Regarding solution to the AQ tier issue



  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Wow, alliances who were top 450 in expert and then got dumped to advanced no get 3 sets of rewards, top advanced rewards, the compensation rewards for the top 700, and the rewards earned from their last run in expert, while those who weren't lucky enough to be dropped down a tier receive significantly less.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Aliab wrote: »
    No, removing the costs from next week does not negate the costs we put in this week on terms of time and effort to make expert tier. Only to be held back because they messed up! And now next week we will have to do twice as much work because it’s free so naturally once again only the big alliances are benefiting while the smaller players get no love. You suck kabam

    Sorry, I think you're really misunderstanding the situation here, but perhaps I can clear it up.

    If you ended up in the top 700 in Advanced this tier, you're getting the rewards you would have gotten next week in Expert. If you have to "push" to make it into Expert, it's quite unlikely that you would remain in Expert Tier next week.

    So, you are getting the rewards you would have gotten next week in addition to the rewards you've already earned this week. Your Alliance has essentially just skipped a Tier down and just stayed in the same place, with the rewards from Expert tier added in for no effort exertion in Expert.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017

    We got demoted to Advance because 65mil was not enough for the expert cutoff. This week, we put in 75mil. Now, we're stuck in Advance bracket again when we should be in Expert. What about the map 5 crystals and glory we will be missing from the milestones next week?
  • Neal2158Neal2158 Member Posts: 53
    But if we placed top 700 in advanced teir why aren't we moving up to expert? We put up 70 mil and are still stuck in advanced? We would have done free maps if we knew we couldn't advance back to expert teir.
  • Spart3nSpart3n Member Posts: 36
    Someone else asked and has not received any feed back, what about the milestone rewards for Expert that we missed this week for us being mistakenly dropped to advanced? Also you say people went light or didn't play AQ because of this error. What makes you think that? @Kabam Miike If you were going to void it you should have said so in one of the updates instead of keeping us in the dark. A large group of my alliance were using items to heal up and revive to push for AQ scores like it was going to matter. This is why people kept opening new forum posts, the vague updates did not have any hints on what was going to happen. You know what alliances are affected and where they would have placed in tiers for this past AQ if you guys didn't make a mistake. Line them up with the scores that were in each correct bracket and make it right. no cost for next AQ is not a good solution.
  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    no according to ur logic u r right but from my logic u r wrong...
    i was in normal... i sud be advanced this week...
    u giving me advanced bracket reward for solving the issue which had happen.
    but by next week again i have to be normal to promote my self advanced and then i will reached to expert...
    we cannot waste our 2 weeks to get promote to same tier...
    u wasted our one week which is totally unfair.
    you need to rivert ur decission...
    the best solution is to give the alliance the same reward what they earned from last aq and let the aq continue the same way...
    just because of few ally getting affected your punishing all alliance...
  • Neal2158Neal2158 Member Posts: 53
    Why not just refund map costs from this week instead of free maps next week that will inflate scores?
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Will these rewards be sent out on an individual basis ? This creates an issue for people who want to change alliances. If they switch before the rewards go out that they should have earned, will they lose them as well as next week's rewards ?

    That wouldn't be fair to individual players, and could prevent people from moving freely as they would be trapped waiting on rewards
  • TreoTreo Member Posts: 403 ★★
    @Kabam Miike normally we switch between expert and advance (easy promotion to expert) this week due to so many higher alliances in advanced we did not make the 700 cut. Could you please check normal promotion level points and this weeks 700 place cutoff so you can see you are in fact leaving a lot of alliances hanging ... that normally would have promoted but due to the big didn’t get to top 700 alliances ?
  • Mini_GrMini_Gr Member Posts: 31
    Fair enough compensation to alliances for this mess but technically they have an unfair advantage over rest of alliances as they get double rewards so what do we get?
  • SignumSignum Member Posts: 133
    If you were off last week, or took a vacation week you are being penalized. This isn't our mistake, it's kabams so why does my alliance have to stay in a lower tier for another week. It's like we are paying for your mistake, that's not right and it's not how life works...promote everyone to expert and let the ranking sort themselves out.
  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    Signum wrote: »
    If you were off last week, or took a vacation week you are being penalized. This isn't our mistake, it's kabams so why does my alliance have to stay in a lower tier for another week. It's like we are paying for your mistake, that's not right and it's not how life works...promote everyone to expert and let the ranking sort themselves out.

