6* AG is unfair.



  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 511 ★★★

    Shepard69 said:

    The silence from Kabam is deafening. How sad that both the big celebratory events that should be mostly pro-players and forming stronger ties between Kabam and their customers - turn out to be these very disappointing happenings solely due to the fault of Kabam. Whoever greenlit the trade-in story, especially the 6star AG crystals - how did u think this was a good idea? FIVE generics. The literal cap you can hold. I don't even lmao I'm so done.

    The amount of you that keep bringing up an inventory cap for 5* AGs is hilarious. There isn't one. It's not something that's affected you ever so stop pretending like it had anything to do with your situation 😂
    The CAP itsealf is not the point hes making. Other awakens have 5 i think so he tried to demonstrate
    how ALOOOT is 5 generic ags to have. Ofcource nobody had 5 generics ready. And to add on top that to get the extra 2-3 generics you must have had an INSAAAAAAANE luck on colour rng wich in total makes this a bs exchange.
    Plenty of people had 5 generics ready. I did 0 trading to get the 6* gem initially, then traded some 5* gems and have 3 generics again.
    Agree - had 5 to start and also traded for 2 more. Not an end game player but have been playing since start.
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★

    Jaded said:

    Just sell us a generic or two for $5.

    I don’t mind this, that will solve the problem for many people, but still I think the best solution is to reduce a number of class Ag needed for a generic one, 2->1 will solve the Pb for the majority of people who suffered from bad rng, and the people who already did the trade 3->1 would at max loose max 2 class Ag(and it doesn’t matter, since they don’t care about 5* and 5* Ag either way)
    As much as i would like discount (who doesnt) its too late for that. As well as its too late to help people who got same class out of 6* trade. All because ANY EFFECT on people who did trades prevously will OUTRAGE them and kabam has enough of that already (for you 2 5* can be nothing but someone may cry if they see they paied 2 ags more).

    BUT FOR THE LOVE OF .... help people who have NEARLY enough generics and rainbow colours. That will NOT affect anyone who got the gem already. It will NOT ruin game economy and lower the value of 6* gem. It will just make unfortunate half (should i say 90%?) of the community who got screwed by rng HAPPY! No harm just happynes... why not give us a little boost of joy for upcoming holidays? We dont ask to GIFT US 100000 units right? We dont even ask for discount (i feel you man but it will be wrong towards people who did exchange). We just ask to REDUCE THE RNG when we have more than enough resources to qualify for exchange...
    If they could do this it will be great too, but I think it require some work for developers(new screen...) so we might not see this solution.

    I proposed 2->1 because most of people defending this according to their talk don’t care about 5* and 5* Ag, and accused us who use Ag on 5* that we are not worth to take this offer, personally i don’t care about 2 or 3 class Ag, I have almost all my 5* champ already awakened, and I never rank up 5*, my mistake was using some Ag on new champ for fun or to test them out.
    I feel you man. I had 4 mythics 3 techs and 0 of others. I was so pissed at my rng (turns out that was the best rng :D ) that i slapped many of them to random rank2-rank3 champs. Cause even if new mythic tech champs came out i had them covered with enough ags.

    I ALSO dont care about 5* ags. And even if i got the deal and saw other people get discount AFTER my spending i would HONESTLY be just happy for them cause as i said i wouldnt care if i pay 10 or 15 useless items. They USELESS period... but still man there will be TONS of people outraged. And they will demand compensations and kabam will basically be PUNISHED for an ACT OF KINDNESS.
    On the other hand we offer an amazing solution wich could be implemented many ways (just add exchange of normal 5* gem to crystals like 6* but with unlimited tries) for tb players only for cavs not to abuse it. Thats just off the top. Devs are smarter lfcource. In couple hours they can come up with much better solutions without need to create a new MIX BUTTON. And the most important factor is that this solution will not ANGRY ANYONE who already exchanged. Perfect balance... fingers crossed we will be heard...
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    The 6* AG should have been gated for TB only,

    Jaded said:

    Just sell us a generic or two for $5.

