Summer Of Pain - UPDATED [June 16 - 14:00 PT]



  • CMLowesRealmCMLowesRealm Member Posts: 18
    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,400 ★★★★★

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    I’m sorry bud but this’ll need to be hard since from 2020 kabam stars to Giv so much to cav and so one. So this’ll quset isn’t hard it one fight it need skill aKnowledge the champions ect just because you don’t can do it doesn’t mean it to hard I’m so tiered of a fews keep complaining it to hard just to nerft it again I’m tierd I’m that’s ben playing for the last 4 year without any break and start the game when it com out so stop telling it to hard when it really only is yours skils lvl
  • MollinaryMollinary Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2021
    Gamer said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    I’m sorry bud but this’ll need to be hard since from 2020 kabam stars to Giv so much to cav and so one. So this’ll quset isn’t hard it one fight it need skill aKnowledge the champions ect just because you don’t can do it doesn’t mean it to hard I’m so tiered of a fews keep complaining it to hard just to nerft it again I’m tierd I’m that’s ben playing for the last 4 year without any break and start the game when it com out so stop telling it to hard when it really only is yours skils lvl
    This event is definitely dedicated to high skilled players only so many middle or low skilled players will find it to hard and can fill disappointing. No matter how many people will say how easy it was most of us have to give up or spend too much rev for literally nothing
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,400 ★★★★★
    Mollinary said:

    Gamer said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    I’m sorry bud but this’ll need to be hard since from 2020 kabam stars to Giv so much to cav and so one. So this’ll quset isn’t hard it one fight it need skill aKnowledge the champions ect just because you don’t can do it doesn’t mean it to hard I’m so tiered of a fews keep complaining it to hard just to nerft it again I’m tierd I’m that’s ben playing for the last 4 year without any break and start the game when it com out so stop telling it to hard when it really only is yours skils lvl
    This event is definitely dedicated to high skilled players only so many middle or low skilled players will find it to hard and can fill disappointing. No matter how many people will say how easy it was most of us have to give up or spend too much rev for literally nothing
    Then it never was meant for them in the first place I’m meant I’m yet to sole the grandmaster but can sole the gwenmaster because the revser control is far esay so overall yes SOP was meant to be hard wasn’t really meant for early cav it meant for late cav and TB
  • CMLowesRealmCMLowesRealm Member Posts: 18
    No your correct I’m not super skilled but I get so annoyed that it’s difficult to R3 my 6 stars. This event is just another long list of things I can’t do. I’m Cavalier and at Grandmaster.
  • CMLowesRealmCMLowesRealm Member Posts: 18
    It would be great if they removed the unstoppable
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Mollinary said:

    Gamer said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    I’m sorry bud but this’ll need to be hard since from 2020 kabam stars to Giv so much to cav and so one. So this’ll quset isn’t hard it one fight it need skill aKnowledge the champions ect just because you don’t can do it doesn’t mean it to hard I’m so tiered of a fews keep complaining it to hard just to nerft it again I’m tierd I’m that’s ben playing for the last 4 year without any break and start the game when it com out so stop telling it to hard when it really only is yours skils lvl
    or spend too much rev for literally nothing
    I’m sorry?
    Have you just chose not to look at the rewards or something? I’d love to know how that’s literally nothing.
  • MollinaryMollinary Member Posts: 64

    Mollinary said:

    Gamer said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    I’m sorry bud but this’ll need to be hard since from 2020 kabam stars to Giv so much to cav and so one. So this’ll quset isn’t hard it one fight it need skill aKnowledge the champions ect just because you don’t can do it doesn’t mean it to hard I’m so tiered of a fews keep complaining it to hard just to nerft it again I’m tierd I’m that’s ben playing for the last 4 year without any break and start the game when it com out so stop telling it to hard when it really only is yours skils lvl
    or spend too much rev for literally nothing
    I’m sorry?
    Have you just chose not to look at the rewards or something? I’d love to know how that’s literally nothing.
    You first must bet 9 opponents to have those rewards I don’t reach point when will use rev so they’re no any rewards for me. Another end gamers content I will don’t even think about it.
  • This content has been removed.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,248 ★★★★★

    Suku6 said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Suku6 said:

    Suku6 said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Suku6 said:

    MCOC Team said:

    Greetings Summoners!