    i agree ....this is the best solution...
    promote everyone to expert so they wud be placed accordingly... we cannot waste our one week for getting promote to next.
  • MajinRamboMajinRambo Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2017
    Nvm just found out the rewards we got now aren’t the real rewards
  • AndyspirosAndyspiros Member Posts: 17
    WTF so basically if you are in expert tier and did not experience a visual issue you get less rewards. Are you incapable of balancing rewards for those with a visual issue and those without?
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike can we get info on whether people affected can change alliances and still get the rewards they rightfully earned this week ?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Andyspiros wrote: »
    WTF so basically if you are in expert tier and did not experience a visual issue you get less rewards. Are you incapable of balancing rewards for those with a visual issue and those without?

    It was not a visual issue. These Alliances were placed in the wrong tier and were not able to get the rewards they otherwise should have. If you Alliance was not affected, you shouldn't be expecting anything coming your way, but you will still have no map cost for the upcoming series of Alliance Quests.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike can we get info on whether people affected can change alliances and still get the rewards they rightfully earned this week ?
    Andyspiros wrote: »
    WTF so basically if you are in expert tier and did not experience a visual issue you get less rewards. Are you incapable of balancing rewards for those with a visual issue and those without?

    It was not a visual issue. These Alliances were placed in the wrong tier and were not able to get the rewards they otherwise should have. If you Alliance was not affected, you shouldn't be expecting anything coming your way, but you will still have no map cost for the upcoming series of Alliance Quests.

    Miike, can you answer about players who switch alliances ? Will they lose their rewards if they switch before you send out the adjustment packages ? I had a guy lined up to join us but it wouldn't be fair to him to miss out on earned rewards as well as next week's rewards. We need to know ASAP as tomorrow you guys will be gone and we will be matchmaking
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    Miike, what will the AQ timers be for the free map week? Regular or reduced?
  • Agent_007Agent_007 Member Posts: 26
    This solution is unacceptable! My alliance spent resources on health potions and revives trying to get back to expert tier. If the last AQ is null and voided then we want everything we spent on it back. We would have never spent resources on it if we knew it was for no reason. We either need to be moved to the correct tier or have all our potions and revives refunded. These are the only logical options.
  • ddude1234ddude1234 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2017
    @Kabam Miike I know my alliance was suppose to be getting map 5 crystals and whole t4bc this week last week we were in advanced so were kinda getting screwed by getting last weeks milestones which are map3 and 4 crystals and only a couple fragments of a t4bc
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    RAGEatGAME wrote: »

    You really should have given Expert Tier something and instead of limiting who is getting extra rewards to top 700 Advanced and 1400 Normal, you should be a better company and given something to ALL PLAYERS AFFECTED.

    This solution is (for lack of a better word) **** and waiting 5 days to address the issue with a solution shows Kabam knew this was going to be unpopular with the playerbase. Free Maps next round of AQ hurts more Alliances than it helps.

    This decision really seems you really want to alienate and make more and more players upset and unwilling to put up with these kind of shenanigans for much longer if at all.

    Much less money for Kabam along with less players as time moves on with these continuous issues will be the nail in your coffin. Why not be a fair company that encourages people to stay, grow your players and increase your profits... Once you do the right things. If this again falls on deaf ears, then you will continue to decline in all areas.

    - Justin Rage

    People in the Expert Tier that were meant to be there weren't affected.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    You suck as a company period. Over the months your bugs and issues are increasing. This week our alliance was demoted to advanced when we actually are top 300 Every week.
    Because of your massive screw up 4 members in our alliance left the game. Btw the pic above shows our rank and in expert tier we should've ranked easily top 100 and get better rewards but no you guys screwed up. Now next week AQ is free so many alliances would do more than 3 map 6 just to get the top 300 spot. **** this ****. Serious considering quitting now.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    RAGEatGAME wrote: »
    People in the Expert Tier that were meant to be there weren't affected.

