Need opinion.

Became cav 4 weeks back when venom and darkhawk sop was happening,couldn’t do venom. Did rest till now,can’t do Emma. Need 2 points (Emma and next,ghost) to get the nexus and selector. Can’t do Emma,came close to 25% but didn’t have any units or revives and lost flow and got ko by the time gathered some.
Is it bad if I don’t get nexus and selector?
Is it bad if I don’t get nexus and selector?
Congratulations on being CAV! Celebrate and enjoy that!
This could even work in your favor. The Nexus crystal is great, no question, but 15k shards is not bad either: you're trading one 6* champ which has a better chance of being good (three shots at it) for one random 6* and half way to the next. It is actually debatable which one is better for a new Cav player.
The T5C selector is also valuable, but for most players it isn't game altering. It is 25% of a T5C. Over time you're going to be able to work up to earning 20% T5CC a month from Cavalier tier EQ and the side quests. In the grand scheme of things, it is a nice to have, and for some players sitting on the edge of forming their first T5C catalyst it can be game altering, but for where you are now you might not even know which class would be most advantageous to pick today, since you are not likely to be certain who you'd be using it on later.
There's always going to be another SoP-like event. You need to pace yourself like this is a marathon. Take what you can get, and work your way up to being in a better position for the next one, and the next one. Don't think you have to do everything that comes your way, no matter how juicy it looks.