    I don’t mind this, that will solve the problem for many people, but still I think the best solution is to reduce a number of class Ag needed for a generic one, 2->1 will solve the Pb for the majority of people who suffered from bad rng, and the people who already did the trade 3->1 would at max loose max 2 class Ag(and it doesn’t matter, since they don’t care about 5* and 5* Ag either way)
    Rofl for 5 bucks?.. making the total price value of a 6* AG 25 dollars?...
    🤣🤣🤣 Are u guys kidding? The only other way to get a similar price is doing the abyss for which a lot of ppl farm a stack of revives and save around 2-4k units 🤣🤣🤣 now you guys are being ridiculous
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Elwind said:

    11k view and 315 comment but still no response from mods wow...That's sad
    Come on mods.Its 7th anniversary and you don't care about your players.

    What do u exactly want from the mods?..
    Their response will be
    "Thank you for the feedback we will pass it to the team and improve in the future".. if the trade store opens next year, the value of the 6* AG will have dropped similar to the 5* AG
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Elwind said:

    11k view and 315 comment but still no response from mods wow...That's sad.
    Come on mods.Its 7th anniversary and you don't care about your players...

    I don't think they have posted anything today.
  • TheOneYH_01TheOneYH_01 Member Posts: 21
    Coppin said:

    The 6* AG should have been gated for TB only,

    Jaded said:

    Just sell us a generic or two for $5.

    I don’t mind this, that will solve the problem for many people, but still I think the best solution is to reduce a number of class Ag needed for a generic one, 2->1 will solve the Pb for the majority of people who suffered from bad rng, and the people who already did the trade 3->1 would at max loose max 2 class Ag(and it doesn’t matter, since they don’t care about 5* and 5* Ag either way)
    Rofl for 5 bucks?.. making the total price value of a 6* AG 25 dollars?...
    🤣🤣🤣 Are u guys kidding? The only other way to get a similar price is doing the abyss for which a lot of ppl farm a stack of revives and save around 2-4k units 🤣🤣🤣 now you guys are being ridiculous
    Coppin said:

    The 6* AG should have been gated for TB only,

    Jaded said:

    Just sell us a generic or two for $5.

    I don’t mind this, that will solve the problem for many people, but still I think the best solution is to reduce a number of class Ag needed for a generic one, 2->1 will solve the Pb for the majority of people who suffered from bad rng, and the people who already did the trade 3->1 would at max loose max 2 class Ag(and it doesn’t matter, since they don’t care about 5* and 5* Ag either way)
    And you think we are not TB? I am thronebreaker with almost all contents already done, and have 27 r3 6* champ.

    Yeah I don’t think they will do this offer, but they can gift us a generic Ag as they did yesterday with those useless ISO.

  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★

    If you're still using AGs on 5* champs then you're not who this offer is for.

    Disagree on this. Endgamers can still use gems on 5* to test out champs and see if they are worth R3 or just to play with a fun champ. Doesn't mean that the offer isn't for them.
    It's not for people who have a lot of content still remaining where you can still get 5* gems. Or for whom 5* still make a lot of difference. But otherwise, the deal could have been made much better with just a couple changes.
    With the amount of AGs given out over the years, actual endgamers should easily have enough gems to get the 6* gem. I've awakened; Ust Colossuas, Platpool, Goldpool, LOLTron, Kang, Thanos, SW, Thor and BW. Even with using 9 gems on trophy champs I had 4 generic gems and enough to trade in and get 5 more.
    I know actual endgamers who would completely disagree with you. These are guys who have done every single thing in the game btw.
    I just don't see how it's possible unless they're blowing their gems cause they're bored or just to do it. Even BG, who still uses and ranks 5* champs was able to get it and he's f2p.
  • baskinrobbinsknowsbaskinrobbinsknows Member Posts: 284 ★★★
    The funny thing is, they won't do anything about it unfortunately. I would be happy to be wrong, but this event will be gone in a few days and we will remember this as just another thing Kabam did to upset the community this year. It was nice in theory, but as usual, there lack of understanding the communities wants/needs shows.
  • This content has been removed.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    If you're still using AGs on 5* champs then you're not who this offer is for.

