Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

AQ Map (various) Difficulty [Merged Thread]



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    Badass84Badass84 Posts: 317 ★★★
    I hope there will be some news til the next AQ starts...
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    Danemo666Danemo666 Posts: 166 ★★
    Since there was no reply on whether the issue has been resolved or not, waited for set up phase in the hopes to preview and see its been resolved. And the set up said 8days 🤔 is this another bug, or is aq off until the defender issue is resolved?
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    Hawkt1Hawkt1 Posts: 189
    So kabam is it broke
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,384 ★★★★★
    Would you rather it run if it is still broken? If it's down for a week that's just fine with me.
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    Theshark1Theshark1 Posts: 77
    @Kabam Miike just need to know if it’s going to be down or not so I can let my alliance know. We can all use a break once in a while so I don’t mind if it is. Honestly you guys should put aq in a week long maintenance from time to time it’ll give you guys extra time to fix stuff and us a nice break
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    FórgeFórge Posts: 33
    Gonna assume it was intentional, as long as we get decent compensation this time I am fine with it, wasn't really looking forward to another hell week, but I need rank up material too, so 🤷‍♂️
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    Carmel1Carmel1 Posts: 629 ★★★
    Can’t figure out what’s going with the lack of communication.
    Timer says that AQ start in +7 days. Is it the same bug as last week? Or is it intentional because you broke AQ with 6* defenders?
    Either way, do you have anyone on standby this weekend to fix it or tell us what the he’ll is going on?
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    Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Posts: 4,495 ★★★★★
    Honestly let’s just do 1 day of aq every week to get the green boost then stop aq for the rest of the week :))
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    Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Posts: 504 ★★★★

    Would you rather it run if it is still broken? If it's down for a week that's just fine with me.

    @GroundedWisdom for once I agree with you on something lol. This is also telling me the other aq issues aren’t probably fixed either
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    Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Posts: 504 ★★★★
    StainA said:

    Would you rather it run if it is still broken? If it's down for a week that's just fine with me.

    People would just like to be told something, anything. The lack of communication or acknowledgement on a lot of the current things wrong in the game is the most concerning thing.
    They did comment on aq in the other thread
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    iSmittyiSmitty Posts: 34
    edited November 2021
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    iSmittyiSmitty Posts: 34

    When we have more information to share about this, we will.

    However, personal attacks, name-calling and off-topic comments are violations of the Forum rules and will not be tolerated. If the current trend continues, this thread will be closed.

    Be kind to each other and thank you for your patience in the meantime!

    I just noticed that on the AQ setup screen, it shows AQ has been canceled for at least 7 more days. I'd say that falls into the category of "something to share", yet there's no official post or statement. I understand that it's the weekend after a major US holiday, and Kabam has a lot going on with the (less than exciting) Black Friday deals, but COME ON. Obviously the community is seriously upset here. Where's the communication? Where's the transparency? It seems to me that everything Kabam has been promising us they'd change, as a company, hasn't changed one bit. Seriously, someone should be staying on top of this thing and doing damage control. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything the moderators do for us. It just feels like Kabam dropped the ball on this thing yet again. Just my opinion though.
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    DrekaknDrekakn Posts: 54
    AQ set up is back but is the map fixed or should alliances that struggled choose a lower map again? I guess they have to decide to lose glory from lower rewards again or use up whatever resources they have left. Any sort of update that says if the issue is fixed or not would be nice to see at this point.
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