KT1s 1st tier list: Good, bad, unnecessary?

My favorite mcoc youtuber KT1 has (reluctantly, as he says) released his 1st tier list (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gz9qK4EPb2rtOK68wQ04sHZn4p-FFDcz4XWvmcErQfo/edit#gid=0, link to video
It consists of only 5 categories (Top of the game, meta, useful, occasionally useful, useless) and there are some differences compares to other tier lists you'll know.
What do you think about it?

It consists of only 5 categories (Top of the game, meta, useful, occasionally useful, useless) and there are some differences compares to other tier lists you'll know.
What do you think about it?
KT1s 1st tier list: Good, bad, unnecessary? 153 votes
I don't care about those tier lists at all, everyone should find out for himself which champs are great
U cn see that KT has given it a lot of time & thought & has set some good rules fr the future of his list
If you blindly follow it, then it's a mistake on your part.
If you bring up the champs on the left you are pretty much garanteed to be able to clear all pieces of content without many problems. They might not all be the best at what they do. But because those champs can do a lot of very usefull things they are ranked that high.
Same as with the 4 horsemen for Abyss. They might not be the single best option for every specific fight. But because they can do pretty much all the fights amongst the 4 of them, they are pretty much the best champs for the content. (althou there have been some releases like Prof X that can do abyss extremely well also)
It's coming from his PoV, which is beyond 'just endgame'. For instance, not including champs that don't have a 6* version. The list is also quite influenced by AW, which a lot of us don't even play.
I like his empasis on this being his opinion (obvious, but it needs to be said), as well as his recommendation of needs-based rank-ups.
Like, I don't think Venom is 2nd best Cosmic (available as 6*) unless you haven't done (m)any variants. If you get Venom early, he may very well be the best Cosmic you can take to 5r5/6r2. More Variants done, more resources gained, more progress made.
It all depends on your situation.
Guardian should be moved up and Thor down.
Not bad overall.