do u want access of October's side quest?



  • SFCamericaSFCamerica Member Posts: 7
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.

    Many of us, who are very active every day, did not know you had to complete Sep **** to play Oct ****. Been playing for 3+ years, 100% all content and I had no clue. I don’t read every little thing, because nothing like this has EVER happened before. Ridiculous.

    Whats so hard about completing a few special objective fights? Takes 1 hour in arena and you done.
    Who ever said anything about them being hard? I said I didn’t know about the requirement. If I had known, I 100% would have done them. That’s why I’m upset. It was not clear or obvious and I wasn’t part of an alliance at the time, had taken an ally break. I’ve never missed anything and this is complete ****. @Kabam Miike look at my account; do I look like I skip content? Did I not play every single day for 3+ years? So I missed reading something as I was getting my kids ready to go back to a new school.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    No, It's fine whatever they did...

    Jeal79 said:

    You had ample warning. Better yet, you can still do the pre-requisite and lose nothing.

    Like I said, do the objectives and crack on with October event or stand on the sidelines.

    The rest of us did the requirements. What makes you so special that you don't have to

    You skimmed over everything i said and repeated yourself. Reread as I’ve already answered your question
    No... You skimmed mine. I repeated myself because you made it quite clear you didn't understand me the first time. I'll try again...

    The objectives are pre-requisites. You have to do them to have access. There's nothing stopping you doing them this month. If you'd prefer to look at it as a straight month-by-month thing, then ignore the fact that they were released in September. They are still a part of October content, are required for the event and can still be completed without any loss of reward.
  • BuffalaxBuffalax Member Posts: 132
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    Stop whining and do the work!
  • xTrashpanda12xxTrashpanda12x Member Posts: 30
    No, It's fine whatever they did...

    I mean you had a whole month to complete them, yes they were stupid, but they were all pretty easy to accomplish and you only had to complete one difficulty rather than having to cav/uc specifically

    i have complete the hardest difficulty objectives but still i didn't get access of October's side quest is it bugged or something what??

  • Shshud64747473hdhShshud64747473hdh Member Posts: 18
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.

    I want players to shut up about it already. it was clear how it worked. it shouldn’t be reworked, because there are those of us who were actually smart enough to do them. i know it won’t be changed and i’m fine w that.

    edit: people really claiming to “invest” so much time into this game but can’t read in game mail? hmm. hmm.

    edit: Ooh disagree cuz ur mad something worked they way they said it would?

    if u did comment then don't afraid with many of these disagree okay
  • Avicci999Avicci999 Member Posts: 18
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    The 2 month long event sucks, I get it. That said, in game mail has made it clear on multiple occassions that the September objectives were required to access October.
  • Shshud64747473hdhShshud64747473hdh Member Posts: 18
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.
    okay guys thank u for your amazing response,,,,but now we cant't do anything ,We have to complete all objectives bcoz @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra ,,,they don't even care about us ,,they do something only for those summoners who spends a ton of money in this game ,,So it's just a waste of time to post anything on forum..
    Thank you kabam team u did a great job...Congrats one more time u just sucked...
  • Jordan_2323Jordan_2323 Member Posts: 24
    Kotu_ said:

    Kabam really messed up. The September solo objectives were tedious, and didn't even want to complete 1. It was too late for me to access the October objectives when I heard about how to access them. Now I feel extremely burnt out on the game because of this. I was hoping the October event would make me more active, but it's locked until I finish 1 September solo objective which I find boring and very tedious to finish. Even if I do complete 1, I would be falling behind on the event, now I feel like not logging in the game now. Kabam needs to fix this.

    It’s not too late, I just finished them all and got access to the October event, I was on special forces yesterday and finished it all in less than a day, it seems like a lot but the longest one, which is special forces, takes maybe an hour to 2 hour grind
  • LesktheGlut_666LesktheGlut_666 Member Posts: 84
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.

    It's Kabams catch 22.
    Brilliant if you don't work for a living and don't have a life, yet at the same time they want you to spend your cash.
    So unless you're a millionaire or a loser Kabam really doesn't care about the average player.

    Strange, I’m not a millionaire and work full time and still managed to complete the objectives. So guess you’re just completely wrong in your assessment...
    Obviously you haven't much of a life outside of this game, Kudos to you for it.
    I have around 2 hrs available a day and that is NOT enough time for AQ, AW, general events let alone grinding the arena. The game should be fun and relaxing not a desperate button mashing exercise just to gain entry to content.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    Full time job, wife, 3 kids & a band here. Also an alliance officer regularly participating in AQ/AW.

    Despite this I was able to complete September objectives on 3 difficulties. Honestly, if you just suck it up and have a go at them they don't take too long at all. People probably spent more time complaining when they could have just got them done.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    No, It's fine whatever they did...

    It's Kabams catch 22.
    Brilliant if you don't work for a living and don't have a life, yet at the same time they want you to spend your cash.
    So unless you're a millionaire or a loser Kabam really doesn't care about the average player.

