Should Tune Ups just be removed at this point?

It just seems to be a waste of time for the buff designers and players if they are going to make lackluster changes that barely benefit the champion.
You might think I am overreacting but Kabam Miike said that from now on tuneups will be similar to this. No improvements were really made except barely adding to the damage Ronin has, which he didn't need. IMO they should do one moderate update and one overhaul, then next month have 2 moderates updates and one overhaul, and keep alternating. What do you guys think?
You might think I am overreacting but Kabam Miike said that from now on tuneups will be similar to this. No improvements were really made except barely adding to the damage Ronin has, which he didn't need. IMO they should do one moderate update and one overhaul, then next month have 2 moderates updates and one overhaul, and keep alternating. What do you guys think?
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
If more tuneups were like those I would be on board as well.
Ronin has barely even gotten any improvements, damage increased rsther than utility which he needed. In fact he was weakened against bleed immunes.
The devs can focus on other content or better buffs rather than these^
New monthly champions for the game are nice; but when I have to save up 3 months of 6* shards just for a chance at them, they don’t provide as much excitement. Whereas, buffs each month can target 6* I already have, so it feels like pulling a new champ I guess.
But when buffs hit squarely in the middle of the park, it’s just a bit like eh ok. I guess I just feel a bit underwhelmed, not even underwhelmed - just whelmed. Like ok, guess we carry on now.
Now this isn’t a complaint, buffs are terrible, stop them or anything like that. And it’s not a demand to make better buffs. I’m aware they’re not going to be aimed at me.
All this is, is an observation that for one of the most exciting parts of the game for me at the moment, finding out whether one of my 6* is about to be a lot better, it can feel pretty demoralising when it doesn’t take a champ i have an make them any more appealing to rank.
(Before I start though, I have no abject feelings either way and have no actual personal feeling toward most buffs in general)
Tune ups as they currently stand are pretty insignificant with how Kabam seems to want to push them as buffs. They do very minor changes to otherwise okay or decent champs, for the most part. These types of tune ups I think they absolutely could do away with.
However a good example of a tune up was p2099. A below average champ who, with some adjustments to his numbers (and how his overdrive mechanic works), became an above average champ. These are the types of tune up buffs that should be focused on.
In the Ronin situation, they took an above average champ and made changes that are overall very minor. That I don't see as a benefit to the playerbase, nor as a good investment for Kabams workload. I doubt we'll see a marked uptick in Ronin usage even after the work they've put in.
However, taking champs that have a solid kit, but are lacking in terms of damage output (someone like Hood) should absolutely have a Value Only tune up to bring them in line with both the content is being released, and with other champs who favour utility over damage for the most part.
TL;DR for those that don't want to read. Do away with minor adjustments to already decent champs. Give bigger value updates to below average champs with utility that's already present.
*ask yourself if being able to recklessly dahs into your opponent while throwing out big bleeds and big yellow numbers sounds fun.
Why tweak a few numbers which took next to nothing instead of devoting countless hours to others? Smh
Ronin is cooler now and with more damage to boot. To bad so sad, Sorry you didn’t get what you wanted, this time. It’s something that will encourage more players to pick up and play the champion which is the goal here.
The other members of the dev team would also work on the other buffs so it doesn't take time away either. That's how a dev team works. It's not one guy doing all the buffs. Once a change is made, they can push it out to the testers EXTREMELY fast (I've had days where I've had 4 new test builds come out in a single day that all needed their own full smoke-tests).
Your assumption is that this will make more people want to pick up Ronin, and my assumption is that the buff was so minor that we won't see a larger mark up in Ronin usage outside of those who want to see what changed and realise it's not much at all.
But please, I'd like to hear your experience on working in Games Development as a professional to prove me otherwise wrong.
Sorry you didn’t get what you wanted. Boohoo. Devil’s advocate? He should fire you, too emotionally invested imo.
The reason I can say Devil's Advocate is because all the buffs have absolutely no influence on who I will or won't use or rank up. I could not possibly care less if they actually stopped doing tune ups or continue to do minor tune ups, it's not going to prevent me or change what I'm personally doing and achieving in the game.
As for being emotionally invested, I'm not the one who's throwing out minor childish insults and attempting to rile up some sort of angry response. I've giving my personal experience in the field of Game Development. I've informed you of the usual procedure. You've given no constructive feedback, or debate for that matter.
If you can't have a reasonable debate without lowering yourself to a childish attitude, then at least to me your words have no merit or standing for any form of discussion.
Well said, see a childish attitude to me is one of fallacious arguments which you’re posts are rife with, from the beginning. I’ll invite you to read and understand Brandolini's law aka the bs asymmetry principle to grasp why my response grew short as arguing against this fallacious line of reasoning is a waste of relative time/effort. Keep posturing on that pedestal you put yourself on.