Terra said:Nice VP rankup. He's really fun and good now, even keeping good pace with Venom. Please tell me it's a AWD rankup for Maw
Nice VP rankup. He's really fun and good now, even keeping good pace with Venom. Please tell me it's a AWD rankup for Maw
Real_Madrid_76_2 said:Pls tell when will you r4 6 star groot if you have
Pls tell when will you r4 6 star groot if you have
GinjabredMonsta said:I like how it looks like he is twerking. Classic
I like how it looks like he is twerking. Classic
Kerneas said:Good choice. I might r3 mine when the time comes. It is hard choice between him, CGR and Herc. Not sure yet
Good choice. I might r3 mine when the time comes. It is hard choice between him, CGR and Herc. Not sure yet
Please tell me it's a AWD rankup for Maw