Regarding solution to the AQ tier issue



  • CappyCappy Member Posts: 132
    Aliab wrote: »
    How is your solution fair to the people that worked hard to advance to expert tier this week? I’m sorry you guys messed up and have decided to take it out on us and only benefit the massive alliances and players. Your AQ tier solution is a joke. We earned our place in expert tier but now are stuck in advanced for another week. It’s really not fair how you guys just played us. And you know damn well a free week will make it twice as hard for us to advance to expert! How are you gonna fix that?

    dont forget Advanced Tier scores are going to be inflated next round due to free maps
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    Exactly my point! All scores will be inflated next week as well. This is really the worst fix they have ever come up with. Kabam can you please stop short changing your loyal players?!! Is it Too much to ask for, that we get rewards and advance based on the time and effort we put into winning?
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    You'll still receive the Rank Rewards and Milestone rewards that you earned this week. We're not taking away the Rewards you've gotten for playing in this Current Series, but only will not be counting the Promotion and Demotion that would occur with this current week of Alliance Quests.

    Please explain how this is fair to the people that were in their correct tiers, and did the work to advance to the higher tier? You know your solution is terrible, and the scores will be inflated since it’s free. Fix it!
  • RobjobcbkRobjobcbk Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2017
    @Kabam Miike so what about the top 2700 just conveniently forget about the last 700? My alliance scored 10m more this round yet we will receive what did last round? Come on that is a quick water cooler solution. Sit down and figure this out. Aren't you tired of making these "Sorry, we messed up" posts. Let's get it right the first time so we don't have these issues.

    Edit: my alliance increased donations to get the higher score. Now we are out the donations, get a lower score, and will have a harder time staying in expert because free maps.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Aliab wrote: »
    How is your solution fair to the people that worked hard to advance to expert tier this week? I’m sorry you guys messed up and have decided to take it out on us and only benefit the massive alliances and players. Your AQ tier solution is a joke. We earned our place in expert tier but now are stuck in advanced for another week. It’s really not fair how you guys just played us. And you know damn well a free week will make it twice as hard for us to advance to expert! How are you gonna fix that?

    Those that placed in the Top 700 in Advanced this week will receive the rewards from the next tier that they could expect to earn if this situation hadn't happened. You're getting the rewards you earned this week, as well as a bunch of rewards from the Expert Tier that you could have earned next week. Additionally, this week shouldn't count because of how many alliance that were affected and didn't even try, so it wasn't a fair competition.
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    So if we place in top 700 this week we make it to expert tier? That rank up ticket is one of the rewards for placing that highly while in advanced tier but we won’t be getting it this week! You know full well it’s not about the negligible rewards, it’s about advancing to the next tier. And from day one of the issue you told those alliances that were misplaced that they will be given the milestone and rank rewards that they earn and they chose not to try. So no, it’s their own fault for not reading that they would be compensated properly once the issue was fixed. It’s really not an acceptable fix dude.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231

    Additionally, this week shouldn't count because of how many alliance that were affected and didn't even try, so it wasn't a fair competition.

    I haven't seen anyone say this. Since you guys kept us in the dark all week, everyone I know of has been playing like the proper brackets would be rectified. If we knew this wouldn't be the case, I'm sure we would have acted appropriately. Making next weeks maps free is not helping. Scores will be inflated. Why not just refund all map costs for the current AQ?
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    @Kabam Miike - What will the AQ Energy timers be for the free week? Regular or reduced?
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    You guys think we are so small and narrow minded that negligible rewards is supposed to make up for a full week of getting less glory and worse crystal rewards? Your logic is so flawed here. You are actively preventing us from earning better rewards for a whole week, with respect to rank rewards and milestone rewards. You wouldn’t be so defensive if you didn’t know the “solution” is actually just more problems.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    This was before the 2nd update in the AQ issue, so they dragged this out for no reason.
  • CappyCappy Member Posts: 132
    Aliab wrote: »
    How is your solution fair to the people that worked hard to advance to expert tier this week? I’m sorry you guys messed up and have decided to take it out on us and only benefit the massive alliances and players. Your AQ tier solution is a joke. We earned our place in expert tier but now are stuck in advanced for another week. It’s really not fair how you guys just played us. And you know damn well a free week will make it twice as hard for us to advance to expert! How are you gonna fix that?