    The wait is finally over, and at long last, the Summer of Pain has Begun!

    We are presenting a special challenge for those who have become Cavalier (by completing Act 6 Chapter 1) or higher. Starting June 16, we will be releasing challenging Side-Quests weekly that consist of just ONE fight. But these fights will be against notoriously dangerous, challenging, and frustrating encounters from throughout The Contest!

    Each week, for 9 weeks, a new fight will be featured and the previous week’s fight will be removed. So don’t miss a week of punishment! To further increase the difficulty, starting from the 4th week the fights will also have difficult Solo Objectives for you to try and overcome. The final challenge will go live on August 18 and feature horrific highlights from the previous weeks, all leading up to a fight that has likely haunted your dreams before. (Since we’re feeling charitable, that challenge will remain open for TWO whole weeks).

    But what is to be gained from all this pain? 1x Gold. What? You want more? Fine. As you win fights and complete the Solo Objectives you’ll collect points that upgrade the rewards you can collect at the end of the event, all the way up to rewards such as a 6-Star Class Nexus Crystal and Tier 5 Class Catalyst Selectors! This is done with Peak Milestones. That means you won't receive any rewards along the way, but at the end of the Summer of Pain, you'll receive rewards based on how many points you earned from each of the Fights and Objectives along the way!

    So don’t delay, get ready for fun in the sun as you feel the SUMMER OF PAIN!

    EDIT: With the first Quest in the Summer of Pain launching this week, we want to add some clarity regarding who the Quests and Objectives will be available to.

    Each week for 9 weeks this Summer, we will be releasing a new addition to the Summer of Pain. These Quests will be available to all Summoners that have earned the title of Cavalier (by completing Act 6 Chapter 1).

    Starting with Week 4, we will be introducing Special Objectives that add an extra level of challenge to each of the Quests. These objectives will only be available to Summoners that have earned the title of Thronebreaker (by completing Act 6 Chapter 4, and possessing a Rank 3 6-Star Champion).

    This means that if a Cavalier Summoner completes each of the Quests and earns the maximum number of points available to them, they will be able to obtain Milestone #6.

    We apologize for missing this information in our earlier communications.

    Guys please remove or reduce that blocking penetration, because wow! Its too much
    Dude this event was advertised as supposed to be as hard as it gets. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Don't ask for nerfs just because you can't read where it says who this content is for.

    I refuse to see this turn into another show up difficulty.
    No man, intercepting is another game. A parry mastery is what most people use, including myself. Well I guess all the content goes to those that have time.
    The node is called Invade. Has nothing to do with block proficiency. 300% increased attack while hitting into the block. Guess what, the attack can do that to the defender as well. Git gud.
    That is just a ridiculous comparison. I obviously read the node. How can u compare a 119k PI to a 11k PI?
    PI is a fairly useless number, all things considered. I ignore it completely going into fights.

    Way back in the day when a lot of us endgamers started playing, it took a long time to even unlock parry and dexterity. It wasn’t even immediately apparent that they were things you needed. Learning to spot openings was a day one thing. It baffles me that a Cavalier player can say with a straight face that intercepting is too hard.

    I... I just gave a “kids these days have it too easy” speech. Am I old now? I hate this.
    Do consider that we all start somewhere. You did not wake up and mastered intercepting. It probably took you years. So do not judge. I am one year and 7 months playing this game and intercepting is still hard for me. And yes you are right by saying back in the day. Now is not back in the day....
    If you are 1 year and 7 months into the game, I wish you all the best progressing, but this content is 100% not aimed at you
    I'm a year and 4 months in. I'm TB and beat rogue. Took me 8 revives because I am not perfect at intercepts, but she wasn't that terrible.

    Since I am not super skilled, I just farm revives for a week to be ready for the next challenge. I am glad the content is difficult, it will make me better in the long run
    Exactly this. Well said. It's content that takes us out of our comfort zone that pushes us to advance our knowledge and skill in this game. Which to me, is what the game itself is about. Progression, so many think this word only applies to one's roster. False, true progression means to progress in every way. Including game knowledge and combat techniques as well. Glad to hear you successfully finished the challenge! And good luck in the ones to follow.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,724 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    You're just not ready for this. No on says you have to do this,.use resources or spend money. They have been warning us how hard this was going to be for some time. If it's too hard, don't do it. But don't try blaming them at all.

