Guillotine buff is here !!

Spotlight has still not been released . Should come in few minutes . Till then here's the overhaul notes. Looks good to me . Maybe we expected too much considering she was "people's choice" and Hercules too and he turned out to be broken OP. Lemme know your thoughts too.
Edit: I no longer think this could be huge
Sp1 is same
Sp2 is same
Sp3 causes degen now . Not sure if that was previously as well ..
Bleed debuff damage has been increased.
Some new cool name utility like Pain link has been added . She goes passively unblockable during special attacks in unslacked mode.
When either champ loses 5% health she gains 1 bleed curse
At 10 + bleed cirse , she goes unslacked . And that's where the big damage is.
Yall really just change an attack that can cut off health pools in a second to just do some damage over time? I get that it was hard to set up but it was possible AND vs enemies like AOL or LOL, even 1 souls was the 50k or 85k damage cap. Oh Kabam, you silly goose.
She does look better but jeez.
In terms of utility she just seems so light, she can’t deal with buffs like a normal mystic.
Her heal I think won’t be super strong but will be decent. Throughout defeating Winter Soldier (550k damage), she will heal 11k health. That’s about 40% of a 5* max health (without masteries). If I’ve missed something let me know, but 2% of 550k isn’t difficult to work out…
Her special 1 ability doesn’t ignore damage, just shares it. A 5k damage burst is going to barely tickle the opponent, but is sizeable for you. So not much use.
With her sp2 I’m not sure whether the values in Mike’s video are right, but it could be decent for reversal? 20 second spectre could be nice. But really, it’s not enough to be the crux of a champion.
The sig is nice ish, but it looks like the chance to trigger a rupture will be what scales, so sig 200 just to allow her to face bleed immune match ups.
Overall: Damage looks awesome, can’t wait to shred some match ups. Utility looks overwhelmingly mediocre. I’d be happy with this utility in 2017. I feel like I’m repeating myself from yesterday with the Thor buff, great damage, poor utility. It seems like Kabam just don’t want to give champs utility
So far from reading her details, I'm nervous about her buff.
I'm one of the few people who was saying all she needs is a moderate buff with some better numbers and extra utility but alot of people on these very forums were telling me I was wrong and she needs an overhaul.
No. She didn't. She was good as is. They just needed to roll some of her synergies into her base kit with some new utility and that was that.
So you’d rather have Old Guillotine than the new one. Ok
Otherwise, seems pretty impractical.
I honestly, truly think the players who are jumping in now never even played her before or much and just assume this buff is better but as I keep brining up, her sp3 is now trash compared to before.
Her life steal might be trash to before also. Yes it was 10% chance BUT when you souls, she was healing MORE than the damage she did.
Example: Lets say sig 200 Guilly with say 12 souls that's %165 she would be healing from whatever the hit damage was. Say she did a medium that was 7k damage. She would then regen for 11,550 health total from a single hit. Add in some more synergies and lets say she's on 16 souls, she would then heal 15,400 instead.
It was RGN based but it also worked amazingly when you did get it. As @BitterSteel said above. 2% of WS health is just over 11k. Even at 10% chance the Old Guilly would out regen that in longer matches with over 500K health.
Text version @Cassy
But she was picked because she's a lacking character that needs more added to her to make her balanced and usable. She had a good base kit, which they could have added some more utility/abilities onto, whilst boosting up the damage of her already existing ones.
There was just no reason to scrap off old bits of kit to add others...
You guys want op stuff go play fortnite lmao