    Doesn't matter, the new "free maps" will affect them next week so they should have something come their way.

    No other thoughts to the majority of my post though? Just the first sentence I wrote and that is all? That one sentence was not the point or the theme of my post.

    -Justin Rage
    [-X24-] RAGEatGAME

    It doesn't hurt anyone at all, actually. Those that are able to complete the higher Maps usually have the means to do so. Those that can't will try and not complete them. Aside from a small demographic that rations their Resources, it's not going to have a great deal of an effect because at the end of the day, the Points balance based on Ability. The system places people in Tiers that are appropriate to what they can do.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,429 Guardian
    RAGEatGAME wrote: »

    You really should have given Expert Tier something and instead of limiting who is getting extra rewards to top 700 Advanced and 1400 Normal, you should be a better company and given something to ALL PLAYERS AFFECTED.

    It is highly unlikely that any alliance that was supposed to be in the expert tier and actually did remain in the expert tier was negatively affected. The expert tier has a fixed number of alliances. Every alliance that was incorrectly bumped downward into the advanced tier in effect reduced the competition within the expert tier because all such bumps would have put a weaker alliance into the expert tier which would have made it easier to rank higher. If you were supposed to be in the expert tier and you actually were in the expert tier for the week, you either got exactly the rewards you would have gotten anyway, or there's a small chance you actually placed *higher* than you would have and gotten more rewards. You could not have gotten less rewards.

    Alliances that were incorrectly placed downward definitely received less rewards than they would have. Those alliances were negatively affected and that should be addressed. But the alliances that remained in the expert tier always got what they should have gotten or more, and have no need to be compensated for the error.
    This solution is (for lack of a better word) **** and waiting 5 days to address the issue with a solution shows Kabam knew this was going to be unpopular with the playerbase. Free Maps next round of AQ hurts more Alliances than it helps.

    This decision really seems you really want to alienate and make more and more players upset and unwilling to put up with these kind of shenanigans for much longer if at all.

    Now you're just making things up. In what possible way can free maps hurt a majority of alliances? At worst, some alliances that ordinarily would not attempt more expensive maps will give them a try and possibly place higher in a single week. If they move up a tier, one alliance will move down a tier. That won't propagate all the way down to the bottom because the alliance making the jump isn't likely to be able to jump many tiers due to cheaper maps: no more than a negligible number of alliances is capable of doing map 6 but can only afford map 3.

    My alliance was in expert tier and remained in expert tier: we were not directly affected. Although we scored higher than we did in the previous week our placement results were substantially higher than I would have expected: several hundred places higher actually. That probably happened to most of the alliances in the bottom half of the expert tier. That could only have helped them in terms of rewards. The top half was unlikely to see as much movement, just because there's less motion possible at the top, but any movement they saw is also likely to have been upward if at all.

    Given the nature of the problem, I think the compensation is as fair as is likely possible. I certainly don't think those of us that stayed in the expert tier need anything. We were already (incorrectly) handed a placement advantage by the bug as it is.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Hey guys, sorry if I am asking a question that has already been answered. But, when are we expecting our rank/milestone rewards that are supposedly the same as last week?
    I mean, AQ ended 6 hours ago and the announcement also came more than 7 hours ago but still nothing via in game mail.
    Anybody got a clue?

    I believe the Announcement indicated they are trying for before October 21st. They want to make sure everyone is in the correct Tier first.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Hey guys, sorry if I am asking a question that has already been answered. But, when are we expecting our rank/milestone rewards that are supposedly the same as last week?
    I mean, AQ ended 6 hours ago and the announcement also came more than 7 hours ago but still nothing via in game mail.
    Anybody got a clue?

    I know right ? Guys are waiting to join our alliance and they can't until kabam responds about rewards. This is is serious problem, people may be kicked and not get rewards or may have been waiting for rewards to make room for a replacement and we are all in limbo. Obviously nobody at kabam considered this or they would have included this information in their announcement or answered the question when it was asked 6 hours ago.
  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    now we wont be getting any response... it a weekend for the time they come aq will get started....
    Only higher alliance have got benefit as always and we lower alliance are is being ignored as always...
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