    I'm really tired of people trying to lob this made up "loyal player" card. Kabam made this event for it's loyal players. You can get free revives a over the game. You can get free units from arena. You don't need to solo her, you just need to beat her. Use Corvus and hit into her block. Or just skip it. This event isn't about the cash, it's about the challenge.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,161 ★★★★★

    Suku6 said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Suku6 said:

    Suku6 said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Suku6 said:

    MCOC Team said:

    Greetings Summoners!

    The wait is finally over, and at long last, the Summer of Pain has Begun!

    We are presenting a special challenge for those who have become Cavalier (by completing Act 6 Chapter 1) or higher. Starting June 16, we will be releasing challenging Side-Quests weekly that consist of just ONE fight. But these fights will be against notoriously dangerous, challenging, and frustrating encounters from throughout The Contest!

    Each week, for 9 weeks, a new fight will be featured and the previous week’s fight will be removed. So don’t miss a week of punishment! To further increase the difficulty, starting from the 4th week the fights will also have difficult Solo Objectives for you to try and overcome. The final challenge will go live on August 18 and feature horrific highlights from the previous weeks, all leading up to a fight that has likely haunted your dreams before. (Since we’re feeling charitable, that challenge will remain open for TWO whole weeks).

    But what is to be gained from all this pain? 1x Gold. What? You want more? Fine. As you win fights and complete the Solo Objectives you’ll collect points that upgrade the rewards you can collect at the end of the event, all the way up to rewards such as a 6-Star Class Nexus Crystal and Tier 5 Class Catalyst Selectors! This is done with Peak Milestones. That means you won't receive any rewards along the way, but at the end of the Summer of Pain, you'll receive rewards based on how many points you earned from each of the Fights and Objectives along the way!

    So don’t delay, get ready for fun in the sun as you feel the SUMMER OF PAIN!

    EDIT: With the first Quest in the Summer of Pain launching this week, we want to add some clarity regarding who the Quests and Objectives will be available to.

    Each week for 9 weeks this Summer, we will be releasing a new addition to the Summer of Pain. These Quests will be available to all Summoners that have earned the title of Cavalier (by completing Act 6 Chapter 1).

    Starting with Week 4, we will be introducing Special Objectives that add an extra level of challenge to each of the Quests. These objectives will only be available to Summoners that have earned the title of Thronebreaker (by completing Act 6 Chapter 4, and possessing a Rank 3 6-Star Champion).

    This means that if a Cavalier Summoner completes each of the Quests and earns the maximum number of points available to them, they will be able to obtain Milestone #6.

    We apologize for missing this information in our earlier communications.

    Guys please remove or reduce that blocking penetration, because wow! Its too much
    Dude this event was advertised as supposed to be as hard as it gets. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Don't ask for nerfs just because you can't read where it says who this content is for.

    I refuse to see this turn into another show up difficulty.
    No man, intercepting is another game. A parry mastery is what most people use, including myself. Well I guess all the content goes to those that have time.
    The node is called Invade. Has nothing to do with block proficiency. 300% increased attack while hitting into the block. Guess what, the attack can do that to the defender as well. Git gud.
    That is just a ridiculous comparison. I obviously read the node. How can u compare a 119k PI to a 11k PI?
    PI is a fairly useless number, all things considered. I ignore it completely going into fights.

    Way back in the day when a lot of us endgamers started playing, it took a long time to even unlock parry and dexterity. It wasn’t even immediately apparent that they were things you needed. Learning to spot openings was a day one thing. It baffles me that a Cavalier player can say with a straight face that intercepting is too hard.

    I... I just gave a “kids these days have it too easy” speech. Am I old now? I hate this.
    Do consider that we all start somewhere. You did not wake up and mastered intercepting. It probably took you years. So do not judge. I am one year and 7 months playing this game and intercepting is still hard for me. And yes you are right by saying back in the day. Now is not back in the day....
    If you are 1 year and 7 months into the game, I wish you all the best progressing, but this content is 100% not aimed at you
    I'm a year and 4 months in. I'm TB and beat rogue. Took me 8 revives because I am not perfect at intercepts, but she wasn't that terrible.

