Guillotine's Update is a Miss (here's why)



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  • slackerslacker Member Posts: 781 ★★★★
    Wordunken said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If I was handed Guillotine three months ago and told to update her, I would most definitely done something more dramatic. However, fixing an update and making an update are two different things. Think about the Hood update. Even though Kabam accepted the feedback for Hood 2.0, they couldn't just scrap 2.0 and make a totally new 3.0. They had to find the minimum changes necessary that would make Hood 2.0 into a workable Hood 3.0. It is in that context that I suggested possible changes to Guilly 2.0 that could theoretically make Guilly 3.0 at least reasonably useful.

    I was honestly hoping for way more, because I knew they would have to overhaul the Souls mechanic and I thought that allowed for a lot of creative latitude. I still believe that, but Kabam just didn't take the opportunity.

    oh ı absolutely get it and for them to take our feedback and salvage the buff , the ideas are great.

    1. sig heal increase would be wonderfull you can get the rupture %100 from sig level 1 so a gem can easily give value for any guilly lover and constant scaling for her heal in later sig levels.

    but ı highly doubt this one, this new lifesteal isnt an highly comlicated mechanic balance vise, its heaviliy limited by factors outside of the guillies control. the only thing you need to come up with is a percentage for it and they chose %2 and small values make a lot of difference in this one so they just didnt want it to be any good. rank 3 guilly has 37k health, you will lose around %11 percent from bleed portion and lets assume you throw two specials other than sp3 along the fight with recoil thats a %10 more so thats around 8200 healt and with both poison reduction and heal increase from masteries you guilly will have 1.61% heal, this means 510k(250k/half for no SP fights) health to take away for your oponenet to get the health lost just from recoil and bleed. (she can barely neutralize suicides)

    2. stagger chance for evvery soul gained is perfect but they must revert back the bleed chance interaction for the buffs (nothing more to say here its just great addition)

    but the sad thing is we make these post to salvage buffs in our own way for every other buff.
    they must be exciting, these forums must be filled with
    "Guys ı cant wait to play with this new 'X', she loocks sick"
    "Thank god for these buff, my mystic roster/6stars pulled sucked but with the new nulifies and power control ı can finaly use my 'Y' for these, all solved "
    "Damn the 'Z' had such an empty kit, its was a clear canvas that you could take it almost anywhere and they delivered, ı cant wait for the buff!"
    rather than all this
    Can i join ?
    For me i want to make Unshackled into a mode rather a boost to sps only, like enhance all Guilly's ability futher.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Has she come out yet ?
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,452 ★★★★★
    @DNA3000 not going to quote because the thread will explode…

    Interesting perspective— I can appreciate that point of view.

    I’d also add that across multiple gaming properties, it’s probably more important for Spidey to not suck on his own console game than it is in a game with a couple hundred Marvel properties. There is a broad portfolio of Marvel gaming experiences and each can have very different elite champs. From an IP perspective, that’s beneficial.

    And I suppose I’m even generally sympathetic to the niche characters, given that I’m still patiently waiting for Shuma-Gorath to make its MCoC appearance. One day..

    That’s why I say the OG champs are probably going to remain untouched. Even if there were an explicit imperative to treat all champs the same, I imagine a game designer updating a Spidey or a Hulk would be hard pressed to not feel a little pressure to overdeliver.

    Dr. Zola

    PS: As a side note, I’d probably take issue with any characterization of the Avengers as “lesser” Marvel characters (excluding Hawkeye, who revels in his Everyman-ness)—they are, in fact, comic royalty and Grade A Marvel real estate. Most household name characters introduced by any comic house in the Silver Age would fit that description, even if screen adaptations never did them justice.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    DrZola said:

    PS: As a side note, I’d probably take issue with any characterization of the Avengers as “lesser” Marvel characters (excluding Hawkeye, who revels in his Everyman-ness)—they are, in fact, comic royalty and Grade A Marvel real estate. Most household name characters introduced by any comic house in the Silver Age would fit that description, even if screen adaptations never did them justice.