    Disagree on this. Endgamers can still use gems on 5* to test out champs and see if they are worth R3 or just to play with a fun champ. Doesn't mean that the offer isn't for them.
    It's not for people who have a lot of content still remaining where you can still get 5* gems. Or for whom 5* still make a lot of difference. But otherwise, the deal could have been made much better with just a couple changes.
    With the amount of AGs given out over the years, actual endgamers should easily have enough gems to get the 6* gem. I've awakened; Ust Colossuas, Platpool, Goldpool, LOLTron, Kang, Thanos, SW, Thor and BW. Even with using 9 gems on trophy champs I had 4 generic gems and enough to trade in and get 5 more.
    I know actual endgamers who would completely disagree with you. These are guys who have done every single thing in the game btw.
    I just don't see how it's possible unless they're blowing their gems cause they're bored or just to do it. Even BG, who still uses and ranks 5* champs was able to get it and he's f2p.
    Because it depends on crystal RNG. I use a few 5* gems, but not as if they're going out of fashion. Recently I've used 5* gems on Kitty Pryde and Mr Negative, and that's it. Even with those two gems back, my 5* awakening gem crystals from the trade in store fell in such a way that I'm stuck with 1 of a few different classes.

    I just don't agree that for two people on 4 generics it should hinge on RNG, that one player could open 3 5* gems and get the same class and therefore the 6* gem, but the second could open 12, get 2 of each class and then be unable to get the 6* gem.

    I get that RNG is a part of the game, but making the rarest resource in the game RNG has been, and always will be a very avoidable evil that Kabam doesn't need to add into the game. I'm very aware they can and will do it, but I very much disagree with the idea behind it. If you think it's fine, then by all means, I doubt we will agree on it and we can agree to disagree. But it's not because people blow through their gems, RNG can be cruel in situations like this. And there's a very easy fix.
    Your problem then is not RNG or luck or whatever u wanna call it.. your problem is the price. U said it yourself u used 2.. and got 1 or maybe 2 of other classes...
    It sucks, and you probably would take this as an attack, but then this trade in event wasnt for you.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    It's inevitable that people will be upset. Whoever can't get the Gem is undoubtedly going to be upset. There's no getting around it. Also, there are a few days left on it. I have my doubts anything will change.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    If you're still using AGs on 5* champs then you're not who this offer is for.

    Disagree on this. Endgamers can still use gems on 5* to test out champs and see if they are worth R3 or just to play with a fun champ. Doesn't mean that the offer isn't for them.
    It's not for people who have a lot of content still remaining where you can still get 5* gems. Or for whom 5* still make a lot of difference. But otherwise, the deal could have been made much better with just a couple changes.
    With the amount of AGs given out over the years, actual endgamers should easily have enough gems to get the 6* gem. I've awakened; Ust Colossuas, Platpool, Goldpool, LOLTron, Kang, Thanos, SW, Thor and BW. Even with using 9 gems on trophy champs I had 4 generic gems and enough to trade in and get 5 more.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    If you're still using AGs on 5* champs then you're not who this offer is for.

    Disagree on this. Endgamers can still use gems on 5* to test out champs and see if they are worth R3 or just to play with a fun champ. Doesn't mean that the offer isn't for them.
    It's not for people who have a lot of content still remaining where you can still get 5* gems. Or for whom 5* still make a lot of difference. But otherwise, the deal could have been made much better with just a couple changes.
    With the amount of AGs given out over the years, actual endgamers should easily have enough gems to get the 6* gem. I've awakened; Ust Colossuas, Platpool, Goldpool, LOLTron, Kang, Thanos, SW, Thor and BW. Even with using 9 gems on trophy champs I had 4 generic gems and enough to trade in and get 5 more.
    I know actual endgamers who would completely disagree with you. These are guys who have done every single thing in the game btw.
    I just don't see how it's possible unless they're blowing their gems cause they're bored or just to do it. Even BG, who still uses and ranks 5* champs was able to get it and he's f2p.
    Because it depends on crystal RNG. I use a few 5* gems, but not as if they're going out of fashion. Recently I've used 5* gems on Kitty Pryde and Mr Negative, and that's it. Even with those two gems back, my 5* awakening gem crystals from the trade in store fell in such a way that I'm stuck with 1 of a few different classes.

    I just don't agree that for two people on 4 generics it should hinge on RNG, that one player could open 3 5* gems and get the same class and therefore the 6* gem, but the second could open 12, get 2 of each class and then be unable to get the 6* gem.

