Trade in Store [MERGED THREADS]



  • DH_forum_1DH_forum_1 Member Posts: 81

  • DH_forum_1DH_forum_1 Member Posts: 81
    I have 4 mutants and 2 of almost every other class. This was poorly executed. I now feel like being punished because I was lucky enough to pull a 5* Hercules and use a generic on him. How is that for feeling important as a customer? This is a huge fail. Kabam is, as usual, completely out of touch.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    The amount of work to tarade in the store i just crazy :# . Kabam logic says that's the price we pay for hoarding. My focus now is trading all them 3stars AG and stones to 4stars and 4stars into 5stars. After that I will evalaute and see if it's sensible for me to trade the 5star AGs and stones for 6stars, it's seems to be a bit expensive.
  • sirderekoflanesirderekoflane Member Posts: 75
    I have 4 mutant gems and one skill. Just spent two generics and a science + cosmic last month and that still wouldn’t be enough. Not to mention I spend items during item use event. I get the whole aspect of having these offers for endgame players, but I think it is kind of a let down for those who are struggling to awaken six stars. I am not too upset at this. I honestly kinda chuckled when I saw the store. I just hope in the coming months that we get more opportunities to awaken six stars, because this is next to impossible/impracticable for any cavalier players.
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  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021
    Jaymix79 said:

    I will miss getting the 6* crystal due to RNG.
    I traded in all the 4* to purchase the 5 5* crystals. Due to RNG I now have a couple of 5* class at 2 each. I needed 3 to make my final 5th generic gem.

    Same story here. At least I got a bunch of 5* AGs for future champs. Yay.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Jaymix79 said:

    I will miss getting the 6* crystal due to RNG.
    I traded in all the 4* to purchase the 5 5* crystals. Due to RNG I now have a couple of 5* class at 2 each. I needed 3 to make my final 5th generic gem.

    Same story here. At least I got a bunch of 5* AGs for future champs. Yay.
    Better to hoard them in case they bring this offer back. Only time I’m using them is if they’re in overflow
  • AldacAldac Member Posts: 478 ★★★
    Yeah I think there will be quite a lot of people in the same situation. I guess we got the Grinch instead of Santa.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I had 3 generic 5* gems. Was able to get two more trading. Pulled a 6* skill gem. Probably going to use it on Nick. It was well worth it.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,140 ★★★★★

    Y'all will really complain about anything won't you

    Now I regret using my lower class AGs to awaken various four and five stars so I wouldn’t have them in my inventory

    @StevieManWonder This brings up a good point.

    I will try to be objective so that I don’t get backlash from the first person I copied for “complaining”.

    I have 2 points to make. One is positive, one is constructive criticism

    1) Even with how many 5* generics you need to get the 6* AG, at least we have the the chance to get the 6* gem, given how hard these are to obtain in the current state of the game. Plus if it turns out to be of a class thats not what you want, you can “reroll” it for a chance at another class. So thanks Kabam.

    2) With that said, and I want to emphasize this next point. Somewhere during my career of playing this game, I read that it was advised against hoarding in the game due to it being unhealthy. However, this event is actually promoting the opposite of this, as now , I’m certain players will be more inclined to hoard , so as not to miss out on events like this in the future.

    Because of point 2, it may make more sense to have the trades be slightly changed in the future, such as having it be 3 generics instead of 5 , for instance.

  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Adamb208 said:

    Scanning through this thread it seems like the majority “trading” in a 6* class gem are just getting the same gem back. This can’t be the way it is intended to work. I pulled a mystic 6* gem from the 5* AG trade. Tried to trade it for a chance at mutant and got the mystic gem back, Another guy in the alliance did the same with tech.

    Well obviously, no one who pulls the AG they want is going to come and post on the forum in this thread lol... In my alliance, 26 people opened the AG and only 2 people rerolled and pulled the same one back. For myself I got a tech and rerolled into Cosmic.
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  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,581 ★★★★★
    thepiggy said:

    @DNA3000 Any chance we get another shot at a 6* gem crystal if we pulled the same class we put in? They will remove the gem we got of course so no double dipping.

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  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★★
    I'm a TB level player, and have accumulated the 5 5" generic awakening gem throughout the years or months. I haven't had the need to use them at all because i have had abundance of the class awakening gem. I have tons of 5" unduped champs but i haven't use neither generic or class gem on them because i know its all about 6" nowadays.

    Great Job Kabam! and great initiative. wasn't expecting that at all.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    thepiggy said:

    @DNA3000 Any chance we get another shot at a 6* gem crystal if we pulled the same class we put in? They will remove the gem we got of course so no double dipping.

    It would be nice if that were the case, but I doubt it personally.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★

    I have 4 mutant gems and one skill. Just spent two generics and a science + cosmic last month and that still wouldn’t be enough. Not to mention I spend items during item use event. I get the whole aspect of having these offers for endgame players, but I think it is kind of a let down for those who are struggling to awaken six stars. I am not too upset at this. I honestly kinda chuckled when I saw the store. I just hope in the coming months that we get more opportunities to awaken six stars, because this is next to impossible/impracticable for any cavalier players.

