Auntm update

Just wanted to share this amazing update from

I want to tag him to thank him but idk his @ sign
Very easy to find champs now specially since kabams duels have practically disappeared

I want to tag him to thank him but idk his @ sign
Very easy to find champs now specially since kabams duels have practically disappeared
Ngl tho, from the title I thought that you misspelled "Autumn"
I'm in the process of some redesigns, lots of behind the scenes kind of stuff, but most importantly mobile usage, and addressing other accessibility issues. I'm hesitant to spend time refining some features (most commonly brought up is the champion filtering) when I'm basically replacing them.
These last couple updates were more things I mostly had completed previously, or it was data I had in another system and didn't need much UI work to be at least helpful (Attack Details is pretty raw, it needs some polish before I'd be happy with it).
As always I love hearing suggestions. I have a ton of ideas for things I want to add but I still hear new ideas on occasion or a slightly different take on an existing idea or even just reinforcing how useful it would be - it all helps.
Appreciate all your great work btw, i use Auntmai so much i can not imagine how it was without her.
I had held off on some things that are related to AW until I was ready to tackle it properly, so it's been drawing the short straw on some features ... like the war nodes not showing up in the nodes page. Just adding the filter is a quick add though and frequently requested, so I'm moving it to the top of my "quick win" list.
Of all the MCOC resources out there, the two I recommend the most are: for new players, Dave's training series videos, and for everyone else I think it is fair to say that pretty much all of us who has ever produced a single vaguely useful thing for MCOC has used or relied upon at some point. It is so much the definitive source for MCOC data that most of us have stopped being amazed at what's in it, and mostly contemplate the negative space of what's missing from it. But we should never forget the incalculable benefit of that resource and the significant amount of work it takes to maintain it.
When I first joined the forums, several years and one official forum ago, it was to promote the need for Kabam to improve the state of the information it provided to players, which was, and to a large degree still is somewhat dreadfully inadequate. To the extent that I don't hammer them as much about that, it is probably because is, at least for Champion data, the resource that players need and deserve.
The fact that DS is expanding to content information is a huge benefit to the players. It has been a while since I've personally thanked him for that resource, so: thank you. I cannot imagine MCOC without
Also, suggest them to make a list of useful champs like Seatin's best tier champs ranked
I suspect tier lists are the farthest thing from his mind, as his current focus is on expanding the information he provides to the players on the site. Tier lists are a big pile of misery for anyone maintaining one.
For @Reference (LOL) - Take a look at Marvel Synergy Guide to help you out:
Dr. Zola
I'm usually a little hesitant to talk through ideas openly, my design process is typically "design for the moonshot, then reel it back in", and that causes me to let people down when I don't get to it
And I'm not just talking about normal synergy partner, but also "reverse synergy" partner i.e. Champ A have synergy with Champ B/C/D/E but not Champ F. However, this Champ F could have synergy relationship with Champ A.
If you have only 3 champs in roster, it is easy to find out their relationship one by one. What if expanding to 170+ or above? Different players have different roster and this is one of the variables. Yes I know some of the common trinity teams but remember all trinity team is only useful if you got the entire roster.
I know this suggestion may not be heard or adopted. I just want to elaborate a bit as this is what a champ database portal can build up on: provide possible synergy team combinations out of a set of roster. This function is mainly for arena grinding.
I guess this function may not be useful if a player only grind 50 rounds (150 fights) for fun. However, this function is meaningful if you want a fast and mindless team combination for 200+ rounds (600+ fights) within 3 days, assuming you can't play 24/7.
The combination is objective suggestion (sort of Excel pivot table for multi-variables) rather than subjective team ranking.
BTW, Seatin also announced that he ceased from making tier list recently.
You may or may not be aware of this, but the arena actually awards more points for synergy PI boosts than actual PI. In other words, if you formed a team with 30k total PI and none of the champs had synergies with each other, that team would actually score fewer points than a team with 30k total PI that had synergies boosting their PI to that value. As a result, the points you earn in the arena are affected by how you choose to combine champions into teams.
So the question of "what is the optimal team arrangement that generates the most points possible in the arena" is actually a potentially complex question, because the single best (highest) synergy team might not be the best team to form if you're trying to maximize your total points in the arena. A worse synergy team might help you more, if it frees up champions to form other synergy teams that score more points in other teams. To do this for an entire roster of 170 champions could end up being computationally intensive. Interesting, but slow (and it is a problem I've thought about for a while myself).
So "best option" depends on what you're trying to optimize. Best single synergy team, most number of synergy teams, strongest overall synergy teams, or optimal distribution of synergy teams in a roster list. or maybe something else I haven't thought of. All of these things could theoretically be things a player might want to find "the best" of.
This is effectively a derivative of the "Bin packing problem" and "Knapsack problem". Combinatoric algorithms are "my day job" and the saying "when you have a hammer, everything's a nail" applies to me for sure, but I've done the napkin architecture for arena team building and it's something I'm looking forward to coding.
I'm not worried about the heuristic parameterization or implementation feasibility, more about time and priorities (this would have to be after opening account registration at the very least).
It did occur to me, when I looked at this last, that the correct thing for an arena grinder to do is to defer the lost time spent picking arena teams by using sig stones to place the champions in the right order, factoring in the point changes due to sig levels increasing PI. This would be a second order optimization, and if you want to go nuts with annealing a solution to that problem, let me know when it goes live.
That is a parameter that I was considering as well, I hadn't considered using sig stones to adjust placement, but accounting for time sensitivity with team building. Hopefully we can get a cool UI enhancement for saved teams to alleviate that.