    Those that placed in the Top 700 in Advanced this week will receive the rewards from the next tier that they could expect to earn if this situation hadn't happened. You're getting the rewards you earned this week, as well as a bunch of rewards from the Expert Tier that you could have earned next week. Additionally, this week shouldn't count because of how many alliance that were affected and didn't even try, so it wasn't a fair competition.

    What do we expect if we were in Advanced and dropped to Normal last week because of the error on your part?
  • Timeconsumer112Timeconsumer112 Member Posts: 2
    We pushed for 35mill so we could place in the top of the advanced bracket and move up to expert based on this seasons scoring trend. We spent lots of units, potions and glory to be able to complete map 5 and map 4. Now our score will be pushed further down the rankings because you have now included alliances that should be in expert teir. 35 mill would have put us in THE 1-700 rank for advanced tier. Wheres the compensation for wasted resources....we should have been informed instead of letting us waste a full series and resources that are already hard to come by.
  • CappyCappy Member Posts: 132
    We pushed for 35mill so we could place in the top of the advanced bracket and move up to expert based on this seasons scoring trend. We spent lots of units, potions and glory to be able to complete map 5 and map 4. Now our score will be pushed further down the rankings because you have now included alliances that should be in expert teir. 35 mill would have put us in THE 1-700 rank for advanced tier. Wheres the compensation for wasted resources....we should have been informed instead of letting us waste a full series and resources that are already hard to come by.

    Same deal for my Alliance
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    They dragged it out for no reason. And literally no alliance I know or chats I’m in said they didn’t play AQ this week or “dropped out”. Show us proof that actually happened and I’ll stop complaint about your “solution”
  • Michael3025Michael3025 Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike What about milestone rewards? My alliance is used to the milestones in expert tier, but we were placed in advanced... we were getting map 3 crystals and significantly less glory. Can you please clarify if you guys will compensate that??
  • DocmottsDocmotts Member Posts: 77
    @Kabam Miike As investors in this game, may we get the reason that this happened? I think that we are entitled to know what happened to cause this. We, the player base, have suffered through a lot of issues recently, but never ever know what caused issues or what is being done to prevent issues in the future. I, myself do a lot of changes at my work and would have to explain to the customer if any change I make caused harm in their environment. What visibility should we expect? Thank you for your time.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    ForumGuy wrote: »
    This was before the 2nd update in the AQ issue, so they dragged this out for no reason.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★

    Additionally, this week shouldn't count because of how many alliance that were affected and didn't even try, so it wasn't a fair competition.

    I haven't seen anyone say this. Since you guys kept us in the dark all week, everyone I know of has been playing like the proper brackets would be rectified. If we knew this wouldn't be the case, I'm sure we would have acted appropriately. Making next weeks maps free is not helping. Scores will be inflated. Why not just refund all map costs for the current AQ?

    Technically that's what they're doing. Everyone will be in the same Tier next week.
  • Fighter168Fighter168 Member Posts: 11
    This is a bs adjustment. My alliance is in the expert tier and supposed to get map 5 and map 6 AQ crystals in the milestones rewards and not the map 3 and map 4 AQ crystals. Due to your stupid error, and thinking of adjusting the glory shards and not the AQ crystals in the milestones rewards -- damn, we are really get screwed here. Not a fair adjustment.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231

    Additionally, this week shouldn't count because of how many alliance that were affected and didn't even try, so it wasn't a fair competition.

    I haven't seen anyone say this. Since you guys kept us in the dark all week, everyone I know of has been playing like the proper brackets would be rectified. If we knew this wouldn't be the case, I'm sure we would have acted appropriately. Making next weeks maps free is not helping. Scores will be inflated. Why not just refund all map costs for the current AQ?

    Technically that's what they're doing. Everyone will be in the same Tier next week.