    Kabam wanted people to use items they’ve been hoarding especially the lower tier items and they won, I’ve traded most of my 3 & 4 star items for 5 stars. I still have a bunch crystals, t3cc, 3 & 4 star sig stones. Now the trade from 5 to 6 especially AG is pretty steep and somehow locked to RNG as well. They knew what they were doing I don’t think it was an oversight or not thought out well. They don’t plan on giving 6star AG like that. 5 generic AG for a 6 is pretty steep, given 5stars can still be used in almost all contents in the game. What surprises me the most is trade your 6star class AG for a chance at that same AG smh 🙄
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  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    There was no way possible Kabam was going to implement a mixed class or denomination trade system so we were going to need multiples of single items. I was hoping I'd be good with the 3 5 star generic AGs I already had, but Kabam doesn't want to play nice. Annoying to need 5 because RNGsus blursed me with a mix that only allowed me to get 1 more.

    They'll announce they're throwing an anniversary party and get us all hyped up leading up to the event, but you get there and it's BYOB and catered by "hope you brought change to get something out of the vending machine in the lobby".
  • Daniel86Daniel86 Member Posts: 3
    @Kabam Miike
    Do you think its a trade if i traded a science 6 star awakening gem to get something else, but i was l Landed on a Scienceee! You guys you should have taken it out of it What you wanted to replace.
    Or at least change to reroll the awakening gem option. Its NOT A TRADE if you got the same man.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Nothing much for me to trade in except for health pots and revives
  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 ★★★★
    Im just curious to see if they’ll respond as to how they came to determine the value for a lot of these things, and some others decisions made as well
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    A lot of great/useful things in the store. So, it's pretty cool. And I really am grateful for the parts I am able to partake in, truly. But unfortunately, for many players the excitement quickly became a source of disappointment. What was supposed to be part of a celebration/"thank you for playing the game" instead became a feeling of being excluded.

    Not excluded because a 6 star AG is unbalanced for your account to receive. I actually understand and support things like this being balanced around progression titles. But, progression level wasn't the only factor for being excluded. Many end game players such as myself were excluded simply because we didn't fall into one or both of two categories. Extreme hoarding or extreme spending.

    As for hoarding, I do save certain crystals, but it's strategic. It's to create an "iso bank" I can turn to when I need to produce the sizeable amount of iso required to level 6 stars. I also hoard crystals that have a greater t2a drop rate as compared to t5b. As folks are all aware of the ratio imbalance atm. "Oh, I can't open these... too much t2a in overflow as is.." These are examples of strategy based saving. Basically, our response to the dynamics created by the way the resources are being tuned in the game right now. It's a response to the policies that have been put into place by those in control of the game economy. No t2a trade was to be found in the store btw. And the Glory Store t5b values continue to be grossly outdated. Especially for TB. With no update to go along with the new AQ season.

    Want to reduce hoarding in the game? Take a look at why folks are hoarding to begin with. If something is totally unbalanced in the resource economy, fix it. Remove the reason they feel the need to hoard. Why is t4-t5b so out of balance with t2a? Why does duplicating a 5 and 6 star award the same tier/amount of iso as a 4 star? When they take markedly more to level them. Why are t5b values 1-2 years behind in the Glory Store? As players, we don't know why these decisions are made. All we can do is react to them by how we manage our resources.

    The same applies to the Quake/Ghost issue. It's actually the content that the devs designed and released (think pre-nerf act 6 for example) that made them so popular during this time. We didn't create the dynamic, we just responded to it. Players learned to adapt and overcome with what was at our disposal. We learned to use these champs in a way that was likely not intended (at least to the extent that was ultimately discovered). While I feel this concept ties in, I don't want to stray off topic.

    I don't hoard when it doesn't feel necessary. And it's exactly my position as an end game player that made me believe that it was pretty darn inconsequential whatever I chose to do with my 5 star AGs at this stage of progression. There was never any indication given that it would ever matter. I, like many others just started to use them on whomever. Just to use them. I can't understand how this disappointment among the players was either unforeseen or deemed unimportant. That people would feel excluded or even punished. For not engaging in extreme hoarding or spending. Or basically feel blindsided by this.

    As for how extreme spending plays into it. Basically, if one opens an extreme number of Cavs, their 5 stars eventually all reach high or max sig. Which both awards AGs from max sig crystals and makes it so you couldn't use them even if you wanted to. Because, as we said, they hardly have any 5 star that aren't max sig, let alone unawakened. They are simply left with a stack of AGs by default.

    Again, on the whole, the event has been really great. Sincerely. And I am really enjoying it. I just hate to see a lot of folks walking away with that feeling of exclusion from something simply because no one could predict the criteria that would lead to obtaining or not obtaining one of the most valuable resources in the game.

    Oh, and the sig stone trades. Strongly recommend against doing the 5 class for 1 generic 6 star stone trade. You'll really slow your long term progress down if you do. It frankly reminds me of champ selling tbh.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,322 ★★★★★
    Traded six 4-Star generics for two 5-Star awakening gem crystals and pop two Mutant class (the only class I don't have one).

    Very satisfied ☺️.
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  • Skywalker3221Skywalker3221 Member Posts: 156 ★★
    To tell us NOT to hoard crystals year after year, and then to introduce a store that benefits anyone who is a massive hoarder is an absolute joke.
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