    Oh, they are grade A properties. They are just not grade S properties.
  • OPTobyOPToby Member Posts: 8
    Wait wouldn’t guilly regen back the damage take from pain link cause of her passive regen ability? It say she heals 2% of all the damage she deals and her sp1 turns DOT damage into Physical Damage on the opponent, therefore you should at at least gain some sustainability if the damage isn’t too huge, right?
  • Arbrowe91Arbrowe91 Member Posts: 33
    OPToby said:

    Wait wouldn’t guilly regen back the damage take from pain link cause of her passive regen ability? It say she heals 2% of all the damage she deals and her sp1 turns DOT damage into Physical Damage on the opponent, therefore you should at at least gain some sustainability if the damage isn’t too huge, right?

    Even if it does 2%is basically useless 10k -200hp so 600k fight will get 12k in return so basically useful for pros as on avg ill lose 20-30% just in parry/block damage simgle mistake will take me to 0-30% so all in all its not sustainable unless you can rack up 50k bleed dmg then it'll be stable but she doesn't look capable
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    What I would have loved to see from this update would have been to add a way to remove buffs that isn’t a stagger/nullify/fate seal, similar to Venom’s Om Nom. This would give Guilly a unique position in the Mystic class, and would allow her to shine in modern content.

    They could have allowed Pain Link to remove buffs in a unique way among Mystic champs. Heck, they could have gone crazy and allowed this ability to boost the Pain Link damage shared to the opponent, decrease the damage Guilly takes, add some pseudo-immunity, or even generate unique damaging debuffs upon certain buff removals.

    I’ll wait until I test her out, but I agree with lots of OP’s points. The only positive to Guilly’s regen is that it removes RNG from the equation.

    Venom's Om Nom is considered a nullify. I tried it on Civil Warrior.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★

    What I would have loved to see from this update would have been to add a way to remove buffs that isn’t a stagger/nullify/fate seal, similar to Venom’s Om Nom. This would give Guilly a unique position in the Mystic class, and would allow her to shine in modern content.

    They could have allowed Pain Link to remove buffs in a unique way among Mystic champs. Heck, they could have gone crazy and allowed this ability to boost the Pain Link damage shared to the opponent, decrease the damage Guilly takes, add some pseudo-immunity, or even generate unique damaging debuffs upon certain buff removals.

    I’ll wait until I test her out, but I agree with lots of OP’s points. The only positive to Guilly’s regen is that it removes RNG from the equation.

    Venom's Om Nom is nullify. Venompool's isn't
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  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I know it’s unlikely, but I’d love to hear from somebody on the Kabam team who could explain what the goal here was.

    Buffs have missed the mark in the past, but this one (with the exception of the original Hood changes) might be the most egregious.

    WHAT!? There must be a rational explanation for this...

    Hello strange traveler from a parallel dimension exactly like our own except in your world Nova didn't get a "buff". How did you pierce the boundaries between worlds? Only explanation because that "buff" was an insult to the concept of a buff.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,452 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Wicket329 said:

    I know it’s unlikely, but I’d love to hear from somebody on the Kabam team who could explain what the goal here was.

    Buffs have missed the mark in the past, but this one (with the exception of the original Hood changes) might be the most egregious. The fact that her heal is worse in 99% of cases now is baffling. Her damage is certainly better, but I don’t know how her new sp3 will compare to her original one.

    But again, there is no added utility here. It’s the original kit repackaged with some bigger numbers and some smaller numbers and that’s it. The more I’ve thought about it, the more disappointing it becomes.

    To be fair to the devs, the way I would characterize the update is that the devs a) made spectre work properly, which in the modern MCOC is a necessity (whereas back in 2015 it was just goofy), b) made her healing worse overall even though it has some nifty mechanics (some would argue her *overall* survivability is better because she kills faster, but that doesn't alter the fact that the heal was reduced), and c) gave her a ton of bleed damage (there are some other small things, but that's the main focus).

    The net result is more damage, and arguably less utility. You could argue it is a tie, but a tie is just as bad for a champion that was supposed to be updated to be much better. And how do we know she's supposed to be much better, and not just a little better? Because if she didn't need much then a) she could have been just numbers tweaked and b) she wouldn't have been high on the priority list to get updated in the first place.

    I'm completely setting aside the valid point that if you ask the players to vote on something like this, you have to consider the ramifications of under-delivering. It is pointless to engage the players with something they will be disappointed with. It would be better to not engage the players at all, so they don't feel invested in something they will then become disappointed in.
    Not sure how giving heightened significance to a champ who won a community-vote is that much different than giving heightened significance to an iconic, OG champ, but I’m in agreement with you on the principle.

    Dr. Zola
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