Questions that you might find stupid to ask.

I have one of those, While fighting an awakened Emma, and let's say she throws her SP1, I dex it by dashing front, now if I have to hit her with a dash, should I swipe back or front?
I would like the same answer for Dr. Doom. The reason I wish to know how it would be for him is, I felt that too much of power gain could mess us his rotations.
"Personal Bleed Debuffs are upgraded into Shrapnel Bleeds which inflict 1532 Physical damage when they expire.
If the opponent is Immune to a Bleed Debuff, inflict an Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 525 for 12 seconds"
And then, there is this part in his SP3 which says
"If the opponent is a #Hero Champion, 100% chance to gain a 30 second Fury Buff, granting +1641 Attack.
[Magnet] 100% chance to gain a 30 second Fury Buff, granting +1641 Attack.
Each Prowess Buff on Magneto has a 70% chance to inflict 1 Bleed Debuff, causing 1203.95 direct damage over 8 seconds"
Let's say you fight a champ you fight a champion who is bleed immune. All of the bleeds that would be placed would instead be armor breaks. Not to forget the Fury buff too.
Around the beginning of the year, the issue was brought up by a forum member called @HI_guys. He was a good guy who commonly reported bugs. It was found out that mags was Armor breaking nonmetal korg on his SP 3. He made a post about it, and he received a lot of backlash. But it was needed because the problem is that mags at the time could steamroll just about any champ simply due to that bug. He was way too powerful, and the bug was attended to pretty quickly (unlike a lot of other bugs).
Can't find the post unfortunately. I believe all his threads were deleted.
Can't find the post unfortunately. I believe all his threads were deleted.
But doesn't the Spotlight say he places armor breaks on bleed immunes? There is no mentioning in his Spotlight saying it is only for Metals, is there any?
It's stupid because I know the reason, which isn't a good one, and yet here I am.
Pictured: My entire wardrobe
I actually still had this happen to me once. When incursions launched, something went wrong and one of my accounts didn't get in to the incursion and it appeared that it quit.
I wish to to know how it could be for both, Claire, and Doom.
Black Bolt's synergy with Ikaris says that: Gains an Energize buff granting +100% combat power rate for 4 seconds, when a personal stun debuff is applied.
Does Parry count for his personal stun too? Or only the ones from his specials?