Dear Kabam Santa

Hello Fellow Summoner's, this post is for all of us to send our "Letters to Santa", KABAM SANTA that is lol. Post here your top 3 wishes for the 2021 XMAS SEASON. Example; Dear Kabam Santa. This year I wish to get and dupe a 6 star Thanos from the gifting crystals, dupe my 6 star Venom, and get at least a 5 star Masacre this Xmas season. Sincerely INFAMOUS_0028
2) Fairer and more reasonable deals
3) No more pop up offers that come up after opening crystals.
Number two, everybody also wants that but also nobody can agree on what counts as a "fair and reasonable deal" I mean we have people who've boldly suggested that six star nexuses should be a dollar and unlimited.
And number three, I understand the frustration on the popups but those are the only things that stop us from getting ads in the game. Regrettably it's a necessary evil.
Please I would like ::
1) The rework or unnerf original champions (CapAm, Strange, Iron Man...) because they desserve some love as they are unwanted and unused by the community (and I know it because I have some of them)
2) More quickly the t5cc (so more shards)
3) Doom 6* (my most wanted champions)
4) Some (interesting enough) new gold deals next year
5) A 6* awakening gem next year (to use the stones, especially the ones that were sold)
6) A new adventure for our new friend Little Steeve and some klintar catalyst to make him grow (for the other ones that are not rank 5)
One of your quite wise players
2) not removing posts on forums without any reason
3) ahh that's all.. i guess i wished too much
2) 5* Kitty Pryde
3) 6* Kitty Pryde
1) Stryfe 4 star or above
2) mangog 4 star or above
3 ikaris 4 star or above
4) mephisto 4 star or above
5) omega red 4 star or above
2) Thanos finally even tho he kinda dookie I still want him
3) An event that cleans the bitterness out of my mouth from the last 3 months.
Mortal KombatGargan Scorpion inSmashMarvel Contest Of Champions1.) a doom of any rarity, even 4* is fine
2.) a decent 6* ( my current ones have been morningstar and deadpool x force )
3.) a working game.
2 more famous champs to be added like zemo and scorpion instead of champs like purgatory
3 better SQ rewards/ more deserving champs to be buffed instead of champs like ronnin and gamora
Can I pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls get a 5* Doom. I'm not even asking for the 6*
I change my wish of a 6 star Thanos to a 6 star Weapon X. I didn't know he would be available and he would be more useful to me. Unless Thanos buff comes then that's fine. Thanks 😉