More compensation for the parry/block fail bug?

Before I write what I'm about to write, let it be known that I am not one inclined to complain that we dont get too much free stuff in the game. Actually, I do believe that as time has passed by, Kabam has slowly but surely pegged down a somewhat ok rhythm on which to trickle down stuff to players as they need it. This is not necessarily free of course, it usually involves doing something in the game, but in general I have felt that the game has gotten better at rewarding me for doing content just with the right amount of stuff according to my progression level and ranking needs.
But this whole parry/block bug is a whole different ballpark. It just so happens that it came exactly on the time I had set apart for completing Act 6 and becoming TB ( just one selector away from R3ing my Warlock).
Was dead busy with life work until a week ago. Before that was slowly but surely building up my roster to tackle Act 6. The second half of July was the time I had sent apart to get Act 6 done. Yeah I received the whatever compensation package but I just finally took down 6.3.6 CAIW yesterday and now I'm outta of revives, boosts, pots and even units. 6.2 and 6.3 had me burn through all the units and pots I had been saving, was hoping they would carry me through till the grandmaster but nope, ran out at CAIW . No I am not the best player out there so I do depend on pots and rezzes for handling tough content. No I am not saying that if the parry/block bug weren't here I wouldn't have used pots, rezzes and units. I sure would have but what I'm saying is that that THE PARRY BUG HAS DEFINITELY RAISED THE COSTS OF HANDLING ACT 6. Because I am not the best dexxer, I run my maxxed sig R5 Guardian and CAIW. They are my bread and butter, the staple of my team. In fact, Guardian is there just to boost the BP of my other top champs such as HT, Warlock, Doom, etc. But the parry/block bug has had me clipped more often that I would normally be clipped, hence running out of pots, rezzes and units.
Now August will be here soon and my life/work will get busy again, no chance to focus on 6.4 . And I refuse to do 6.4 now with the parry bug still on the game. Even If I wanted to I dont have the units to do so, and I will definitely not reward Kabam by buying units from them when it is precisely their bug what that made me run out of units in the first place. And in the meantime I am losing on the chance of becoming TB and reap the rewards of the August TB calendar and the SoP objectives. It pisses me that I wont be able to get TB within the only two weeks of vacation I have. Wouldn't be surprised that they fix it by August when I'm already busy again to focus on the game for getting TB.
Again, I am not one to usually ask for free stuff but I do think that since this bug is of Kabam's making , and it is NOT a trivial bug (as it truly prevents you from completing tough content) I do believe that Kabam should keep the compensation coming until they fix it. They should compensate us weekly for each week they don't fix the bug. If this Wednesday the bug is still here, then each Wednesday we should get a compensation package for all the weeks to come on which the bug is still in the game.
Mic drop 🎤
But this whole parry/block bug is a whole different ballpark. It just so happens that it came exactly on the time I had set apart for completing Act 6 and becoming TB ( just one selector away from R3ing my Warlock).
Was dead busy with life work until a week ago. Before that was slowly but surely building up my roster to tackle Act 6. The second half of July was the time I had sent apart to get Act 6 done. Yeah I received the whatever compensation package but I just finally took down 6.3.6 CAIW yesterday and now I'm outta of revives, boosts, pots and even units. 6.2 and 6.3 had me burn through all the units and pots I had been saving, was hoping they would carry me through till the grandmaster but nope, ran out at CAIW . No I am not the best player out there so I do depend on pots and rezzes for handling tough content. No I am not saying that if the parry/block bug weren't here I wouldn't have used pots, rezzes and units. I sure would have but what I'm saying is that that THE PARRY BUG HAS DEFINITELY RAISED THE COSTS OF HANDLING ACT 6. Because I am not the best dexxer, I run my maxxed sig R5 Guardian and CAIW. They are my bread and butter, the staple of my team. In fact, Guardian is there just to boost the BP of my other top champs such as HT, Warlock, Doom, etc. But the parry/block bug has had me clipped more often that I would normally be clipped, hence running out of pots, rezzes and units.
