By the way @Kabam Miike this wasn't a visual error. We would have advanced to expert after this run but ranked 1250. According to you we will not get into expert or receive compensation. This is wrong. You should compensate everybody. This has effected a lot more people than you believe
So what happens with the chance we missed in buying t2a/items from the glory store this week as we are not getting these rewards in time before glory store resets?
This is atypical of them, it's not the first time they have waited till late Friday to make a controversial announcement with vague terms then bailed for the weekend.
A more constructive approach would have been to make this announcement much sooner so the issues it creates could have been discussed and more feedback given. By voiding a week of AQ and withholding we earned rewards for an additional week, you have left players in a vulnerable position. They will lose rewards if they are kicked, which they have no control over, or if they leave. And by the time any answers are given, two wars will have been started as well as aq.
There are no rewards for the expert tier? If I'm understanding correctly, alliances that were wrongly placed will now get more rewards than what they would get if they were correctly placed?
If you were in the Expert Bracket this time, and should have been there already, then there was no effect on your Alliance. You'll still be in Expert this coming week, and you'll still have no Map Cost for that upcoming series.
So expert alliances who have played your stupid prestige game and found a comfortable position where they only need 1-2 days of map 6 or none at all to sit comfortably in expert tier, will now need to run map 6 and waste potions because of your mistake? Everyone gets rewarded for your mistake but those of us high up in expert get shafted? Wow, what a great solution.
The free week is nothing but a bigger earner for kabam, we run 5x5 in the top tier and are happy finishing about 450 ish, last free Aq we did 65555 and finished 480, and some spent on revives etc where usually we never use any ( unless lag or any other kabam bug gets us killed) so as some one already said a free week means you all have to do an extra map 6 and then you still might finish worse off, mean while at the bank of kabam, their raking in the extra money. Some gift that is.
My alliance normally swaps between normal and advanced each week. This week we were (correctly) in the normal bracket and scored 3.8m. I would have expected that to put us well inside the top 1700, but we placed around 2200.
as far as I am concerned we HAVE been affected because we were competing against too may of the wrong alliances who should have been in the advanced, but we will get nothing under the proposed solution.
You should look at scores for an average week to decide who to compensate, not just go with the usual 1700 (and 700); we don't even know how many alliances were misplaced.
I believe I understand this correctly, but let me throw this out there:
The alliance I joined just prior to this past week’s AQ was firmly in Expert tier until the glitch demoted them to Advanced this past week. I played all five days this past week and received the Advanced tier rewards at end of week. From what I understand, I will receive the rewards from Expert tier (where the alliance was and should have been and should be again), but it may take a little longer.
I believe I understand this correctly, but let me throw this out there:
The alliance I joined just prior to this past week’s AQ was firmly in Expert tier until the glitch demoted them to Advanced this past week. I played all five days this past week and received the Advanced tier rewards at end of week. From what I understand, I will receive the rewards from Expert tier (where the alliance was and should have been and should be again), but it may take a little longer.
Is that a correct reading?
Dr. Zola
Yes. You will receive the Rewards you gained the week before in the correct Tier but they're aiming for by October 21st so they can make sure people are back in the correct Tier first.
By “the week before in the correct tier,” I understand that to mean the rewards for last week that should have been awarded to the alliance I played for—correct?
By “the week before in the correct tier,” I understand that to mean the rewards for last week that should have been awarded to the alliance I played for—correct?
Dr. Zola
Basically the same Rewards you got last week, before the mixup. That's for Players that were misplaced in the wrong Tier.
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
Not sure I follow this one. If you were one of the Allies misplaced, you'll be keeping the Glory you earned this week, and the Glory you earned in the previous week. That's more than you would have earned in one week.
I see many people who experienced the same as our Alliance did. We got demoted as we should have. Then putting up 50+ million, should have EASILY gotten in the top 700, and back into Expert. However we didn't get anything extra as many who were stuck in the wrong tier were competing with those who were in the correct tier. We placed around 800. With those points we should have been in the top 200 of the Advanced Tier. Now this coming cycle the competition will be even worse with free Maps. Many who don't play Map 4-6 will as they're free. While the rest of us who pay in weekly to run 5x5 or the like are now screwed by more competition that wouldn't otherwise be there. On TOP of the fact there's still Alliances in the WRONG tier. Regardless of the fact we weren't DIRECTLY affected by the AQ tier promotion/demotion debacle, we CERTAINLY were indirectly screwed by it as a result. That's what Kabam is missing here. Many were indirectly screwed by this, but I guess as we weren't direct targets, that means we get squat. That's tantamount to saying a nuke goes off, those that were killed by the explosion families deserve compensation, but those who are slowly dying due to radiation fallout don't get ****. You cannot argue this otherwise. We know we've been screwed. Whether or not Kabam can admit this to themselves is quite another tale.
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
Not sure I follow this one. If you were one of the Allies misplaced, you'll be keeping the Glory you earned this week, and the Glory you earned in the previous week. That's more than you would have earned in one week.
