Who is the really good champ that you have never used?

Seeing some rank up posts lately I realized I have never used captain marvel movie. Anyone else I’ve a killer champ they haven’t obtained or used yet?
Ghosting me.
Not so say I never used him...
I can't think of a "really good" champion I absolutely refuse to play as.
Just not good with her, I prefer Ghost
Rank 2 6* ghost, tech AG and tons of Sig's and I just can't get used to ghost either.
Diablo as well but that’s simply because I haven’t gotten around to testing his buff and I’m giving Magik all my mystic resources
Seems I just have something against Parry-heavy Mutants
CGR- Took him to rank 3 and wish I had my resources back. Great potion farmer.
Used the 4* sparingly. Don’t have a higher rarity.
Claire and Doom.
Don't have any of those over 4*. It's weird honestly, my luck with mutant and mystics is just pretty ****.
I don’t know how to handle Ghost very well and I just simple don’t like some of them.
But I’m beginning to like CMM & Fury lately.
She’s behind other cosmics and there’s nothing she does that I need
Claire. Doom handles pretty much all my Mystic needs
Thing, my second r3, never used him aside from ROL potion grind