    Strange, I’m not a millionaire and work full time and still managed to complete the objectives. So guess you’re just completely wrong in your assessment...
    Obviously you haven't much of a life outside of this game, Kudos to you for it.
    I have around 2 hrs available a day and that is NOT enough time for AQ, AW, general events let alone grinding the arena. The game should be fun and relaxing not a desperate button mashing exercise just to gain entry to content.
    Well I do, but if it helps you sleep at night to pretend people with more free time than you have no life then by all means, keep pretending pal.
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    So... You're mad because you don't want to do the objectives but you do want to do what the objectives unlock?

    Might as well open up act 7 for people who've finished act 5 but don't want to do act 6.

    Look, it's completely up to you whether you want to do it or not, no one is forcing you to do anything. But you can't expect to be able to pick and choose what pieces of the same event you do and don't want to do.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited October 2021
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.

    Grindrgod said:

    I complete Septembers cav eq 100%, and that wasn't even enough to complete the first tier (Training Daze) of the solo objectives, which means I'm supposed to be grinding out who knows how many fights to reach final preparations, which I am not interested in doing. I don't get why people are in support of having to grind through September, for ACCESS to October objectives. Games are supposed to be fun and challenging, not time-consuming and punishing.

    150 arena fights, takes like 1 hour. You had the whole of last month to do that.
    I do and didn’t meet the objectives .

    I have mine, dont understand why other people decided to ignore the ample notices, then get upset when they didn't get the rewards.

    Its actually hilarious watching everyone complain cause their laziness of last month is no costing them.
    What relevance do these comments have? Atleast make an argument supporting your claim. Some people don’t have time to do the bs last month but can’t participate in this month unless doing so.
    So you didn't have an hour to do last months special objectives which you were given 35 days to do but now suddenly you have time to do this months side quest? lol, guess last months side quests is still available to do, so why don't you go along and do them and stop complaining.
    Spare us with the “1 hour of arena” and 150 arena fights will get you all objectives. It’s downright false.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    Look, obviously doing arena is only going to complete the objective if it's open in the first place. If you haven't done "training daze" first then all the arena in the world isn't going to advance you on "special forces" because it isn't active until training daze completes
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    edited October 2021
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    Qacob said:

    So... You're mad because you don't want to do the objectives but you do want to do what the objectives unlock?

    Might as well open up act 7 for people who've finished act 5 but don't want to do act 6.

    Look, it's completely up to you whether you want to do it or not, no one is forcing you to do anything. But you can't expect to be able to pick and choose what pieces of the same event you do and don't want to do.

    Lets give Thronebreaker to everyone with a 6* R3 too 🥳🥳 even if they didnt finish act 6
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  • RicitonRiciton Member Posts: 106
    What they did, is what they did, too late to change it now, however it is stupid. People have complained and complained about the stupid objectives so they decide to base a side quest on the completion of these objectives that everyone has hated doing. To me it just shows how little kabam think of their players and what a waste of time these forums are. I didn't do the objectives because they are boring and it's fine that I can't play the side quest because of my choice but now I won't be playing for a month, so I won't be buying my summoner sigil for a month so now kabam has lost out not me.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.

    I have mine, dont understand why other people decided to ignore the ample notices, then get upset when they didn't get the rewards.

    Its actually hilarious watching everyone complain cause their laziness of last month is no costing them.
    What relevance do these comments have? Atleast make an argument supporting your claim. Some people don’t have time to do the bs last month but can’t participate in this month unless doing so.
    So you didn't have an hour to do last months special objectives which you were given 35 days to do but now suddenly you have time to do this months side quest? lol, guess last months side quests is still available to do, so why don't you go along and do them and stop complaining.
    Oh i had time but i decided not to waste it on this game because it’s quite simply boring. Games were designed for fun, which i was not having. Other players however don’t have that time that you do grinding that nightmare.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    Cool beans. You chose to skip it cause you thought it was boring and so lil Steve passes you by.

    If you think getting Steve back might have been fun then you gotta do the boring bit first. Kinda like chores for rewards. A lot of life is like that. A lot of games are like that too.

    I hate the generation that seems to want everything for nothing
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.
    Jeal79 said:

    Full time job, wife, 3 kids & a band here. Also an alliance officer regularly participating in AQ/AW.

    Despite this I was able to complete September objectives on 3 difficulties. Honestly, if you just suck it up and have a go at them they don't take too long at all. People probably spent more time complaining when they could have just got them done.

    Cool. What type of band and do you post on youtube? Anyways I’m slowly doing the objectives but really bored while doing so. Side quests are usually supposed to have the opposite result and to make it a requirement to participate in a more fun side quest is really irritating. I’m not a complainer but this is complete bs the way they set it up. Done with the back and fourth rn though, this feedback was mainly for kabam and I already said my piece, not a fan of connecting months together.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.
    Jeal79 said:

    Cool beans. You chose to skip it cause you thought it was boring and so lil Steve passes you by.

    If you think getting Steve back might have been fun then you gotta do the boring bit first. Kinda like chores for rewards. A lot of life is like that. A lot of games are like that too.