    I get that RNG is a part of the game, but making the rarest resource in the game RNG has been, and always will be a very avoidable evil that Kabam doesn't need to add into the game. I'm very aware they can and will do it, but I very much disagree with the idea behind it. If you think it's fine, then by all means, I doubt we will agree on it and we can agree to disagree. But it's not because people blow through their gems, RNG can be cruel in situations like this. And there's a very easy fix.
    Your problem then is not RNG or luck or whatever u wanna call it.. your problem is the price. U said it yourself u used 2.. and got 1 or maybe 2 of other classes...
    It sucks, and you probably would take this as an attack, but then this trade in event wasnt for you.
    If this event isn’t for me, with 100% of the game complete, high tier AW, AQ map 7x5 epic mods and 23 R3 6*s, then it’s hard to imagine who it is for.
    Not for spenders either .
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    If you're still using AGs on 5* champs then you're not who this offer is for.

    Disagree on this. Endgamers can still use gems on 5* to test out champs and see if they are worth R3 or just to play with a fun champ. Doesn't mean that the offer isn't for them.
    It's not for people who have a lot of content still remaining where you can still get 5* gems. Or for whom 5* still make a lot of difference. But otherwise, the deal could have been made much better with just a couple changes.
    With the amount of AGs given out over the years, actual endgamers should easily have enough gems to get the 6* gem. I've awakened; Ust Colossuas, Platpool, Goldpool, LOLTron, Kang, Thanos, SW, Thor and BW. Even with using 9 gems on trophy champs I had 4 generic gems and enough to trade in and get 5 more.
    No, RNG has nothing to do with it.

    It's people who have no use for 5* AGs so they have a bunch vs people who either need them or blew them on useless champs. Neith of those groups deserves the rules bent for them.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    It's inevitable that people will be upset. Whoever can't get the Gem is undoubtedly going to be upset. There's no getting around it. Also, there are a few days left on it. I have my doubts anything will change.

    I hope they change it ; so you can have an opportunity to get a 6* AG.
    To be clear, I hope everyone gets what they want. I'm coming from a place of logic, not ill-will.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    Well, maybe not everyone getting what they want. That would be incredibly dangerous. Lol. Just that I'm not invested in keeping things from people.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    If you're still using AGs on 5* champs then you're not who this offer is for.

    Disagree on this. Endgamers can still use gems on 5* to test out champs and see if they are worth R3 or just to play with a fun champ. Doesn't mean that the offer isn't for them.
    It's not for people who have a lot of content still remaining where you can still get 5* gems. Or for whom 5* still make a lot of difference. But otherwise, the deal could have been made much better with just a couple changes.
    With the amount of AGs given out over the years, actual endgamers should easily have enough gems to get the 6* gem. I've awakened; Ust Colossuas, Platpool, Goldpool, LOLTron, Kang, Thanos, SW, Thor and BW. Even with using 9 gems on trophy champs I had 4 generic gems and enough to trade in and get 5 more.
    No, RNG has nothing to do with it.

    It's people who have no use for 5* AGs so they have a bunch vs people who either need them or blew them on useless champs. Neith of those groups deserves the rules bent for them.

    That doesn't even make sense. Plenty of people have AGS to trade. . The store you can only grab up to 5. So if you didn't get RNG you couldn't form one. Game over.

    5* gems. If you don't have enough you either aren't far enough along or were too careless with your resources.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    If you're still using AGs on 5* champs then you're not who this offer is for.

    Disagree on this. Endgamers can still use gems on 5* to test out champs and see if they are worth R3 or just to play with a fun champ. Doesn't mean that the offer isn't for them.
    It's not for people who have a lot of content still remaining where you can still get 5* gems. Or for whom 5* still make a lot of difference. But otherwise, the deal could have been made much better with just a couple changes.
    With the amount of AGs given out over the years, actual endgamers should easily have enough gems to get the 6* gem. I've awakened; Ust Colossuas, Platpool, Goldpool, LOLTron, Kang, Thanos, SW, Thor and BW. Even with using 9 gems on trophy champs I had 4 generic gems and enough to trade in and get 5 more.
    No, RNG has nothing to do with it.

    It's people who have no use for 5* AGs so they have a bunch vs people who either need them or blew them on useless champs. Neith of those groups deserves the rules bent for them.

    That doesn't even make sense. Plenty of people have AGS to trade. . The store you can only grab up to 5. So if you didn't get RNG you couldn't form one. Game over.

    5* gems. If you don't have enough you either aren't far enough along or were too careless with your resources.
    If they made the catalyst a even trade in I would have enough as I had over 15 gems. That's not careless at all. When it comes to the AG requirements I have enough currency , just not of the right type.
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