    Since I am not super skilled, I just farm revives for a week to be ready for the next challenge. I am glad the content is difficult, it will make me better in the long run
    Exactly this. Well said. It's content that takes us out of our comfort zone that pushes us to advance our knowledge and skill in this game. Which to me, is what the game itself is about. Progression, so many think this word only applies to one's roster. False, true progression means to progress in every way. Including game knowledge and combat techniques as well. Glad to hear you successfully finished the challenge! And good luck in the ones to follow.
    Very well said. I’ve got two TB accounts, one stronger than the other mostly thanks to outlier 6-star luck (exceptional on one account, and bad on the other bc my only “great” champs require duped and high sig).

    I don’t always have time to dig into heavy content, so the goal has always been to ensure that each account has 5000 units for July 4.

    I did the Gauntlet (thanks, rank 3 Apoc) and Rogue (Dragon Man) on one account. I may not get it on the other or I might revive my way through it. Whatever.

    If you’re spending money on revives to clear content, you’re a sucker. Plan, save up resources, and grow your roster. There is LOADS of static content to do that we didn’t have when I became cavalier two years ago. Accept that this isn’t all for you.
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    You're just not ready for this. No on says you have to do this,.use resources or spend money. They have been warning us how hard this was going to be for some time. If it's too hard, don't do it. But don't try blaming them at all.

    I'm really tired of people trying to lob this made up "loyal player" card. Kabam made this event for it's loyal players. You can get free revives a over the game. You can get free units from arena. You don't need to solo her, you just need to beat her. Use Corvus and hit into her block. Or just skip it. This event isn't about the cash, it's about the challenge.
    Why mention arenas this isn’t about arena
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,400 ★★★★★

    Piviot said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    You're just not ready for this. No on says you have to do this,.use resources or spend money. They have been warning us how hard this was going to be for some time. If it's too hard, don't do it. But don't try blaming them at all.

    I'm really tired of people trying to lob this made up "loyal player" card. Kabam made this event for it's loyal players. You can get free revives a over the game. You can get free units from arena. You don't need to solo her, you just need to beat her. Use Corvus and hit into her block. Or just skip it. This event isn't about the cash, it's about the challenge.
    Why mention arenas this isn’t about arena
    To farm units to take down Rogue?
    Many don’t like to do arena because apparently there’s not good for unit first there complain the arena was bad now there doesn’t won’t to work for the rewards it flapping me I’m might not be the best but there is like 6 way to beat that rouge
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,724 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    Piviot said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    You're just not ready for this. No on says you have to do this,.use resources or spend money. They have been warning us how hard this was going to be for some time. If it's too hard, don't do it. But don't try blaming them at all.

    I'm really tired of people trying to lob this made up "loyal player" card. Kabam made this event for it's loyal players. You can get free revives a over the game. You can get free units from arena. You don't need to solo her, you just need to beat her. Use Corvus and hit into her block. Or just skip it. This event isn't about the cash, it's about the challenge.
    Why mention arenas this isn’t about arena
    To farm units to take down Rogue?
    Many don’t like to do arena because apparently there’s not good for unit first there complain the arena was bad now there doesn’t won’t to work for the rewards it flapping me I’m might not be the best but there is like 6 way to beat that rouge
    I don't run arena for units. Just suggesting to get BC or get milestones. Point is that resources are free in this game and you don't have to spend to beat content.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,400 ★★★★★

    Gamer said:

    Piviot said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    You're just not ready for this. No on says you have to do this,.use resources or spend money. They have been warning us how hard this was going to be for some time. If it's too hard, don't do it. But don't try blaming them at all.