    I hate the generation that seems to want everything for nothing

    I totally agree. I definitely hate the generation that wants everything for nothing but I don’t see how that applies here. I’m not a beggar. Ik a lot of people here keep requesting compensation and all that junk for the smallest bugs but I’m simply making a complaint as to why is this month locked down due to not completing the previous month’s objectives. I play casually and could care less about throwing special attacks at 3*s 50 times for 4* shards. Also how did you respond 3 minutes after i posted with those kids, wife, band, etc, and have the time to do the SQ, be an alliance officer, and argue with someone online about a game topic? Not saying i use my time wisely either but DAMN you must be a master time manager to be able to do all that. Said i was done responding in previous post but don’t wanna end it with you having that view on me. Now i will conclude this.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited October 2021
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    Haha, I believe it was Arnie who once said "we all have the same 24 hours in a day... Its about how you choose to use it

    Edit - just took the kids to bed as it happens. Haha. And yeah the band I'm in is mostly a covers band with a couple of our own tracks. We do stuff like Tenacious D, Metallica, REM, even the proclaimers. Mixed bag - we play the stuff that people tell us they wanna hear.
    Anyway - hugely off topic and don't wanna derail the thread
  • Whiskey_PoetWhiskey_Poet Member Posts: 249 ★★
    edited October 2021
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    Honestly it is their call, but I found the complete September to participate in October thing a bit much. It's like they are trying too hard to force people to engage more and end up driving more away. Has about gotten me to the point where I'm like, meh, time for a break or maybe retirement.
    Had 3 family deaths in September, so not feeling the need to play catchup just so I can play along with everyone else.
    That said, that is my decision. Don't like what they did, just ignore the event like I intend to. I'm not complaining, but I have a feeling someone at Kabam will complain when they see their strategy backfires. It seems to have caused a lot of confusion in some and ennui in others. So it goes.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.
    Jeal79 said:

    Haha, I believe it was Arnie who once said "we all have the same 24 hours in a day... Its about how you choose to use it

    Edit - just took the kids to bed as it happens. Haha. And yeah the band I'm in is mostly a covers band with a couple of our own tracks. We do stuff like Tenacious D, Metallica, REM, even the proclaimers. Mixed bag - we play the stuff that people tell us they wanna hear.
    Anyway - hugely off topic and don't wanna derail the thread

    Add me on LINE: Chaosmax1012
    Would like to hear some of those covers if possible. Not trying to disrespect you my dude, just astonished how you can do so much without anything bumping heads. Reread what i said and it came off wrong.
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  • OzFearUsOzFearUs Member Posts: 245
    No, It's fine whatever they did...
    I am assuming that as KABAMs bottom line has taken a hit, moving to SQ every other month is being driven to offset that loss. I did not want to do the objectives last month, but wanted to do this months SQ - so I ended up completing one chain and still spent less time in game last month than I would have if there was a SQ.

    This is most likely going to be the NORM going forward and we can only hope that they make these objectives a little less tedious or increase the rewards for doing them.

    I realize a bunch of people are ticked off about it, but if you really want to do this months SQ, just power through the objectives.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,106 ★★★★★
    Yes, kabam should have to make changes.

    I mean you had a whole month to complete them, yes they were stupid, but they were all pretty easy to accomplish and you only had to complete one difficulty rather than having to cav/uc specifically

    I don't want "pretty easy" content. That just pull off the game. I simply deleted the app for a whole month because there was nothing to do besides this boring side quests with mediocre rewards
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    OzFearUs said:

    I am assuming that as KABAMs bottom line has taken a hit, moving to SQ every other month is being driven to offset that loss.

    Every word in this sentence is painful.

    1. I don't know where this persistent narrative of Kabam's revenue being down is coming from, but Q2's revenue is essentially the same percent higher than Q1 as Q2 2019 was from Q1 2019 (2020 was an unusual year for revenue for MCOC in a number of ways, so 2019 is the closest comparable period). It is slightly lower in 2021 than in 2019 comparing quarters: about 1.5% adjusted to USD (measured in Korean Won which is how Netmarble reports earnings, Q2 2021 is *higher* than Q2 2019, but as the majority of MCOC revenue does not come from Korea, this would be an unfair comparison). No one outside of the company has accurate numbers later than Q2, so no one knows what MCOC revenue has been like more recently than about May.

    2. Doing fewer side quests doesn't reduce spending costs, because employees do not get paid by the quest. They get paid a salary, whether they work on side quests or office pinatas.

    3. Quests and other content are planned months in advance, so September's content was being decided much earlier in the year, with no way to know what the revenue position of the company would be regardless.

    4. MCOC generates something on the order of 20-25 million dollars in revenue for Netmarble. That's Netmarble, not Kabam, because Netmarble owns Kabam and all of its games. Revenue goes to Netmarble, and Netmarble in return funds Kabam operations. Kabam does not make more money when revenue is up, they don't lose money when revenue is down. And no amount of changing side quest design is going to significantly change how much money Netmarble makes on MCOC. They don't cost millions of dollars to make.
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