Now August will be here soon and my life/work will get busy again, no chance to focus on 6.4 . And I refuse to do 6.4 now with the parry bug still on the game. Even If I wanted to I dont have the units to do so, and I will definitely not reward Kabam by buying units from them when it is precisely their bug what that made me run out of units in the first place. And in the meantime I am losing on the chance of becoming TB and reap the rewards of the August TB calendar and the SoP objectives. It pisses me that I wont be able to get TB within the only two weeks of vacation I have. Wouldn't be surprised that they fix it by August when I'm already busy again to focus on the game for getting TB.
Again, I am not one to usually ask for free stuff but I do think that since this bug is of Kabam's making , and it is NOT a trivial bug (as it truly prevents you from completing tough content) I do believe that Kabam should keep the compensation coming until they fix it. They should compensate us weekly for each week they don't fix the bug. If this Wednesday the bug is still here, then each Wednesday we should get a compensation package for all the weeks to come on which the bug is still in the game.
Mic drop 🎤
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
To Go about the forums without seeing someone asking for Compensation For
The Parry bug every 3 hour's
I agree that there is no requirement of new threads for this. We have many threads already open for this issue. Creating new ones just clutters the forums.
It's going to be difficult, but it's not like everyone is asking for everything to be done on the first day of the bug. It's more than 2 weeks now. 14 days is the time for expiration on the overflow for revives and potions. So,its fair to expect some sort of compensation, even if it is the same as the first one
Again, I was in agreement with you in the first weeks, because it was just the start of an issue. Asking for compensation as soon as something crops up is madness. But we have 2 weeks gone now, so it's not unreasonable for people to ask something to tide them over.
Fine with holding off on story as it’s not going anywhere but, weaker players maybe struggling with the side quest, and I’ve used 8 revives in eq so far as I don’t want to leave it all till last week (that’s more than I’ve used in the past year on eq)
It’s the lack of any word from a mod that adds to the frustration, a few single revives every few days would definitely help the frustrations, my alliance has had two retirements this week.
For someone who wanted to be Cavalier just to get 5 star AG, I agree. The story is time-sensitive as Cavalier got much better rewards in Sentinel of Liberty objectives than Uncollected.
But as mods have said, as soon as I became Cavalier, I stopped Act 6. So... You have to choose your battles.
Still... I am also looking for revives and potions which I used for Cavalier progressions! Hopefully Kabam will compensate accordingly. 🙏
MCoC is a game—people play it at their leisure, which comes and goes and may be limited in some cases. It’s easy for some of those in this thread who have the ability to spend large chunks of time in game and on forums to forget that.
For whatever reason, the forums have decided to not to keep a front page dedicated thread for the game mechanics issue. I tend to think that’s one reason why threads complaining, asking questions, seeking resources pop up like mushrooms.
The main merged thread is back in Bugs, beneath all the pinned threads, middle of the page somewhere. And from what I can see, there hasn’t been an official update in a few days, but perhaps I’ve missed something.
And so you get more threads like this one, which is actually pretty reasonable. Playing the game is still a chore for many Summoners, who don’t have all day or all week or all month to wait to play, who would like a little communication and some acknowledgement in the form of resources that help them finish when they do have time to play. Not that much to ask.
Otherwise, you run the risk that Summoners become former Summoners.
Dr. Zola
I'm 100% for compensation. Totally agree that they will need to or will do something because it's a big issue but complaining about not being able to do act 6 or become TB is trivial right now. Both are optional and neither are going anywhere.
today I died to aq Beast cause parry did not work!, it annoys us a lot.
The simple fact that the issues seem to be present for certain players but not for all should be helpful in deciphering the precise issue. At this stage, I’ve got to think that’s been pinpointed.
So why no fix yet? Is it thornier than anticipated? Does it require a full update (which may have its own set of issues)?
Just level with the community. Most players are willing to help and give the game team time to resolve. But keeping in touch helps fend off the sense that this won’t end well or that the fix won’t work for a portion of the player base.
Saying “don’t do content” works for the first week or so. Starting into week three, it’s reasonable to expect something more.
Dr. Zola