    I'm really tired of people trying to lob this made up "loyal player" card. Kabam made this event for it's loyal players. You can get free revives a over the game. You can get free units from arena. You don't need to solo her, you just need to beat her. Use Corvus and hit into her block. Or just skip it. This event isn't about the cash, it's about the challenge.
    Why mention arenas this isn’t about arena
    To farm units to take down Rogue?
    Many don’t like to do arena because apparently there’s not good for unit first there complain the arena was bad now there doesn’t won’t to work for the rewards it flapping me I’m might not be the best but there is like 6 way to beat that rouge
    I don't run arena for units. Just suggesting to get BC or get milestones. Point is that resources are free in this game and you don't have to spend to beat content.
    Still there’s unit in arena if you isn’t willing to put the work u can’t complain.
  • MollinaryMollinary Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2021

    Mollinary said:

    Mollinary said:

    Gamer said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    I’m sorry bud but this’ll need to be hard since from 2020 kabam stars to Giv so much to cav and so one. So this’ll quset isn’t hard it one fight it need skill aKnowledge the champions ect just because you don’t can do it doesn’t mean it to hard I’m so tiered of a fews keep complaining it to hard just to nerft it again I’m tierd I’m that’s ben playing for the last 4 year without any break and start the game when it com out so stop telling it to hard when it really only is yours skils lvl
    or spend too much rev for literally nothing
    I’m sorry?
    Have you just chose not to look at the rewards or something? I’d love to know how that’s literally nothing.
    You first must bet 9 opponents to have those rewards I don’t reach point when will use rev so they’re no any rewards for me. Another end gamers content I will don’t even think about it.
    Even if you averaged 5 revives per week, that’s less than 2k units worth, for a 6* nexus in which all champs are the class you choose, and 3 25% T5cc selectors... that’s a lot more than you’ll get for 2k units from any deals.
    I will not complain if I be able to do it in 5 rev's ...
    From my count is at least 20 per one which giwing mi result around 200 revs for 9 or even more. Don't tell me is worth to throw money in something like this.

    Until now I done around 50 try's the max I took her 60k of hp using all of available for me solutions for her, it mean playing on rev's only will cost me a lot more than this I put above. And I am not rooke I play those game since beginning but honestly I a middle skill player and cav for while. Is very disappointing, when over half game become available for high skilled end gamers only.
  • CMLowesRealmCMLowesRealm Member Posts: 18
    Revives and Nick Fury got her down.
  • CMLowesRealmCMLowesRealm Member Posts: 18
    Does anybody know when you get the rewards for Pain event eg milestones
  • This content has been removed.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Mollinary said:

    Mollinary said:

    Mollinary said:

    Gamer said:

    I really don’t like this event because it’s too difficult and is just another way to get us to spend more money on revives. Kabam you need to reward your loyal players it’s not all about the cash.

    I’m sorry bud but this’ll need to be hard since from 2020 kabam stars to Giv so much to cav and so one. So this’ll quset isn’t hard it one fight it need skill aKnowledge the champions ect just because you don’t can do it doesn’t mean it to hard I’m so tiered of a fews keep complaining it to hard just to nerft it again I’m tierd I’m that’s ben playing for the last 4 year without any break and start the game when it com out so stop telling it to hard when it really only is yours skils lvl
    or spend too much rev for literally nothing
    I’m sorry?
    Have you just chose not to look at the rewards or something? I’d love to know how that’s literally nothing.
    You first must bet 9 opponents to have those rewards I don’t reach point when will use rev so they’re no any rewards for me. Another end gamers content I will don’t even think about it.
    Even if you averaged 5 revives per week, that’s less than 2k units worth, for a 6* nexus in which all champs are the class you choose, and 3 25% T5cc selectors... that’s a lot more than you’ll get for 2k units from any deals.
    I will not complain if I be able to do it in 5 rev's ...
    From my count is at least 20 per one which giwing mi result around 200 revs for 9 or even more. Don't tell me is worth to throw money in something like this.

    Until now I done around 50 try's the max I took her 60k of hp using all of available for me solutions for her, it mean playing on rev's only will cost me a lot more than this I put above. And I am not rooke I play those game since beginning but honestly I a middle skill player and cav for while. Is very disappointing, when over half game become available for high skilled end gamers only.
    Then simply put, the problem is completely you, not Kabam, not the rewards, but you and your ability to play the game, the event isn’t designed for players of your skill level, heck I’d say I’m only barely in the group it’s aimed at because I’m not consistent enough (sometimes doing 300k runs, sometimes doing 3k runs). but if you’re looking at 20 revives per week then you need to just be ignoring this event and doing any of the other things you’ve probably still got to do.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Have not received rewards yet

    You see that timer? You get the rewards then, as explained already.
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