    No it isn't but I'm not falling for your tricks today
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    It sucks all around really. My friends alliance was dropped down to advanced, we usually score in the same brackets during aq. So this round they will get all milestones and ranks from advanced plus everything they got last week. So alliances who weren't affected actually get worse rewards this week. There has to be a better fix. I actually said in alliance chat, don't worry, you guys will get all rewards from advanced and expert and we will just get our normal rewards, so you guys will come out ahead
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    @Kabam Miike My alliance did not end up being one of those that were affected, but I almost feel like the Expert tier should get something to balance out that fact that those in lower tiers are effectively getting double tier rewards. I'm sure I am not alone in this feeling, but I also don't think the solution would be to double the crystals we got, either. Toss us some glory/a handful of T1A?

    I won't really complain whether we get something or nothing, but I also want to take the time to mention that this idea of making T4 catalysts more available as 6* champions get introduced is really putting a strain on the fact that T1A are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain in the Expert Tier of AQ. Would you consider adding Tier 1 Alphas back to some of the AQ Milestones? Or include a maximum of 5 in the AQ Ranked Rewards? It's becoming a struggle to only be able to get a maximum of 9 Tier 1 Alpha Catalysts in a month, provided the player can get 100% in Normal, Heroic and complete Master, and run the T1A Arena every time it comes along.
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    They don’t even care guys. They don’t know how frustrating and saddening it is to see your entire alliance donate so much for AQ this week, their resources and time to make it to expert tier. Only to be told, “sorry we messed up and no advancing anywhere for you. So here’s one lousy t4b to make up for it. Seriously your fix is not appropriate and literally no alliance stopped playing this week so stop lying!!! Not one alliance will ever stop playing AQ
  • demeddemed Member Posts: 81
    How about the t2a we are unable to buy from the store because we didn't get the correct amount of glory. Based on the announcement we are probably getting rewards after glory store resets
  • Timeconsumer112Timeconsumer112 Member Posts: 2
    Normally we score 18-20mill and get the same freaking rank as we just did ... 35 mill ....
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017

    Additionally, this week shouldn't count because of how many alliance that were affected and didn't even try, so it wasn't a fair competition.

    I haven't seen anyone say this. Since you guys kept us in the dark all week, everyone I know of has been playing like the proper brackets would be rectified. If we knew this wouldn't be the case, I'm sure we would have acted appropriately. Making next weeks maps free is not helping. Scores will be inflated. Why not just refund all map costs for the current AQ?

    Technically that's what they're doing. Everyone will be in the same Tier next week.

    No it isn't but I'm not falling for your tricks today

    What tricks? If people spent in the Tier they were misplaced, having the costs waived the following week for all Maps compensates for anything spent. Technically, the cost is being returned. Unless they're just not going to do AQ next week, which I highly doubt.
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    No, removing the costs from next week does not negate the costs we put in this week on terms of time and effort to make expert tier. Only to be held back because they messed up! And now next week we will have to do twice as much work because it’s free so naturally once again only the big alliances are benefiting while the smaller players get no love. You suck kabam
  • Vegas110Vegas110 Member Posts: 23
    My question maybe it’s been answered already but...
    We have been in advanced tier for this entire season and base our map playing off the milestone rewards. We got pushed into expert tier this time something we didn’t earn in your post you say that only alliances that were effected going down will get compensated. How is that really fair we lost out on our normal milestone rewards. And as a bonus we get demoted back to advanced.
    Personally I think everyone should get their normal milestone rewards based off the last series. If you want to give out rank rewards to top x alliances that’s fine but everyone should be compensated something that was affected not just the alliances that went down.
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    I’ll post my question here-

    We were supposed to move up to expert for this AQ that just finished. But instead we were not moved up and stayed in advanced. Do we get anything?
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231

    Additionally, this week shouldn't count because of how many alliance that were affected and didn't even try, so it wasn't a fair competition.

    I haven't seen anyone say this. Since you guys kept us in the dark all week, everyone I know of has been playing like the proper brackets would be rectified. If we knew this wouldn't be the case, I'm sure we would have acted appropriately. Making next weeks maps free is not helping. Scores will be inflated. Why not just refund all map costs for the current AQ?

    Technically that's what they're doing. Everyone will be in the same Tier next week.

    No it isn't but I'm not falling for your tricks today

    What tricks? If people spent in the Tier they were misplaced, having the costs waived the following week for all Maps compensates for anything spent. Technically, the cost is being returned. Unless they're just not going to do AQ next week, which I highly doubt.

    You're entitled to an opinion I don't agree with. Good day
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