One of the new champions are gonna be either Knull or... another carnage?

Sure, it might either be Knull or a newer version of the symbioid. But it could also be a different version of Carnage.

Same Spiral face.

Same Spiral face.
Isn’t that Venom? Carnage is Red
Yeah it is lol
Carnage looks a tad different
Look at the two pictures you posted.
One of them is Black with a Red Swirl and the other is Red with a White Swirl
EDIT: Also the spiral is a sign of Knull. His mark. It indicates that the symbiote is under his mind control.
But it doesn’t have the Same Color Scheme. It has the same color scheme as Corrupted Venom.
I think the Symbioid they will give (if they do) will be a Corrupted Symbioid and not Corrupted Venom
Next champ is definitely Knull, because of the nightmare teasers, confirmed by the spiral
The last message mentions a "familiar symbioid with a spiral", so they might give us the symbioid again, but corrupted
Why would Kabam do all this to hype up another carnage?
It’s Knull
I think you’re the first person I’ve heard say Carnage is their favorite.
The Symbiote turns Red shortly after which is why in the Funko Pop and The Comic Cover Art he is red
I’m telling you I’m pretty sure the little Symbioid is coming back next month but as a Corrupted Symbiote
See the Symbiote Heads? Same design