How many 5* R5s do you own?

Recently, there was a thread asking end-gamers whether or not they still saw value in ranking 5*s. Whilst 6*s are clearly the way to go, it would be interesting to see, prior to 6*s taking precedence, how many 5*s made it to R5. So, how many do you have?
5 stars r5: 24
6 stars r3: 26
6 6R2s
9 6R3s
Nick Fury
I’m not even Cav yet, so there is still value in these for me. Out of the handful of 6* I own, not a lot of great options to take up (Shulk, Diablo, and maybe Gamora and OG BP are about it).
IHulk and above are r2+, Strange is r3
20 R3 6*
6 R2 6* - surprised it was this low actually
22 rank 5 5 stars
10 R2 6*
9 R3 6*
23 r3 6*
4 r2
1 r3
10 r2s
14 r3s
19 6R3
6 6R2
6 R2 6*
15 r3 6*
1. Og Wolvie
2. AA
3. Doom
4. HT
5. Apoc
6. Stryfe
7. Anti-Venom
Venom, Cable & Carnage later this month
My latest being Knull!
in order
Mutant: Pr. X
Skill: Crossbones
Mystic: Dragon Man
Science: Mr. Negative
Tech: Ghost
Cosmic: Phoenix