His issue is this: the glory store costs reset each week, meaning he could have bought an item last week at the lowest cost and then again this week at the lowest cost. However, if he’s short on glory because of the bug (and couldn’t buy a particular item last week because he didn’t get the correct glory), then the two he buys this week will be for a greater glory cost.
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
Not sure I follow this one. If you were one of the Allies misplaced, you'll be keeping the Glory you earned this week, and the Glory you earned in the previous week. That's more than you would have earned in one week.
His issue is this: the glory store costs reset each week, meaning he could have bought an item last week at the lowest cost and then again this week at the lowest cost. However, if he’s short on glory because of the bug (and couldn’t buy a particular item last week because he didn’t get the correct glory), then the two he buys this week will be for a greater glory cost.
Ah. Well, if he's short on Glory to buy it last week, and receiving twice the Glory this week, doesn't that make up for it?
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
Not sure I follow this one. If you were one of the Allies misplaced, you'll be keeping the Glory you earned this week, and the Glory you earned in the previous week. That's more than you would have earned in one week.
His issue is this: the glory store costs reset each week, meaning he could have bought an item last week at the lowest cost and then again this week at the lowest cost. However, if he’s short on glory because of the bug (and couldn’t buy a particular item last week because he didn’t get the correct glory), then the two he buys this week will be for a greater glory cost.
Ah. Well, if he's short on Glory to buy it last week, and receiving twice the Glory this week, doesn't that make up for it?
No it doesn’t. Have you purchased items from the Glory Store? Prices aren’t static. The cost increases with each subsequent purchase of, say, T2a shards. His issue as I understand it is that he buys an item (or two) every week at the lowest price(s). Those prices (and purchase limits) reset to the lowest prices every 5 days as I recall. So, T2a shards cost 1000 for the first batch, 1400 for the second batch and 2200 for the third batch. If he buys two batches a week, that’s 2400 glory a week. But...since he didn’t have enough glory for two last week, he spent 1000 glory then and will spend 4600 this week, instead of 2400 each of two weeks. That puts him out 800 glory (nearly another T2a batch at the lowest cost).
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
Not sure I follow this one. If you were one of the Allies misplaced, you'll be keeping the Glory you earned this week, and the Glory you earned in the previous week. That's more than you would have earned in one week.
His issue is this: the glory store costs reset each week, meaning he could have bought an item last week at the lowest cost and then again this week at the lowest cost. However, if he’s short on glory because of the bug (and couldn’t buy a particular item last week because he didn’t get the correct glory), then the two he buys this week will be for a greater glory cost.
Ah. Well, if he's short on Glory to buy it last week, and receiving twice the Glory this week, doesn't that make up for it?
No it doesn’t. Have you purchased items from the Glory Store? Prices aren’t static. The cost increases with each subsequent purchase of, say, T2a shards. His issue as I understand it is that he buys an item (or two) every week at the lowest price(s). Those prices (and purchase limits) reset to the lowest prices every 5 days as I recall. So, T2a shards cost 1000 for the first batch, 1400 for the second batch and 2200 for the third batch. If he buys two batches a week, that’s 2400 glory a week. But...since he didn’t have enough glory for two last week, he spent 1000 glory then and will spend 4600 this week, instead of 2400 each of two weeks. That puts him out 800 glory (nearly another T2a batch at the lowest cost).
That’s the problem.
Agreed, more stuff this kid grounded fails to see.
(Also, please keep writing DrZola, DZ isn't the same . )
What about the glory store? We are now at a disadvantage due to the store resetting by the timer get our glory points. This disadvantages us in costing more or reaching item caps. Kinda seems like the solution is only half complete
Not sure I follow this one. If you were one of the Allies misplaced, you'll be keeping the Glory you earned this week, and the Glory you earned in the previous week. That's more than you would have earned in one week.
His issue is this: the glory store costs reset each week, meaning he could have bought an item last week at the lowest cost and then again this week at the lowest cost. However, if he’s short on glory because of the bug (and couldn’t buy a particular item last week because he didn’t get the correct glory), then the two he buys this week will be for a greater glory cost.
Ah. Well, if he's short on Glory to buy it last week, and receiving twice the Glory this week, doesn't that make up for it?
No it doesn’t. Have you purchased items from the Glory Store? Prices aren’t static. The cost increases with each subsequent purchase of, say, T2a shards. His issue as I understand it is that he buys an item (or two) every week at the lowest price(s). Those prices (and purchase limits) reset to the lowest prices every 5 days as I recall. So, T2a shards cost 1000 for the first batch, 1400 for the second batch and 2200 for the third batch. If he buys two batches a week, that’s 2400 glory a week. But...since he didn’t have enough glory for two last week, he spent 1000 glory then and will spend 4600 this week, instead of 2400 each of two weeks. That puts him out 800 glory (nearly another T2a batch at the lowest cost).
That’s the problem.
Exactly what I’m trying to say. And almost the exact scenario that you mentioned. I was trying to buy t2A shards x2 a AQ.
That is my biggest annoyance in this whole situation. Yeah kabam to give us the rewards we should have gotten, I expected that much at least. But not even a consideration of this.
