If Mystique comes to the game, what abilities would she have?

If Kabam finally bring Mystique to the game, what do you think her in game abilities would be? besides shapeshifting what immunities/buffs/debuffs/utility would she have?
- shapeshifting
- evade, miss, auto block mechanic
- maybe a mix master mechanic
- critical bleeds
- Regen
- immune to all evades and also bypassing class disadvamrages
- Great synergies with most mutants.
one that is her human form, where she is able to replicate things like buffs from opponents
the other that is her mutant form, where she is on cooldown or something
Colossus' body for bleed immunity.
Wolverines claws for basic slashes.
Archangels wings for how long range heavy slash but no poison.
Venom's SP1 to inflict bleed but no ON NOM.
Basically you got to look at this as T-1000 from Terminator 2 rules, she can't become anyting complex but she can make an unlimited array of knives and stabbing weapons.
Rogue steals powers and abilities.
Mystique doesn't. She will just look like you, correct?
@Shadowstrike Just read your comment and 100% agree. (I've never understood the clamoring for Mystique to be added to the game. She doesn't do what people think she does).