Kabam never learns [Hawkeye Buff]



  • edited November 2021
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  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    edited November 2021
    My main issue with some of the buffs lately is that they are going in with say a 4 karat gold value character and changing him into a... 4.5 karat gold character. Very few are becoming 10 or 12 karat gold.

    If you improve a character significantly overall they will be more useful for whoever gets them whether new player or veteran.

    Why do you have to give with one hand and take with the other, especially as so many new (and obscure) champs are so overpowered?

    It seems there is too much focus on champ balance vs player enjoyment. If you buff a champ make them unique enough that everyone wants to use them from just reading about them, and they fill a niche or two in their class at least. If they already fill a niche (power drain) add another niche-filler (shock, incinerate etc) to make them more attractive and not just damage as there are plenty damage dealers around.
  • AldacAldac Member Posts: 478 ★★★

    Bugmat78 said:

    If they already fill a niche (power drain) add another niche-filler (shock, incinerate etc) to make them more attractive and not just damage as there are plenty damage dealers around.

    Yeah 100%, say for example, a slow debuff?
    That’s equating non-damaging debuffs with damaging debuffs though. He’s going to be a lot better against unstoppable and evaders but still ineffective against bleed immunes. For a character famous for trick arrows you would expect him to have at least one other damaging debuff, even if it isn’t as powerful as his primary debuff.

  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Aldac said:

    Bugmat78 said:

    If they already fill a niche (power drain) add another niche-filler (shock, incinerate etc) to make them more attractive and not just damage as there are plenty damage dealers around.

    Yeah 100%, say for example, a slow debuff?
    That’s equating non-damaging debuffs with damaging debuffs though. He’s going to be a lot better against unstoppable and evaders but still ineffective against bleed immunes. For a character famous for trick arrows you would expect him to have at least one other damaging debuff, even if it isn’t as powerful as his primary debuff.

    Bugmat was making the point that buffs should make champions fulfil another niche. Listing power drain as an example. Not specific to DOT. You’re bringing this back to damaging debuffs, I was just pointing out he had another niche, as asked for in the post.

    Also, if you really want him to have another DOT, use the tigra synergy.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Aldac said:

    The guys working on the buffs (from what I understand it’s two people?) are clearly wedded to the idea that one ability must be changed if others are added, even if it’s the one ability people dont want changed. It happens over and over again and it really seems to be why we have these controversies each time a popular but underpowered/niche character is changed. It obviously isn’t much of an issue for characters such as Karnak or Joe Fixit.

    Until there is some level of compromise or understanding of this, the community is going to keep erupting every time, legitimately or not.

    As per my comment earlier, I can’t understand why a small consultation can’t be added into the process, either with the CCP or the wider community. I don’t think it would lead to players being able to push for every champ to be top tier and I don’t think anyone is asking for that.

    Personally I would quite like the original 40% reduction maintained and added to, and at least one other damage over time debuff added. Incinerate, coldsnap, shock, poison, rupture, anything. Give him a way to deal with bleed immunes. The other debuff doesn’t have to be critical in the same way as his bleeds, leaving him primarily effective against bleeders. Just don’t make him feel useless against bleed immune characters.

    I agree that pre-fights, true strike, more trick arrows etc would all be nice but I believe addressing those two main issues would resolve a lot of the concerns people have with the buff.

    Personally, I would love to have real E.M.P. and incendiary arrows in his kit. But somehow, that was too obvious for Kabam.

    Thus buff is still great, but it could have been much better. I think Kabam got lost in that Perfect Release mechanic.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★

    All I’m seeing is that Beast now has better power control than Hawkeye, pog

    Oh and for those that don’t know, Beast reduces combat power rate by 100% for like 80% of the fight, without debuffs. Plus that other 20% he’s reducing it by 50%. And on top of all of that he’s regenning that entire time. Beast is just better Hawkeye tbhtbhtbh
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    All I’m seeing is that Beast now has better power control than Hawkeye, pog

    Oh and for those that don’t know, Beast reduces combat power rate by 100% for like 80% of the fight, without debuffs. Plus that other 20% he’s reducing it by 50%. And on top of all of that he’s regenning that entire time. Beast is just better Hawkeye tbhtbhtbh
    Doesn’t he have to be awakened? And start the fight at less than 50% health? And he has no power control for passive power gain?
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    He can also activate it with an L2 so I mean
  • TC1TC1 Member Posts: 75
    The power drain reduction is not all that significant. There will still be the complete capability to keep the opponent under a bar of power throughout the full fight while spamming sp1 if you so please. With his new kit, the other special attacks are more valuable anyhow compared to them prior. He received a good buff compared to his original kit regardless of any small changes. it really ain’t that deep.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    He can also activate it with an L2 so I mean

    Don’t talk him up too much, or he’ll never get buffed
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    He can also activate it with an L2 so I mean

    Don’t talk him up too much, or he’ll never get buffed
    They’ll annihilate him if they buff him tbh
  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    Fenico said:

    Im impressed how people can write whole books about champs they didnt see even 1 second of gameplay yet

    Coz people can read and been playing this game for years. If i give you the script to a movie can you say it will be good, trash or just ok? Most people can
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    😂, I was waiting on this
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    I’m waiting for Kabam to introduce an unblockable SP3 and everyone will be like “unblockable….yay!”

  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    To preface, he is better overall, IMO, but I think the deciding factor will be how easy/hard Perfect Release will be to pull off. A lot of comments are lumping it in the power control considerations like it's a certainty. If it's subject to the same gimpiness as so many other precision aspects of the game, it won't look good.
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