Gamora Buff

Based on the champion spotlight, how do you feel about the Gamora buff

Gamora Buff 135 votes

Super, can’t wait for it to go live
TheMailmannHilbert_unbeatable2Noise72goingtobeuncollected 4 votes
Good, I’ll probably use her a little more now for niche content
TaxMagrailothosShadowstrikeTotal_Domin01CassyRaymundo86ChampioncriticFluffyPigMonsterEwell65SSS69MaratoxTSR6225Doctor_Strange19RiptideAce2319ThePredator1001Killdisplayed_Neev_4321 17 votes
Disappointed, but these tune up buffs can’t all be amazing
DrZolaRaganatorjdrum663BENJI830ShaggyMThatGuyYouSaw235Raichu626IKONRookiieRockypantherxCaptain_Pug30MadEyeMoody_333DeaconMaxwell24RocketWaffleErcarretBawa69MasterpuffIronGladiator22Renaxqq 33 votes
Very disappointed. Please delay this buff and make it better Kabaam
CrusherDrOctavius2_2PalanthraxSpity68ChovnerTristanSymbioticVen9MTeddersSungjMasterduxcausticSceptilemaniacLiss_Bliss_Rbk19HilldarLordabckyuwTheHoodedDormammuSachhyam257Mysterio 81 votes


  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    Sorry for your disappointment.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,694 ★★★★★

    Based on the champion spotlight, how do you feel about the Gamora buff

    Doesnt change anything as id still be using her with guilly synergy
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Good, I’ll probably use her a little more now for niche content
    It's a slight improvement, it brings her abilities that you'd normally need the dupe to activate, to her base kit and her dupe just makes her base kit better. In a way it's friendlier for unduped gamoras, which I'm sure plenty are choosing from their 6* nexuses from a lack of a better option.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Disappointed, but these tune up buffs can’t all be amazing
    She needed an overhaul if anything. Doesn’t change anything for me in terms of her utility
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Very disappointed. Please delay this buff and make it better Kabaam
    Kabaam don't know how to stop buffing champions so they just decided,let's buff two champs now and we will buff them in a way no one will want to use them, in summary no buffs.
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    This is not a buff.
    This is a Champion Spotlight "Edit." And just like on the forums, Kabam needed 15 minutes to complete it. 😹
  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    Very disappointed. Please delay this buff and make it better Kabaam
    They need to hire someone who actually plays the game. This buff doesn’t seem like someone who knows how this character works.
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  • Hilbert_unbeatable2Hilbert_unbeatable2 Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    Super, can’t wait for it to go live
    Obviously being sarcastic
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