Kabam secretley tweeked Parry

Love how Parry timing is much shorter now and was obviously nerfed so you need almost perfect timing to stun..
Another secret update swept under the rug hoping community wouldnt notice...any patch notes ?
Another secret update swept under the rug hoping community wouldnt notice...any patch notes ?
It was mentioned on their patch notes... Parry is much easier now.
I don't know if it is a lot better, but it does seem noticeably better. There's one fight in particular I've been using as the benchmark for parry: I take path 5 in section one of Map 5 and my go-to is OG Vision for Abomination. That fight is a non-stop parry, attack, power burn, repeat. I probably do a dozen parries or more in that fight, especially on day 5. A single missed parry and half my health vanishes because that turkey hits like a freight train. It is noticeably easier for me to get through that fight basically unscathed these days.
Also, the latest bunch of patches seems to have alleviated the horrible lag on app switch. It has replaced it with lesser random lag that pops up when I play more than a little while in a row, but the worst of it on app switch or notification pop up seems so far to be mostly history.
I used to be able to do a 4 hit combo, dash back, and then immediately parry the opponent when they immediately dashed towards me.
Since the update, it seems as though you can’t so this anymore. It’s Almost like you have to wait longer before you can parry. Or that your champ has to ever so slightly start moving forward to land a successful parry. Now when I try to parry immediately after dashing back I just end up getting a block.
Anyone else experiencing this as well?
Combo-parry seems to be working quite well. Rhythmically timed M-L-L-L-M-Parry-repeat. Works as long as the AI attacks after your combo.
Parrying a dashed attack was horrible after 15.1 although it's been slightly better since the hot fix. It's still unreliable and seems to be very dependent on which champs are involved (both yours and AI). Some champs like Thor can't parry at all (which sucks because his sig is stun-based), but others seem to work fine. It feels like every AI champ is like an awakened BlackWidow. When you think you've timed it right, you haven't and end up taking a combo to the face. When you're just trying to block and not parry (like against BPCW) then you end up doing the parry and again take a combo after the stun reflect.
Dr. Zola
With Abomination in particular, I'm not noticing the issue you are seeing. Yes, 5 combo+parry is preferred, but his AI won't let you do that indefinitely. He starts using heavies or just plain delaying, and certainly this doesn't work consistently when you are trying to bait specials. In situations where I have to quick parry a light attack, it seems about the same as before. YMMV.
I haven't noticed that with Yellowjacket. What I have noticed is that at some point, and I'm not precisely sure when it happened, Yellowjacket watched Dave's intercept video. His ability to intercept the player in the last third of the fight is actually pretty good now, at least when I'm fighting him.