem here is Cav difficulty dropped a year or more later than it should have and TB EQ should have been out months ago. Something should pose a bit of a challenge every month so I would side with keeping this difficulty or more, but the best solution would be a TB monthly EQ. When Kabam puts out a new summoner achievement tier or whatever you want to call it new engaging monthly content needs to come with it or shortly after.

    My guess is maybe 10%-20% of the player population is Cavalier. Less than 5% is Thronebreaker. We're unlikely to get more than five difficulty tiers simultaneously as evidenced by the fact that they deleted one of them to add Cavalier. In fact their announced push to accelerate players to Uncollected is probably part of a long term strategy to free up space to do that again eventually. But in the meantime, we can't have 40% of the difficulty tiers allocated to 10-20% of the players. More to the point: they can't release a Thronebreaker difficulty at the same time as they do a Thronebreaker progress tier, because that would mean they would be spending time to create a monthly difficulty map that almost zero people would be able to play.

    A lot of people look at this in terms of time waiting: if you've been Thronebreaker for X months, that's too long. But the time is irrelevant. The limiting factor on difficulty tiers is not how long people have been waiting for it, but rather how many people are realistically waiting for it. If that number is too small, it isn't worth making a difficulty tier targeted at just them, no matter how long they've been waiting for it.

    First you release the progress tier, then you let people reach it, and then when enough people reach it and it is worth it to do so, you target monthly content at that group of people. And in the meantime, you have to figure out where the time and resources are going to come from to do it. And that's probably going to be from an earlier difficulty tier you're essentially taking away.
  • RevHeresyRevHeresy Member Posts: 86
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    I’ve had no issue so far. Explored ch1, ch2, and working in 3.1 exploration. No boosts, just a revive here and there.
  • raviXsharmaraviXsharma Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    Cav difficulty should be lowered and TB should have there own
    The nodes are fine for those who have a great roster and all 5* R5 counters. Bur that's the catch, only thronebreakers are that full with rank up items to make their roster great and all R5. I think the nodes. Am be tonned down just a bit and that should be able to be done by most of champs and nir specific champs. What's what we need and not the difficulty down. It's fine. But refine nodes and tone it down slightly
  • MojoHaterMojoHater Member Posts: 244 ★★

    This monthly eq is disastrous to say the least, the difficulty spiked dramatically some of these node combinations are absurd especially the tech one its arguably the most tedious one and there's a path with heal block that feels like a f you to players that have suicides. To top it off to have Blade as the boss with such tricky node combinations, if I didn't play right blade would gain alot of health before I could launch another special.
    (This is uncollected but my point remains)

    I know this is hurting player who are progressing because your hurting me and I've been Cav for some time. The entire reason you guys made that change in shifting rewards from completion to 100 was so you can help players progressing, (this still hurts me but you claim it helps them) this new nodes and node combinations hurts both group of players and I know you guys care because of the changes made in new arenas, it shows that you care about the smaller accounts. I previously made a post criticising the way the skill node functions with mixer and that in comparison its much more demanding then the other nodes which for the most part just required players to have the class.

    I stand by that previous post and the solution to this problem wasn't making all the nodes harder it was making that node easier, honestly sad that I have to say that because kabam as a company is valued over a billion (findings that say otherwise are outdated) and this kinda move seems reminiscent of an amateur. Now like in that post I'm sure there's going to be people saying they like this change but for that I'd point to their roster. Someone in my alliance said they enjoyed the new found challenge, I was frustrated to hear this because he's Throne Breaker and I'm Cav. Now don't be mistaken when I say Throne Breaker, I don't mean in name alone, his prestige is 12.3 mine is 10.5 my hero rating is 1.7 million and his is 2.8, he has over 20 rank 3s and clearly I have none. That's cool that those players are getting to enjoy this again but if your trying to make content for both groups you really shouldn't. Cav eq is meant for newly Cav and Cav vets at the same time as is true for the other quest. I believe this eq falls apart when its presented to both Cav and Throne breaker and to properly address it I think the difficulty should be lowered in Cav and Throne Breaker should have there own monthly quest. Trying to appease both will cause a headache and pain for the players and kabam as a company and this is why there just isn't one massive quest with given to all players, and this is per kabam, you deemed it practical to do so and it still is, so please give Throne Breaker there own monthly. Chapter 2 dropped so its a good time and Cav won't have to deal with the push back when we say its too hard like in my skill node in the old eq especially when i found myself avoiding this one due to the difficulty which isn't good for me as a player ):

    When writing this last night I seen there is now a new post on this, I think the poll helps illuminate how this community feels and I again truly think giving Throne Breaker there own monthly.
    (Older 4 days ago)
    (New, yesterday I bet the disagrees are Thronebreaker)

    You are true... they are tryna put a lot of stuff in cav eq. the gap between a newly cav and a guy who has explored 7.2 is of 5 chapters, we have never seen such a huge gap. Also, legendary side quest is so so easy and not rewarding enough with respect to a cavalier's perspective. They should have a higher difficulty side quest with better rewards.
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  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    Do what you can, collect some rewards, build your roster, try again next month.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    DawsMan said:

    xNig said:

    DawsMan said:

    xNig said:

    Cav shouldn’t be easy to explore for early Cav players, even the “barely TB” players should have issues exploring it.

    You should need a deep roster with various rank ups to stroll past Cav EQ.

    I am barely TB. Tis not hard to explore itemless.
    Seems to be a problem for some, from the looks of it.
    Kk, I think the people having a hard time are cav, but haven't completed all of Act 6 yet.
    I'm not done with act six n honestly this eq seems easier than the last
    Thank you, this kid was tryna tell me its too hard for cav players.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    TRONG94 said:

    My hero rating is only 800k, but don't have much problem exploring Cav EQ each month. Are you sure you have all those god tiers champs ranked up? For this month nodes, my MVP who can solo whole path in each quest for their own are Colossus, Wasp, Hyperion, Sentinel, Sorc Supreme, Nick or Falcon.

    Yeah my hero rating is the same. I explore itemless every month.

  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Things stay the same difficulty and all
    The rewards are too good to miss. So if you have to do it with some extra items so be it. When uncollected first came out, I didn't finish when Modok was released and Ice Phoenix was a boss. I simply didn't have the skill or counters at the time. Now I'm Thronebreaker with all content done so just be patient and build your roster. That's it.
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