What's up with this jacked up AI?
As if the game isn't broken enough with the parry timing and random other engine issues, we have to deal with garbage AI like this? The Apoc fakes a block to draw me in to get blasted in the face?!?! I've spent years hitting blocks while trying to bait a special but now we have this junk? How are we supposed to think there is any integrity in playing this game in it's current state?
My issue is when the AI basically is holding block until the moment you dash up tap it’s block. Shallow special intercepting there is out of bounds in my opinion.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
By response, I meant official response, not my response.
Dr. Zola
If it was just me, I could accept that it’s my imagination. Either we’re having some kind of shared delusion, or the AI is newly jacked up. Pretty sure it’s the latter.
Also I'm pretty sure this isn't something a player would be able to do as quickly as the AI does since we would have to press on different parts of the screen to fake the block and then deliver the special almost immediately
It's actually much easier to make a difficult AI (aka impossible without cheese) than a fun AI. You can argue challenge, but an AI that could counter your actions perfectly a millisecond after your input would put most people off.
There is a slightly slower combo cadence (I think) you can use to “extend” the combo timing, for example when trying to get to the right time to throw a special and avoid encroaching stun. I wonder if sometimes that isn’t what has happened and the player has just gotten too slow or that it is simply a dropped input that the AI turns on which looks like it was an interrupted combo.
It doesn’t happen often in my experience.
Dr. Zola