Sabretooth arena only thing left to complete carina challenges!!

I’ll keep trying to ask for inhumans and canadian arena with four star milestones selector rewards, sabretooth only champ i don’t have or give us a unit deal! This rng is killing me been buying and buying the skill and mutant crystals no luck !!
You've been spamming the forum for months. Instead of doing that, grind for a ton of units in arena. Then you can probably brute force your way through the challenge.
However, nothing you say here will earn you a 4* Sabretooth any faster.
Or atleast I’m assuming you did and that’s why you cry about it so much now. If you didn’t and you’ve just never pulled a 3-4 year old champion, then you’ve just been doing something wrong all this time and it’s still your fault
4* are not RNG for anyone trying to finish Carinas challenges, because they should be the last thing you're trying to finish.
If you have 1 Carinas challenge left, and ALL other content complete (act 6 and abyss exploration), you're doing or did something wrong.