My worries about 4*s

Will keep it brief as it's past midnight here and im knackered!
I've seen a lot say 4*s will be obsolete and I didn't have any of it, until I now know that a RANK1 6* is as strong as a Rank 4 5*!!!
No a 4* to a r4 is already a big difference, these days in AQ 4* don't even pack that much damage!
So it seems certain that at some point 4* will be obsolete, obviously not yet and not at first... but is bad enough having a full roster of 3*s that I can't use in game... yes I could but why? Keep the old format of war and do that for 3*s or something... add in a feature where they can be used.
But back to my point, either diminishing returns or challenger rating is going to ruin 4*s coming up against 6* champs going forward.
I am quite worried about this...
I've seen a lot say 4*s will be obsolete and I didn't have any of it, until I now know that a RANK1 6* is as strong as a Rank 4 5*!!!
No a 4* to a r4 is already a big difference, these days in AQ 4* don't even pack that much damage!
So it seems certain that at some point 4* will be obsolete, obviously not yet and not at first... but is bad enough having a full roster of 3*s that I can't use in game... yes I could but why? Keep the old format of war and do that for 3*s or something... add in a feature where they can be used.
But back to my point, either diminishing returns or challenger rating is going to ruin 4*s coming up against 6* champs going forward.
I am quite worried about this...
Where was this mentioned? The only place I can find any info on 6* strength is the new challenge but all of those champs are buffed up with nodes. So their PI isn’t representative of the 6*s we’ll eventually be able to use. Unless you’ve seen this elsewhere? I would imagine it’s equal strength to a r3 5*. Usually the case with how a r1 4* is like a r3 3*, or how a r1 5* is like a r3 4*.
EDIT: never mind I just found the comment. I didn’t realise you meant challenger rating. Does seem a little extreme considering how hard it is to get a 4/55
Unfortunately we knew that since they announced the 6*. Of course everything will depend from the type of content they'll release in the future. An event entirely based on 6* champions will make 4* obsolete as much as the 3* are now. And then... well, then we will have to start from the beginning, duping the same champs with a * more, and that will bury this game once and for all.
The sad part about that is that we are in mid october now, and t2a is really scarce and T5b (needed to maxout 5*) is nonexistent
They said they would be released before 6*s are playable. They didn't say everyone would have them automatically for when they're released.
I suspect it was a design error, but it is worth noting that a 10 point difference in challenge rating is a relatively small effect. When CR was lowered in the 12.0.1 patch to the current levels 5* champions had their CR lowered by way more than that. No one noticed 5* champions becoming vastly less powerful when that happened.
If a 4/55 can have its CR lowered from something like 170 to 110 and no one notices a major difference, then whether a particular rank of 6* champion's CR is 120 or 130 is also going to be only a small difference.
Put it another way: in 12.0 before CR was adjusted a 5* rank 1 had higher CR than a 5/50 4*. But a 5* rank 1 was most definitely not more powerful than a 5/50. It just had a higher CR. In 12.0.1 they decided to change CR to better mirror the overlap in strength between different star rating champs, similar to how PI overlaps.