I guess I should just be thanking them for not banning me for the “exploit” of gaining map 3 and 4 crystals. Haha
The point I'm making is you're getting more than you would have. You get the Rewards you got from the wrong Tier, plus the Rewards you would have gotten, plus the Rewards you will earn for the upcoming week, plus a free week to make up for what was spent. I really don't see how that is slighting in any way. I can understand being upset it happened, but they're not skipping out on making it right.
The point I'm making is you're getting more than you would have. You get the Rewards you got from the wrong Tier, plus the Rewards you would have gotten, plus the Rewards you will earn for the upcoming week, plus a free week to make up for what was spent. I really don't see how that is slighting in any way. I can understand being upset it happened, but they're not skipping out on making it right.
More of what I don’t need I’m afraid. Yes we will probably do a run of map 6 during the free period or two. I might get some t2a shards from it, most likely not.
No point keeping the rewards if it’s going to cost me more in the glory store.
Look - you might not be in the expert tier or only have a couple of 4 star r5s. I get that it might not affect you as much. But people in my realm are trying to r4 multiple 5 stars and need as much t2a as we can get. It’s a stupidly slow process and already painful enough
I understand what you're saying. I'm not saying it's a perfect solution for everyone. I get that it caused problems. What I'm saying is all they can do is try to address it for everyone as best they can. They can't address every individual inconvenience. It affected many people in different ways.
A more constructive approach would have been to make this announcement much sooner so the issues it creates could have been discussed and more feedback given. By voiding a week of AQ and withholding we earned rewards for an additional week, you have left players in a vulnerable position. They will lose rewards if they are kicked, which they have no control over, or if they leave. And by the time any answers are given, two wars will have been started as well as aq.
So expert alliances who have played your stupid prestige game and found a comfortable position where they only need 1-2 days of map 6 or none at all to sit comfortably in expert tier, will now need to run map 6 and waste potions because of your mistake? Everyone gets rewarded for your mistake but those of us high up in expert get shafted? Wow, what a great solution.
as far as I am concerned we HAVE been affected because we were competing against too may of the wrong alliances who should have been in the advanced, but we will get nothing under the proposed solution.
You should look at scores for an average week to decide who to compensate, not just go with the usual 1700 (and 700); we don't even know how many alliances were misplaced.
The alliance I joined just prior to this past week’s AQ was firmly in Expert tier until the glitch demoted them to Advanced this past week. I played all five days this past week and received the Advanced tier rewards at end of week. From what I understand, I will receive the rewards from Expert tier (where the alliance was and should have been and should be again), but it may take a little longer.
Is that a correct reading?
Dr. Zola
Yes. You will receive the Rewards you gained the week before in the correct Tier but they're aiming for by October 21st so they can make sure people are back in the correct Tier first.
Dr. Zola
Basically the same Rewards you got last week, before the mixup. That's for Players that were misplaced in the wrong Tier.
Kinda seems like typical Kabam.
Not sure I follow this one. If you were one of the Allies misplaced, you'll be keeping the Glory you earned this week, and the Glory you earned in the previous week. That's more than you would have earned in one week.
His issue is this: the glory store costs reset each week, meaning he could have bought an item last week at the lowest cost and then again this week at the lowest cost. However, if he’s short on glory because of the bug (and couldn’t buy a particular item last week because he didn’t get the correct glory), then the two he buys this week will be for a greater glory cost.
No it doesn’t. Have you purchased items from the Glory Store? Prices aren’t static. The cost increases with each subsequent purchase of, say, T2a shards. His issue as I understand it is that he buys an item (or two) every week at the lowest price(s). Those prices (and purchase limits) reset to the lowest prices every 5 days as I recall. So, T2a shards cost 1000 for the first batch, 1400 for the second batch and 2200 for the third batch. If he buys two batches a week, that’s 2400 glory a week. But...since he didn’t have enough glory for two last week, he spent 1000 glory then and will spend 4600 this week, instead of 2400 each of two weeks. That puts him out 800 glory (nearly another T2a batch at the lowest cost).
That’s the problem.
Agreed, more stuff this kid grounded fails to see.
(Also, please keep writing DrZola, DZ isn't the same
Exactly what I’m trying to say. And almost the exact scenario that you mentioned. I was trying to buy t2A shards x2 a AQ.
That is my biggest annoyance in this whole situation. Yeah kabam to give us the rewards we should have gotten, I expected that much at least. But not even a consideration of this.
I guess I should just be thanking them for not banning me for the “exploit” of gaining map 3 and 4 crystals. Haha
More of what I don’t need I’m afraid. Yes we will probably do a run of map 6 during the free period or two. I might get some t2a shards from it, most likely not.
No point keeping the rewards if it’s going to cost me more in the glory store.
Look - you might not be in the expert tier or only have a couple of 4 star r5s. I get that it might not affect you as much. But people in my realm are trying to r4 multiple 5 stars and need as much t2a as we can get. It’s a stupidly slow process and already painful enough