Biggest mistakes

Hey everyone cosmicray 13 here and i just wanted to do something a little different.
So in this Discussion I would like to know you 1# biggest mistake that you have made in this game. So one we can cringe and two so we can learn from each others mistakes. Like mine is installing the game....XD JK no I really like this game but ANYWAYS It's probably selling champs when I first started the game. and before you attack me let me just say I had NO idea it's bad to sell champs but don't worry I don't do that anymore. So lets get started! can't wait to here from you guys and gals!
~cosmicray 13
So in this Discussion I would like to know you 1# biggest mistake that you have made in this game. So one we can cringe and two so we can learn from each others mistakes. Like mine is installing the game....XD JK no I really like this game but ANYWAYS It's probably selling champs when I first started the game. and before you attack me let me just say I had NO idea it's bad to sell champs but don't worry I don't do that anymore. So lets get started! can't wait to here from you guys and gals!
~cosmicray 13
Ended up getting beast
5* beast? That's not THAT bad. I've heard he is pretty good.
LOL. yeah I sold champs for my first 4* and 3*
When he's awakened yeah otherwise.. not so good
Oh I didn't know that. good to know. I have a 5* moon Knight and a 5* hulk so I guess I'm pretty lucky
The only reason I joined an alliance is cuz my best friend was the leader. But when the whole thing crashed and burned we joined a different one and a little bit after that I made an alliance "The Cosmic Krusher" my best friends account is Kid Krusher and mine is cosmic ray so that's why our alliance is called that.
Yeah, my friend (Kid Krusher) took his 5* HB up for AW defense.
But since war is broken it's kind of useless
About a year ago, quit in the middle of ROL, at the fight right after Wolverine, BB I believe. It took me months to get back to that point, but I eventually bested it.
Same. That sucked.
Another time I sold abomination and got 5* antman. Within 3 weeks of selling him I had him back duped as well, decided to keep him after that lol.
Silver lining: I got really good at intercepting before intercepting was a thing people talked about.
Why would you want to screenshot it?