The Cavalier Blues

I was reading about the upcoming events and it sort of solidified what I’ve been thinking for some time…
It sucks that cavalier players have been more and more lumped in with uncollected than thronebreaker when it comes to event quest rewards, and now apparently with the upcoming trade in event.
Between the titles, all the way from contender up, there was always a chunk of “challenging” content between you and the next rank.
What I think people tend to forget is that there are plenty of cavalier players who have finished (or even 100%) act 6, and the only thing separating them from thronebreaker is the r3 champ.
There’s no content between them, just money/units or rank up materials.
People have been saying that this is Kabam trying to push us up to TB, but it’s the very thing stopping us from getting there.
Some players have rank up materials but no rank 3 worthy champs. Others have great champs, but no t5cc… either way, forcing us to get 5 star shards as rewards instead of 6 star, lower catalysts, sig stones, and awakening gems is the main thing standing in the way.
For many players, all that makes TB better, is that they could afford (game resource or real world) to press “upgrade” one more time than they could.
Seems like changing the rules, and I’m not sure in a positive way. 😒
It sucks that cavalier players have been more and more lumped in with uncollected than thronebreaker when it comes to event quest rewards, and now apparently with the upcoming trade in event.
Between the titles, all the way from contender up, there was always a chunk of “challenging” content between you and the next rank.
What I think people tend to forget is that there are plenty of cavalier players who have finished (or even 100%) act 6, and the only thing separating them from thronebreaker is the r3 champ.
There’s no content between them, just money/units or rank up materials.
People have been saying that this is Kabam trying to push us up to TB, but it’s the very thing stopping us from getting there.
Some players have rank up materials but no rank 3 worthy champs. Others have great champs, but no t5cc… either way, forcing us to get 5 star shards as rewards instead of 6 star, lower catalysts, sig stones, and awakening gems is the main thing standing in the way.
For many players, all that makes TB better, is that they could afford (game resource or real world) to press “upgrade” one more time than they could.
Seems like changing the rules, and I’m not sure in a positive way. 😒
Am I to take it this has been discussed before?
TB isn't hard to get nowadays, you have 10 or more times the avenues to get T5CC than the first thronebreakers did, and they managed to do so without money. You have variant, map 7, Cav EQ nexus selectors, 25% selectors in act 7 (I believe there's enough to select 2 entire T5CC from both act 6 and 7). Do the content.
In regards to champions, if you don't have a good option you haven't opened enough crystals, if you haven't opened enough crystals you haven't done enough content. Do more content.
You say some players have 100%ed act 6 but aren't thronebreaker, if that's the case then they are incredibly picky, there is a full T5CC there, and to 100% act 6 you need roster depth, likely gotten from lots of content. Show me a player who has 100%ed act 6, but doesn't want to rank up one of their 6*, and I'll show you an incredibly picky player with champions like Doc Oc, Red Hulk, Gambit in their roster. Amazing champs they don't want to rank up because it's not Ghost, Torch or Apoc.
You aren't being "lumped in with UC" you are getting less rewards than TB in order to incentivise you to push. If it were as easy to be TB as you wanted it to be, there'd be no point in it and we'd need a new progress level right now. Instead of complaining, why don't you ask for advice and we can all suggest ways for you to try and progress.
So what's your issue for getting TB, not the right champion? Not completed act 6? Or not a wholeT5CC?
I totally, completely, and utterly suck at just about every single aspect of the game.
This whole trickle system is overdue for a moderate adjustment.
What quest are you on in act 6? Most forum members would love to share tips, guides and suggestions for teams, paths and counters. They'd be much more receptive to that than a complaint it's too hard, because it really isn't.
While going for Thronebreaker the best way to do that is complete Cav EQ every month 100% and save up your 10% Nexus' until you are within that percentage of a T5CC. What I mean by that is, if you have 3 Nexus T5CC crystals and you're 50% of the way there, you can't get there with those Nexus', so hold onto them until you are 70% of the way there in one class. Say you have 70% Skill, open each one of the nexus' one by one, and if you get skill then carry on, but if you don't get skill, then stop. Wait until you have more skill, or more nexus' then repeat. This way, you can avoid a situation where you open a nexus crystal hoping for skill, and miss it, and then later you get more of a different class and you'd have been able to select that class and form a cat.
Find an alliance that runs map 7 if you can do it, that's a great source of T5CC.
Find a variant that suits your roster, if you need advice feel free to post it and we can see what champs are best for which variant. 100%ing variants gives 25% T5CC.
If players want TB handed to them, they're in for a long wait.
We're at the introduction of R4s. What's the motivation in pushing through any content when you're amassing 2% RNG (occasionally 10%) respectively? The issue, as with any progress gates, is eventually you need to adjust them as the game evolves.
Any Cav who feels they can't be TB either hasn't been Cav long enough, or they haven't done the necessary and relevant content.
You gave an example of a player not rocking out act 7, or AQ. And Zano said if that's the case then they don't deserve TB. If you think it's automatically aimed at you I think that betrays a little of how you feel about not being TB.
Only, in every aspect of the game, Resources are rebalanced from time to time. That rebalancing involves a downhill effect that makes them somewhat easier for people underneath to acquire them. That's not happening in this case, and I'm perfectly fine with disagreeing on that front. What I am not talking about, is lack of skill. That seems to be the blanket statement towards any issue people bring up involving these matters, and it doesn't address the issue I presented.
Like i said its been so long and now t5cc is almost everywhere.. yeah sure u can buy some . But between EQ, SQ, and all the latest variants, ans chap 7 which is way easier than some of the horrible paths in chap 6.. there is no excuse than being picky to r3 a 6*
If a Cav is struggling to hit TB and not doing Act 7 (which is easier than act 6) or Map 7 (which can be easily done with rank 5 champions, especially in an alliance of Cav players with low prestige, then they quite clearly are not the target to become TB.
Lack of skill can be an issue, but I firstly disagree it's the only problem, and secondly that anyone has been saying it's the only problem. Do more content, get better champions, get higher ranked champions, get better with those champions, get more champions. All avenues to improve your roster and your skills.
You can twist words if you'd like, but the main statement given to Cavs when they complain is do more content, not you're not skilled enough. The "Git Gud" is given a lot, but that's more of a meme at this point. Rewards are being improved to get TB, to get better champions, and more T5CC all the time. You can ignore all the examples I have if you'd like, but it doesn't make them any less real.
I'll be honest, this feels like insecurity, claiming you speak for everyone when really, it's one poster who has since admitted they "suck at every single aspect of the game". Some months of EQ will be harder, some will be easier. Kabam can't adjust on the fly giving more rewards one month or the other. Sometimes you just have to choose whether it's worth it for you, or give it a skip. Not all content will be for everyone. TB has never been easier to get, that's a fact. And it gets easier with every new bit of T5CC added each month. I'll leave this one here, as I'm not really interested in a debate.
Complaining at this point about not enought t5cc frags and decent champs makes older TBs actually laugh ..(at least i find it laughable)
This is the good old post with a passive begging for better things with the least effort..
-BitterSteel 2021
Actively considering having the t-shirt made.
It’s just dumb.